User talk:Saphir

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Pokémon Adventures Vietnamese names

I noticed that you added a bunch of missing Vietnamese names for Pokémon Adventures characters. I am guessing you have the volumes? If you do I was wondering if you could add the round titles to the pages (I know the titles for some of them from images)? Also could you add the names for like Pryce's Lapras, Whitney's Pokémon, and many others? Lady Ariel 19:49, 27 August 2016 (UTC)Reply

Ah yes. I have these volumes in Vietnamese. I really can't promise if I can do it regularly since it is "Back to school" time. But I'm happy to help and I will try my best to add things. Saphir (talk) 00:47, 29 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
Okay that would be appreciated. However, if you don't have time due to school if you want to create a list in Google Docs, or something similar, of the names I could help add them for you (since there is a ton of pages, which includes characters, locations, round titles, the alternate titles if they translated those which should be at the end of the last volume of the chapter, and a few other miscellaneous pages.). However, I can tell you that I personally know the names of the rounds for volumes 1 through 8, in addition to 11 and 13 (I found some preview images of some of the volumes from a book store).
Also please keep conversations on one talk page, as per the Talk page policy. Thanks. Lady Ariel 00:59, 29 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
Sure, when I need help I will contact you. And thanks for telling me about the policy. Saphir (talk) 01:15, 29 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
Okay sounds good. Also just a little note to you, since I think it is a pretty obscure page, the song Boy and his Lapras would need the Vietnamese translation too (not lyrics though, just the title). Lady Ariel 01:19, 29 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
Oh and I forgot to mention that I have added the names section, along with the tables, for all of Green's Pokémon (I noticed you skipped all but Blasty). Lady Ariel 01:49, 29 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
So about the song, only its Vietnamese title needs to be added, right? I put it in. Well, about the other Pokémon of hers, I could not find them so I just move to the other articles to add content. Thank you very much. Saphir (talk) 01:56, 29 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yes only the Vietnamese title needs to be added for the song (I don't think we want lyrics in every language for it, but I could be mistaken so you might want to ask Zesty Cactus about that for sure). I will also hopefully get around to adding the tables for the other Gym Leader's who have nicknamed Pokémon over the next few days. Lady Ariel 02:49, 29 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
By the way, do you know who should I contact to get article unlocked? I want to add the name in Vietnamese to Lavender Town but the article is locked. Saphir (talk) 02:58, 29 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
You can contact any Staff member that is an Administrator or higher to unlock the page, but it would be best to see which ones are active on the Recent changes first (they have Poké Ball icons next to their username). However, I can edit the page since it is protected so only users who are autoconfirmed can edit it (there was some trivia that kept getting added a while back which is why it is protected, not sure though if the protection is still required though). If you would like I could add the name for you until the page is unlocked or you become autoconfirmed.
Also a little side note, but the Spoons of Destiny will also need the Vietnamese name. Lady Ariel 15:37, 29 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
Ah, so it is why... About the articles, I planned to put the Vietnamese names there from volume to volume instead of digging random ones (it is exhausting for me to do that way), so no worries haha. Since there is no list about which articles that are missing Vietnamese names and the information on the Project Manga's to do list does not do much help, I guess this is the only way. Saphir (talk) 05:11, 31 August 2016 (UTC)Reply

(resetting indent) Yeah there isn't really an easier than going from volume to volume, since there isn't anyway to generate a single list (I might make a list in my userspace in a couple of days since that will probably be easier to navigate). However, did you want me to add the name for Lavender Town or did you want to wait to add it?

Also I noticed that you changed the translation of Diglett's Cave from "Lỗ Digda" to "Hang Diguda". Was "Lỗ Digda" an error on your part or was it actually used in the manga? If both of those were used in the manga, then both names should be listed and formatted like this: {{tt|Lỗ Digda|PS???}}<br>{{tt|Hang Diguda|PS???}}. This would also apply to everything else that has a couple different translations.

