Fire (type)

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Revision as of 19:06, 4 December 2016 by MaddoxTheMudkip (talk | contribs) (Added RKS System to list of abilities that can change a Pokémon to the Fire Type, and added Fire Memory to the list of things that will enable it to become a Fire-type Pokémon.)

The Fire type (Japanese: ほのおタイプ Flame type) is one of the eighteen types. Notable Trainers who specialize in Fire-type Pokémon include Blaine of Cinnabar Island, Flannery of Lavaridge Town, Flint of the Sinnoh Elite Four, Chili of Striaton City, Malva of the Kalos Elite Four, and Kiawe of Paniola Town. Prior to changes in Generation IV, all damaging Fire-type moves were special, but they may now also be physical depending on the attack.

Statistical averages


HP: 70.16
Attack: 84.11
Defense: 70.09
Sp.Atk: 93.00
Sp.Def: 74.33
Speed: 75.42
Total: 467.11

Fully evolved

HP: 81.68
Attack: 99.00
Defense: 85.68
Sp.Atk: 111.81
Sp.Def: 88.30
Speed: 85.03
Total: 551.49

Battle properties

Generation I

Fire-type Pokémon cannot be burned by Fire-type moves.

Damaging Fire-type moves thaw frozen targets.

Offensive Fire Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Bug
½× Dragon
None None

Generations II to V

In Generation II, Fire-type Pokémon cannot be burned by Fire-type moves. Starting in Generation III, Fire-type Pokémon cannot be burned.

Damaging Fire-type moves thaw frozen targets.

Offensive Fire Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Bug
½× Dragon
None None

Generation VI onwards

Fire-type Pokémon cannot be burned.

Damaging Fire-type moves thaw frozen targets.

Offensive Fire Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Bug
½× Dragon
None None



The Fire type has its pros and cons defensively. Ground, Rock, and Water moves are all commonly used offensively. Aside from Fairy, Ice, and the Fire type itself, the Fire type's resistances are of little use because the other types which it resists are typically not strong offensively. Most Fire-type Pokémon do not survive too long in battle due to their typically below average defensive stats. Additionally, very few Fire-type Pokémon have a secondary type that negates their weakness to Water-type attacks.

However, not only does the Fire type have six resistances, among them being key resistances to the powerful Ice and Fairy types, but it is also immune to burns, making Pokémon of this type key physical attackers. Also, most Fire types can at least learn Solar Beam to counter all three of the type's weaknesses, although it is not reliable outside of harsh sunlight due to its need to charge.


Offensively, Fire is very powerful as it is super effective against four types, tying it in amount with Ice and Rock. The ability to deal super effective damage against Steel-type Pokémon is very useful for Pokémon that specialize in special moves, as many Steel-type Pokémon typically have high Defense but a low Special Defense.

Although Fire types often have below average defensive stats, they often have good Speed and high Attack or Special Attack stats, making them great offensive sweepers. Fire types also possess higher offensive stats compared to Ice and Rock types. Also, Fire-type moves are generally powerful, with around half of the type's damaging moves having 100 or more base power.

During harsh sunlight or extremely harsh sunlight, the power of Fire-type attacks is increased by 50%. The power of Fire-type attacks is decreased by 50% during rain, while all Fire-type moves will fail during heavy rain.

Contest properties

In Contests, Fire-type moves are typically Beautiful moves.


As of Generation VI, there are 59 Fire-type Pokémon or 8.2% of all Pokémon (counting those that are Fire-type in at least one of their forms, including Mega Evolutions), making it the 8th most common type, tied with Poison.

