Sun (Adventures)

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サン Sun

Gender Male
Eye color Blue-gray
Hair color Dark blue
Hometown Unknown
Region Alola
Relatives Great-grandfather
Trainer class Trainer

Sun (Japanese: サン Sun) is a main character in the manga series Pokémon Adventures.


Sun is a Trainer that aims to collect 100 million yen for an unknown reason. To do so, he takes on various jobs in order to raise the money he needs. Due to his main line of work being delivery, Sun calls himself Sun the courier (Japanese: 運び屋サン).


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
File:Sun Ride Gear Adventures.png
Sun wearing his Ride Gear

Sun is first seen as a child talking to his great-grandfather over a video phone. Sun's great-grandfather attempts to show some Alolan Meowth off, but their selfish personalities lead to them ignoring him. The sight of the Alolan Meowth give Sun the desire to visit the Alola region one day.

In the present day, Sun takes on a part-time job of removing wild Pyukumuku from a beach. As he throws the Pyukumuku back into the ocean, one accidentally hits a girl in the face, covering her in its innards. When the girl demands compensation for her wet clothes, Sun attempts to try and get out of paying her and offers to make it up to her. They are interrupted by the two Team Skull Grunts that hired Sun for the job in the first place. The male Grunt gives Sun the money for the job, but proceeds to refuse to pay Sun when his Salandit notices a Pyukumuku that had not been removed.

The girl sees through this lie and points out that the female Grunt slipped the Pyukumuku onto the ground when no one was looking. The male Grunt silences the girl by having his Salandit hit her with its tail. The Grunt begins lying again by claiming that hitting the girl broke Salandit's tail, which means that Sun will now have to work to pay off its medical bills. Angered, Sun destroys the cast around his leg and sends out his Meowth to battle the Grunts. With Meowth's Pay Day, Sun defeats the Grunts and forces them to escape. Although annoyed that he can no longer work on the beach, Sun decides to make do with his promise to make up for the girl's wet clothes by drying them with the heat from his Litten, En. He then summons a Tauros with a Ride Pager to help the girl deliver her package to Professor Kukui.


On hand


This Alolan Meowth is Sun's first known Pokémon. It was first used to battle a pair of Team Skull Grunts after they threatened to dock the pay they promised Sun for his part-time job.

Meowth's only known move is Pay Day.


En (Japanese: エン En) is Sun's second known Pokémon. It was first used to help the girl Sun met by drying her wet clothes with the heat from its flames.

None of En's moves are known.


Sun's Tauros

Tauros is a Ride Pokémon that can be summoned at any time via the Ride Pager. Sun uses Tauros to help with deliveries.


Language Name Origin
Japanese サン Sun From Pokémon Sun

Sun's Pokémon


Language Name Origin
Japanese エン En From 円 en, (yen). Also a pun on 炎 en, (flame)

Pokémon Adventures main characters
RGBY/FRLG: RedBlueGreenYellow
GSC/HGSS: GoldSilverCrystal
RSE/ORAS: RubySapphireEmerald
DPPt: DiamondPearlPlatinum
BWB2W2: BlackWhiteBlakeWhitley
SWSH: HenryCasey
SV: VioletScarlet

This article is part of both Project Manga and Project CharacterDex, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Manga and CharacterDex, respectively.