Also I know that you skipped the name for Red's Diglett, and I added the table for it the other day (should be in volume 2). I have also added the tables for Misty's Staryu, Brock's Geodude, Whitney's Miltank, Erika's Tangla, and Misty's other Pokémon. Of those that I listed, I think Misty's Staryu and Erika's Tangela should be in volumes 1 and 2, respectively, and the others I think are in latter volumes. Lady Ariel 17:23, 31 August 2016 (UTC)Reply

Ah, forgot about that, sure, its Vientnamese name is called Thị trấn Shion. It is not my mistake, and they are not used both in the manga, either. Lỗ Digda was used on the first volume, but after that volume, people complained about the quality of the translation and such, so there was a delay to reboot, re-translate and such, then the reboot of volume 1 and the second volume came out respectively. So after that "reboot", it became Hang Diguda. I just updated things to match the latest translation. Since the originally first volume is considered as having "bad translation" by many people (lead to the reboot) so well... I do not think I should keep the "bad-translated" name.
I did not skip Red's Diglett. I found nothing in the volume so I decided not to add. In there, he just called it "Digda", which is it Japanese/transliteration-from-Japanese name. Red did not name his Krabby in Vietnamese translation, either. The Vietnamese volumes are translated according to the original Japanese ones, so there are some parts that might not be available in comparison to the English ones. The other Pokémons of Misty are named (from what I've seen so far) are Chinchou and Lantern. As I have not yet reached GSC arc in my edit, at the moment I do not touch these. Thank you for adding the tables. Saphir (talk) 00:35, 1 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Okay I have added the Vietnamese name for Lavender Town. I also agree that the translations from Volume 1 should probably be ignored then, since they are bad translations. As for Volume 1 is there three different versions of it then (the original Vietnamese translation from 2003, the "bad translation" version, and the "reboot version") and does each have a different ISBN? As for Red's Krabby, maybe it only has a nickname under Misty's care? Also I will add the table to Whitney for the names of her Pokémon in the next day or so (and since you aren't to the GSC arc yet that shouldn't be problem yet).
Also when you add the Vietnamese names to the round pages, such as PS052, please add the English translation to it (like this: {{tt|VS Gangar|VS Gengar}}) unless its name is the same in both Vietnamese and English (like PS001). Lady Ariel 20:19, 1 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
No, that's not it. The first volume of the second edition has 2 versions; the original, first-launched version was considered of having "bad translation"; the second version, with the update were published a few months later. I doubt if they have different ISBN. The original edition from 2003 and the second edition (no matter first or second version of) from 2015 surely have different ISBN. The first volume of mine was the original version of the second edition so I will leave Red's Krabby and Diglett to someone who has the re-edited version. Red's Krabby (which should be Misty's now) might has a nickname but I do not think I'll meet it until GSC arc, if I'm not wrong. And thanks for the note. I will remember that. Saphir (talk) 02:40, 2 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yeah that makes sense about the different editions. Also did the Vietnamese version of Volume 4 have a name for Celadon University and the Super Nerd? Also could see if you can find the Vietnamese names for the different types (there is only a few missing I think, but a couple we have could be incorrect)? Lady Ariel 20:20, 2 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
There are ones for them, but the Super Nerd is called by his trainer class, also (I'm surprised that I found his real name here). Okay, I will check the types. - unsigned comment from Saphir (talkcontribs)
Yeah I meant the name for the Trainer Class and not his actual name (not sure where we got that from, as I haven't found any mention of it yet). Also are the Vietnamese names for wild Pokémon, Agatha, and the Kanto Power Plant in Volume 4 (if not I am sure some of them will be in later volumes)? Also do you know the name for the Pokémon Mansion (Volume 2 I think)? Also a side note here, but can you also look for the names of the different stats (they will scattered most likely across multiple volumes so it might be easier to add them as you find them)? Also Psychic-type is the one I am not completely sure is correct.
Also this weekend I might be able to make a list of sorts to help keep track of what to look for (it will probably be easier and then I can add them as I think of others that aren't so obvious). Lady Ariel 01:05, 3 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
There are. While the name for wild Pokémon and Agatha have no problem, the name for the Kanto Power Plant has the meaning "Abandoned Power Plant" in Vietnamese, and no "Kanto" in that name so I am quite doubted. I checked the Psychic type and the name put there was correct. I have to say that I have never played Pokémon ever before (even though I always wish I had chance to play -- well, maybe I will manage to be able to play) so I do not really have any knowledge about the stats. I just can say that I will try, but can't promise for sure. Thanks a lot for the list then. I really appreciate it. Saphir (talk) 01:21, 3 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Even though the Vietnamese name translates to "Abandoned Power Plant" that is okay, since that is also what its Japanese name translates too (and also what it is called in the English manga; I think the "Kanto" part is from the English translation of the games specifically). Lady Ariel 02:20, 3 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Okay I have made a list, which can be found here. Obviously it isn't complete as a ton of moves aren't listed at the moment, and I didn't bother to list the rounds that need the Vietnamese titles since they should be pretty easy to figure out. The list should be pretty straight forward (I have also left some notes where to find some things and questions about others). If you have any questions please let me know. Lady Ariel 23:18, 4 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