Pure Fire-type Pokémon

# Name
004 Charmander Charmander
005 Charmeleon Charmeleon
037 Vulpix Vulpix
038 Ninetales Ninetales
058 Growlithe Growlithe
059 Arcanine Arcanine
077 Ponyta Ponyta
078 Rapidash Rapidash
126 Magmar Magmar
136 Flareon Flareon
155 Cyndaquil Cyndaquil
156 Quilava Quilava
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion
218 Slugma Slugma
240 Magby Magby
244 Entei Entei
255 Torchic Torchic
324 Torkoal Torkoal
351 Castform Sunny Castform
390 Chimchar Chimchar
467 Magmortar Magmortar
498 Tepig Tepig
513 Pansear Pansear
514 Simisear Simisear
554 Darumaka Darumaka
555 Darmanitan Darmanitan
Standard Mode
631 Heatmor Heatmor
653 Fennekin Fennekin
654 Braixen Braixen
725 Litten Litten
726 Torracat Torracat

Pokéstar Studios opponents

# Name
N/A White Door White Door

Half Fire-type Pokémon

Primary Fire-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying
Charizard Mega Charizard X Fire Dragon
Charizard Mega Charizard Y Fire Flying
105 Marowak Marowak
Alola Form
Fire Ghost
146 Moltres Moltres Fire Flying
219 Magcargo Magcargo Fire Rock
250 Ho-Oh Ho-Oh Fire Flying
256 Combusken Combusken Fire Fighting
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting
Blaziken Mega Blaziken Fire Fighting
322 Numel Numel Fire Ground
323 Camerupt Camerupt Fire Ground
Camerupt Mega Camerupt Fire Ground
391 Monferno Monferno Fire Fighting
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting
485 Heatran Heatran Fire Steel
499 Pignite Pignite Fire Fighting
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting
555 Darmanitan Darmanitan
Zen Mode
Fire Psychic
655 Delphox Delphox Fire Psychic
662 Fletchinder Fletchinder Fire Flying
663 Talonflame Talonflame Fire Flying
667 Litleo Litleo Fire Normal
668 Pyroar Pyroar Fire Normal
721 Volcanion Volcanion Fire Water
727 Incineroar Incineroar Fire Dark
741 Oricorio Oricorio
Baile Style
Fire Flying
776 Turtonator Turtonator Fire Dragon

Secondary Fire-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
228 Houndour Houndour Dark Fire
229 Houndoom Houndoom Dark Fire
Houndoom Mega Houndoom Dark Fire
383 Groudon Primal Groudon Ground Fire
479 Rotom Heat Rotom* Electric Fire
494 Victini Victini Psychic Fire
607 Litwick Litwick Ghost Fire
608 Lampent Lampent Ghost Fire
609 Chandelure Chandelure Ghost Fire
636 Larvesta Larvesta Bug Fire
637 Volcarona Volcarona Bug Fire
643 Reshiram Reshiram Dragon Fire
757 Salandit Salandit Poison Fire
758 Salazzle Salazzle Poison Fire


Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
III Blast Burn Special Beautiful 150 90% 5 (max 8)
The target is razed by a fiery explosion. The user can't move on the next turn.
III Blaze Kick Physical Cool 85 90% 10 (max 16)
The user launches a kick that lands a critical hit more easily. This may also leave the target with a burn.
V Blue Flare Special Beautiful 130 85% 5 (max 8)
The user attacks by engulfing the target in an intense, yet beautiful, blue flame. This may also leave the target with a burn.
VII Burn Up Special 130 100% 5 (max 8)
To inflict massive damage, the user burns itself out. After using this move, the user will no longer be Fire type.
I Ember Special Cute 40 100% 25 (max 40)
The target is attacked with small flames. This may also leave the target with a burn.
III Eruption Special Beautiful 150 100% 5 (max 8)
Many Others
The user attacks opposing Pokémon with explosive fury. The lower the user's HP, the lower the move's power.
V Fiery Dance Special Beautiful 80 100% 10 (max 16)
Cloaked in flames, the user dances and flaps its wings. This may also raise the user's Sp. Atk stat.
I Fire Blast Special Beautiful 110 85% 5 (max 8)
The target is attacked with an intense blast of all-consuming fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.
IV Fire Fang Physical Cool 65 95% 15 (max 24)
The user bites with flame-cloaked fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it with a burn.
VII Fire Lash Physical 80 100% 15 (max 24)
The user strikes the target with a burning lash. This also lowers the target's Defense stat.
V Fire Pledge Special Beautiful 80 100% 10 (max 16)
A column of fire hits the target. When used with its grass equivalent, its power increases and a vast sea of fire appears.
I Fire Punch Physical Tough 75 100% 15 (max 24)
The target is punched with a fiery fist. This may also leave the target with a burn.
I Fire Spin Special Beautiful 35 85% 15 (max 24)
The target becomes trapped within a fierce vortex of fire that rages for four to five turns.
V Flame Burst Special Beautiful 70 100% 15 (max 24)
The user attacks the target with a bursting flame. The bursting flame damages Pokémon next to the target as well.
V Flame Charge Physical Cool 50 100% 20 (max 32)
Cloaking itself in flame, the user attacks. Then, building up more power, the user raises its Speed stat.
II Flame Wheel Physical Beautiful 60 100% 25 (max 40)
The user cloaks itself in fire and charges at the target. This may also leave the target with a burn.
I Flamethrower Special Beautiful 90 100% 15 (max 24)
The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.
IV Flare Blitz Physical Cool 120 100% 15 (max 24)
The user cloaks itself in fire and charges the target. This also damages the user quite a lot. This attack may leave the target with a burn.
V Fusion Flare Special Beautiful 100 100% 5 (max 8)
The user brings down a giant flame. This move's power is increased when influenced by an enormous lightning bolt.
V Heat Crash Physical Tough Varies 100% 10 (max 16)
The user slams its target with its flame-covered body. The more the user outweighs the target, the greater the move's power.
III Heat Wave Special Beautiful 95 90% 10 (max 16)
Many Others
The user attacks by exhaling hot breath on the opposing Pokémon. This may also leave those Pokémon with a burn.
V Incinerate Special Tough 60 100% 15 (max 24)
Many Others
The user attacks opposing Pokémon with fire. If a Pokémon is holding a certain item, such as a Berry, the item becomes burned up and unusable.
V Inferno Special Beautiful 100 50% 5 (max 8)
The user attacks by engulfing the target in an intense fire. This leaves the target with a burn.
VII Inferno Overdrive Physical % 1 (max 1)
The user breathes a stream of intense fire toward the target with the full force of its Z-Power. The power varies depending on the original move.
VII Inferno Overdrive Special % 1 (max 1)
The user breathes a stream of intense fire toward the target with the full force of its Z-Power. The power varies depending on the original move.
IV Lava Plume Special Tough 80 100% 15 (max 24)
All Others
The user torches everything around it in an inferno of scarlet flames. This may also leave those it hits with a burn.
IV Magma Storm Special Tough 100 75% 5 (max 8)
The target becomes trapped within a maelstrom of fire that rages for four to five turns.
VI Mystical Fire Special Beautiful 75 100% 10 (max 16)
The user attacks by breathing a special, hot fire. This also lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.
III Overheat Special Beautiful 130 90% 5 (max 8)
The user attacks the target at full power. The attack's recoil harshly lowers the user's Sp. Atk stat.
II Sacred Fire Physical Beautiful 100 95% 5 (max 8)
The target is razed with a mystical fire of great intensity. This may also leave the target with a burn.
V Searing Shot Special Cool 100 100% 5 (max 8)
All Others
The user torches everything around it in an inferno of scarlet flames. This may also leave those it hits with a burn.
VII Shell Trap Special 150 100% 5 (max 8)
Many Others
The user sets a shell trap. If the user is hit by a physical move, the trap will explode and inflict damage on the opposing Pokémon.
II Sunny Day Status Beautiful % 5 (max 8)
The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves. It lowers the power of Water-type moves.
V V-create Physical Cool 180 95% 5 (max 8)
With a hot flame on its forehead, the user hurls itself at its target. This lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, and Speed stats.
III Will-O-Wisp Status Beautiful 85% 15 (max 24)
The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white flame at the target to inflict a burn.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.