(resetting indent) Hi. Sorry for this late response. I was preoccupied with school since it's my senior year and I need to pay quite a lot attention for 2 last terms. Thank you very much for the precise list. I think I have some spare time on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of this week and the later one so I will try my best to finish the listed ones (first), then the chapters later (hopefully)... I will surely ask you if I have any further question. Thank you very much for your concern. Saphir (talk) 01:23, 22 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

That sounds good. Also just want to note since my initial message I left you about the list, the list has been complete (with maybe a couple things I might have missed along the way) to the most recent volume released in Vietnam (which is volume 28). Articles that are in future volumes to be released are hidden on the page at the moment, and will be visible once the volume is released. Also feel free to edit the list in my userspace (if you can, not sure if you have become autoconfirmed yet or not, but you can tell if the "edit" button is at the top of the page) as you add pages and/or can't find them in the rounds I have specifically listed on there (or in the cases of some pages not existing, add them to the list for the time being). Just try to limit your edits to the userspace.
As for the rounds, I know the Vietnamese titles for all of the Yellow chapter and the rounds for the GSC chapter in Volume 11 and Volume 13 (thanks to images from a bookstore chain's website), and the rounds for Volume 8 are already listed on here. I would be happy to add the other round titles for you for the GSC chapter (it wouldn't be too hard for me to do since you wouldn't even have to type them, just a picture of the table of contents). As for everything starting with the Ruby & Sapphire chapter, I am not sure if they have the alternate titles or not for them (they would be located at end of the last volume in the chapter, so for example the RS chapter would have alternate titles at the end of Volume 22). Lady Ariel 18:06, 22 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Sounds good to me. I am happy to have your help ;). Well, one question, what is the "Leaders" language section that appears on Tarte and Liza's article is about? I'm quite confused about it. Also, I cannot find the language box for Battle Tower and not really sure if I should create one so I just leave it that way. Saphir (talk) 11:39, 23 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
The "Leaders" language section is on Tate and Liza's page since they are the only characters that have that trainer class (I think it is only in the games). All characters with unique trainer classes have that section (Wallace is another example). As for the Battle Tower, the Battle Tower has a page separate from the Battle Frontier page (found here). Also I should probably note this for you too regarding the list, but the moves and Abilities are in order as they appear in the manga, with the top of the list starting at Volume 5 and then continuing onto Volume 6 and so on (there might be a couple moves that are out of order, but the vast majority are in order). Lady Ariel 17:47, 23 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
I see. I saw on the list you had listed the islands of Sevii Islands, and Deoxys (Adventures). Yet I cannot find the place where to add Vietnamese names for them. Do I have to create language box there? Saphir (talk) 12:04, 24 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yeah those pages don't have any other languages yet, so you will have to add the table for those pages (there is probably a few more pages like those that you will find too). If you need any help with those tables feel free to let me know. Also when I mean the names for like One Island I am referring to the name for Knot Island, and not a repeat of One Island (since those are on the town pages and there is no need to repeat them). Also I have a little request for you concerning the berries on the list (since they aren't in order and some are repeated in latter volumes these will make it easier). Instead of removing them from the list, strike them out (like this: <s>[[Pecha Berry]]</s>), which will make it easier to keep track of as the series progresses.
Also was the name originally listed for Amphy an error in PS155? If so it should be noted in the errors section on PS155. Lady Ariel 14:55, 24 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
I'm afraid I'll have to ask for your help creating those language boxes. I'm quite confused about the colors. Was there any typical or specific rules about colors for those boxes? Besides, is it weird to have a language box with just two rows? Also, should they be the one like on Joey's article or Earl Dervish's?
Yes, the name originally listed for Amphy was an error. I thought that people may want to put it as a note on Amphy's article instead? Saphir (talk) 11:28, 27 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Okay the colors for the language boxes typically use the colors of the infobox, which in the case of Pokémon is their type. In other cases you would have to see what color is used in the infobox to determine the color for the language table. Also there isn't a problem with having a language table with only one or two entries. As for the type that you use, it depends on the situation. So for example Earl Dervish has the one with the origin since his names have a meaning to them, whereas Joey's names are just random names given to him. Most locations, with the only exception I think being cities and towns, use the type on Joey's page.
I have set up One Island (seen here), the only thing you will have to do is remove the code hiding the table (these: <!-- and -->). That same type of table you would use on the other Sevii Islands, Mother, Ryu, and Deoxys (Adventures) (but replace "In other languages" with "Names", and place one table under each Deoxys). As for the Picnicker's Zigzagoon, that would use the same type of table as Brock's Geodude (or any nicknamed Pokémon) and it would be placed under the manga section on the page.
As for Amphy was it mistakenly called "Erika" in other rounds or was that the only time? If it was the only time then I would say it was most likely an error and shouldn't be noted on Amphy's page. However, if it was called that on multiple occasions then it should be noted on Amphy's page (with a note saying on which occasions it was called that). Also you put Pibu's name as Pichu. Was that a typo on your part or is it really only called Pichu (which wouldn't be surprising since it doesn't really have a name in most translations)? Also can you add the Vietnamese name for Guile Hideout when he is called "Armored Man"? Lady Ariel 18:38, 27 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for explaining things out. Since some articles do not have any infobox on them and the colors on the language boxes are varied, they make me quite confused. I would personally take Amphy's error on translation as minor to be honest, since there are so many of them in Vietnamese translation (the latest volume when Green/Blue (JP) mentioned she would love to meet the 2 other dex holders of Hoenn, it appears on the volume as Johto and people all know it's bad translation though. But well, okay, I will note this. Yes, I am absolutely sure that it is called "Pichu". You can ask randomly a Vietnamese person about "Pichu" (if they know about Pokemon, no matter the person has little knowledge or big fan), they can tell you the exact one, but asking them about "Pich" or "Pibu" is quite... Well, "chu" is the word for mouse (how the mice squeak) so it is not strange the translator kept them. About Guile's name as Armored man, I had already added it, but messed with a language template of a Chinese information above so the field was not visible. I fixed it already, thanks for telling me. Saphir (talk) 05:04, 28 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

(resetting indent)

If any of the Sevii Islands don't have a name mentioned you can remove them from the list (I am not sure if all of them were mentioned or not). Also when you added the name for the PokéNav is that the name for "PokéNav" or "Pokémon Navigator"? Translations for both names should be listed on the page (PokéNav is in PS207 for example). Also a little question for One Island, you put its name as "Hòn đảo nối kết những vận mệnh", but all the other islands start with "Đảo" so is "Hòn" a part of the name?

As for pages that don't have any infobox you just use whatever colors seem to be the most appropriate for that page (sometimes based on the primary type that person uses or the colors that are most prominent on them are just a few examples). For those many errors, they should be noted on the individual round pages in the errors section. Lady Ariel 18:34, 28 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

Alright then. Since only One and Three Islands are named, I'll erase the rest. The is no difference between Pokémon Navigator and PokéNav in Vietnamese transliteration. I checked both Ruby - Sapphire and Emerald versions and they all use the same name. I honestly do not know if it is a part of the name, though. I just put on the content in the bracelets " and ". Đảo Mẹ Con was actually in the bracelets... and so does the name I put on One Island... so... Also, I couldn't remember in which chapter Pacifidlog Town was mentioned. Do you mind listing them for me? Saphir (talk) 10:55, 30 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Pacifidlog Town is in PS240, which I think is its only appearance. Lady Ariel 20:19, 30 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
I was going through the list and I noticed a while back you removed the Rental Pokémon, but they don't have the Vietnamese name listed. So are they not mentioned in the Vietnamese version (that would be strange considering they are required for the Battle Factory) or did you accidentally remove it? Also I noticed you skipped over the Poké Doll (guessing it had to do with the tables not being listed there). Just wanted to let you know that the other languages tables have been added to the page.
Also I noticed that only Green's Abra is missing its name. Is that mentioned anywhere in the Vietnamese translation (not sure if you checked the end of PS180, since that lists their Pokémon and that might also work for Red's Diglett)? Lady Ariel 15:12, 2 October 2016 (UTC)Reply
My apologies. Looks like I accidentally removed the Rentai Pokémon. I actually planned to work on the articles with language tables first before moving and creating language tables for the others. I can't find the name for Green's Abra to be honest. I did check the chapter you listed several times before, but the Vietnamese version just only list the species of box members and not their names (the same thing happens to Red's Diglett). The only box member with both name and species revealed is Gold's Pibu.
I also want to ask you about the chapter in which Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald receive their titles. Are they in Ruby-Sapphire or Emerald arc? In that case, I'm afraid I can't find any since there is no information about those. Saphir (talk) 11:51, 8 October 2016 (UTC)Reply
Okay then I guess we can remove Green's Abra then. As for the titles for Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald I have no clue since I don't recall ever seeing them, but I would assume it would have to be in the Emerald chapter (since Emerald isn't in the RS chapter). Also just to let you know some pages that you have previously skipped, like Ryu and Evolution-inducing held item, have the other languages tables added. Lady Ariel 13:42, 8 October 2016 (UTC)Reply
I see. I will try to contact people whom I know about their titles... since they read the English version, they might know. And thanks for informing me ;). Saphir (talk) 13:51, 8 October 2016 (UTC)Reply