Interacting with the Fire type

A Pokémon with Color Change, Protean, Imposter, Forecast, Multitype, or RKS System will become a Fire-type Pokémon if (respectively) it is hit with a Fire-type move, uses a Fire-type move, is sent out against a Fire-type opponent, if the weather is sunny, if it is holding a Flame Plate, or if it is holding a Fire Memory.

Fire-type Pokémon are also immune to becoming burned from the Abilities Flame Body or Synchronize.

Gen Ability Description
III Blaze Powers up Fire-type moves in a pinch.
IV Dry Skin Reduces HP if it is hot. Water restores HP.
III Flash Fire Powers up Fire-type moves if hit by a fire move.
IV Heatproof Weakens the power of Fire-type moves.
III Thick Fat Raises resistance to Fire- and Ice-type moves.
All details are accurate to Generation VI games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual Ability's page.

Exclusive Abilities

Only Fire-type Pokémon can have these Abilities. This does not include signature Abilities.

Gen Ability Description
III Blaze Powers up Fire-type moves in a pinch.
III Flame Body Contact with the Pokémon may burn the foe.
III Flash Fire Powers up Fire-type moves if hit by a fire move.
III Magma Armor Prevents the Pokémon from becoming frozen.
III White Smoke Prevents stats reduction.
All details are accurate to Generation VI games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual Ability's page.


  • Generation V introduced the most Fire-type Pokémon of any generation, with 17, and Generation IV introduced the fewest, with five.
  • Generation V introduced the most Fire-type moves of any generation, with 11, and Generation VI introduced the fewest, with only one.
  • In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, there are only two evolutionary lines of Fire-type Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex (the Chimchar and Ponyta evolutionary lines). In Pokémon Platinum, this was changed with the expansion of the Sinnoh Pokédex to include the Houndour and Magmar families, as well as Flareon.
  • In the core series Pokémon games since Generation III, the Fire type has been represented by the color orange. However, in most other Pokémon media, including the Pokémon Trading Card Game, the Pokémon Stadium series, and the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, the Fire type has been associated with the color red.
    • Also, the Cool condition uses the same shade of orange in its status screen icon as the Fire type's icon does, despite being described as red in-text.
  • Similar to Ice-type moves, all Fire-type moves were Beautiful moves in Generation III.
  • Generation III is the only generation so far not to have introduced a Fire-type move with the word "Fire" in its name.
  • The Fire type is able to deal the highest type-based multiplier. This is possible in harsh sunlight against a Bug/Steel-type or Ice/Steel-type Pokémon with Fluffy that has been affected by Forest's Curse. This would result in a 24× multiplier.
    • The effects of Flash Fire and Blaze can further boost this to a 36× power multiplier.
  • It can also achieve the lowest non-zero type-based multiplier. This is possible in rain against a dual-type Pokémon whose both types resist Fire-type attacks, with Thick Fat or Heatproof while Water Sport is in effect. This would result in a 0.02065× multiplier.

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese ほのお (炎) Honō
Bulgarian Огнени Ogneni
Chinese Cantonese
Yìhm *
Mandarin Huǒ *
Yán *
火焰 Huǒyàn *
Czech Ohnivý
Danish Ild
Dutch Vuur
Finnish Tuli
French Feu
German Feuer
Greek Φωτιάς Fotiás
Hebrew אש Aesh
Hungarian Tűz
Indonesian Api
Italian Fuoco
Korean 불꽃 Bulkkot
Norwegian Ild
Polish Ognisty
Portuguese Fogo
Romanian Foc
Russian Огонь Ogon'
Spanish Fuego
Swedish Eld
Thai ไฟ Fai
Turkish Ateş
Vietnamese Lửa