So I have contacted these people. They said that the titles for Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald (and even up to White) were in a comic guide (probably the MOOK, they did not mention which one specifically). Currently, minus the volumes, none of PokeSpe-related franchises are available in Vietnamese. So I will remove these from the list. Unless there are products that related to these, I won't be able to put the Vietnamese versions of these titles there. Unless you want me to fake them, which I am sure you absolutely do not want to. Saphir (talk) 00:31, 12 October 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yeah we don't want any made up names listed on here. Also I was wondering is there any specific reason why you skipped most of the Berries (like are most not named or is there trouble trying to find them or figure out which one is for a certain Berry)? Also I forgot to add to the list the HP Up, which is in PS015. Also just to let you know the last couple of updates I have made to the page included some additional pages, like Birthday, Gender, Item, and Pokémon training (the rounds where to find these are listed on the list of missing names). And one more thing, in the next update to the page (which will be saved later today) I will include the rounds where most of the Abilities are mentioned (mostly focusing on the ones that are listed in character descriptions). Lady Ariel 17:54, 12 October 2016 (UTC)Reply
I wasn't skipping any to be honest. Since the translations for the respective berries are harder to check than the moves, name, etc. (even all of them were translated by Shogakukan themselves, the Vietnamese translator just does her job translating the conversations in fact) I do have problem with putting on the translation on the language tables. Example: Emerald's Sudowoodo, whose gender is female. Vietnamese translation said that since it is so gentle, it must be a girl (they put the word "cô gái" there, which literally means girl). Obviously, "con gái" when translate from Vietnamese to English have 3 cases: girl (in general), daughter (family member) and female (gender). "Cô ấy là một cô gái" or "Cô ấy là con gái" both can be translated as "She is a girl" or "She is female", they both are equal in meaning. But saying "Giới tính của cô ấy là con gái" is wrong, it should be "Giới tính của cô ấy là nữ"; like you do not say "Her gender is girl" but "Her gender is female" instead. The same thing happens to "Gender", "Birthday" and some. I put both the meaning available for Birthday in Vietnamese translation, but since the ones on "Birthday" really do not have much difference, I do not think it is the problem. I actually am worried about the others. So I want to know about your opinion. What should I do with these? Saphir (talk) 12:26, 13 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

(resetting indent)

Okay that makes sense about why you skipped some pages at the time you did certain sections. What about the context for male and female in PS340 (it is when Rowan and Mr. Berlitz are discussing the differences between male and female Pokémon, which might be a better place to look for a more accurate translation)? As for the translation of Birthday, I think both of those should be okay (as long one doesn't refer to date of birth). I am guessing that is also why you haven't done the statistics yet? What are some other pages you are having trouble finding translations of? By the way everything, except the Antidote, that I have noted as might be listed on the exam in PS190 are one of the answers so those should be okay to use.

As for the Berries, in PS198 the Razz, Belue, and Wepear Berries aren't mentioned in conversation (they are pointed out by Ruby, who only says one or two words that aren't for the Berry, and each Berry has its own dialogue box). However, the Spelon Berry (PS198), Tamato Berry (PS199), Figy Berry (PS242), Magost Berry (PS318) are mentioned in longer conversations so they will need a little more looking into (I might be able to help you with some context from the Vietnamese version). As for the Oran Berry, PS185 might be the best location as Ruby only points out the Oran and Pecha Berries (and you already listed the name for Pecha, so the name that isn't used should be the name for Oran). Also the Pinap Berry should be the third answer to the first question on the exam in PS190 (not sure if the Bluk Berry is really mentioned on the exam since the original version lists the Sitrus Berry as the second answer instead; the only way to check if it is Sitrus would be to see if the name is also mentioned in PS200 or PS226). Also this is the order in the Japanese and Chuang Yi version for the Berries listed by Ruby in PS200 and by Sapphire in PS226: Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear, Leppa, Oran, Persim, Sitrus. That is also most likely the order in the Vietnamese version. I hope that helps you somewhat with the names for most of the Berries. Lady Ariel 18:48, 13 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

I have completed the Berries section (well, minus one since the translation does not match; Vietnamese and Japanese versions mentioned the Sitrus berry as the answer B during the Sapphire's exam/test, but English version put Bluk berry there. Guess I'll have to check for the name of Bluk berry in future volumes). For statistics, I can't find Hit Points to be honest. I did check the chapters you mentioned but couldn't see anything similar.
About the gender, yeah, the discussion of Mr. Berlitz and Rowan really said things out. But do the genders in the article available for Pokémon only or human also? If it is just for Pokémon then I think it is fine for now (the Unknown should be done when new volume out). And what do you mean by "one doesn't refer to date of birth"? (I'm sorry but I'm kinda confused.) Saphir (talk) 10:21, 15 October 2016 (UTC)Reply
I don't think the Bluk Berry is mentioned in any other volumes (that I am aware of anyway). Also is the Dive Ball really called "Bóng Drive" (seems like that might be a typo)? As for Hit Points maybe try checking PS039 (Red looks at the screen and says something about its HP; this will at least give you the abbreviation for it from the screen anyway)? In regards to Gender, I believe that page is only referring to Pokémon. And what I meant when I said that about birthday, I meant as long as one isn't used to refer to the date of birth for a character (such as when their date of birth is listed in the character summaries). Lady Ariel 18:37, 15 October 2016 (UTC)Reply
Oh, is that so? I saw there are some using times listed on Bluk Berry article so I thought I could use them? Well, yes, it is how it is mentioned (by the way, I do not know why there is a difference, but the summary of Pokéball of volume 14 you mentioned is actually on volume 13 of Vietnamese version). Probably it is a typo, though. I would love to recheck however I do not think there is another chapter to do so. If I see any correction I will let you know.
I saw you listed Berry Juice on the list, may I ask in which chapter it is mentioned/appears? As for Critical Hit, unfortunately there isn't any listed chapter so do you know where I can look for it? And another question. Just to save time actually, if in an article that does not yet have a language table, is it okay if I just put the Vietnamese name on the list beside them, like with the articles that have not yet been created? Saphir (talk) 06:04, 16 October 2016 (UTC)Reply
Actually after I posted that message on here about the Bluk Berry I noticed the translation you listed for the Belue Berry, which caused me to realize the name for the Belue Berry was actually the name for the Bluk Berry (it was an error in the Chuang Yi translation, they called the Bluk Berry the Belue Berry). As for Critical Hit, I have rounds listed but they haven't been released in Vietnamese yet (first one isn't until PS382, which is Volume 34). I put it on there because I wasn't sure if it was mentioned earlier or not. For the Berry Juice, I am not sure if it is ever named (so you will have to check to see if it makes sense), but it is most likely mentioned in PS199, PS248, PS262, or PS318 (I think PS318 is the most likely, you might have to remove "Magost" for the name of just Berry Juice though). Also was the abbreviation for Hit Points listed in PS039 (might be on the monitor)? And is the Old Gateau just called "Youkan" and not a translation of "Forest Yōkan"?
As for the articles that don't have the language tables add yet. That is fine that you list the Vietnamese names on the list for now (I can help add them as I get a chance). However just to let you know these pages have tables added: Ilex Forest shrine, Pokémon Fan Club Chairman, Day-Care Couple, Professor Oak's Laboratory, Pokémon academy (a table for Earl's Pokémon Academy isn't on there yet though), Kanto Pokémon Federation, Magma Leader, and Aqua Leader (there is a few others too, but they are in the Other section so I am guessing you haven't had a chance to look through all of those yet). Lady Ariel 15:23, 16 October 2016 (UTC)Reply
I see. So, um, I will have to look for Belue Berry's name in later volumes? About the Youkan, no. Diamond only mentioned that Pearl did not know how to eat Youkan in the Chateau. For the rest, I will be sure to check and put their names on once I have time. I have pretty busy time ahead. Saphir (talk) 05:22, 25 October 2016 (UTC)Reply


Where does the Vietnamese translation of "Sootopolitan" come from? As far as I know, that title was never mentioned in the PokeSpe manga. --Maxim (talk) 18:05, 23 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

Hi. Thanks for telling me. I have checked the Vietnamese translation with an online English scan and I had misinterpreted the "Sootopolitan" with "Guardian of the Awakening Shrine". I removed the wrong change I had made. Once again thanks for telling me about this. Saphir (talk) 10:45, 24 September 2016 (UTC)Reply