User talk:Mudkipperz808

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Latest comment: 4 December 2016 by Tiddlywinks in topic The Preview Button
Welcome to Bulbapedia, Mudkipperz808!

By creating your account you are now able to edit pages, join discussions, and expand the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Before you jump in, here are some ground rules:

  • Be nice to everyone. It's in the code of conduct.
  • Make good edits. Preview them before you save to make sure they're perfect the first time around.
  • Use wikicode and link templates when adding content to a page.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling, and read the manual of style.
  • You can't create a userpage until you've added to the encyclopedia. It's a privilege. See the userspace policy.
  • Use talk pages to resolve editing disputes. Don't "edit war," or constantly re-edit/undo the same thing on a page.
  • If you have a question about something, be proactive. Take a look at our FAQ. If you're still stuck, ask for help. The staff won't bite.
  • Sign all talk page posts with four tildes (~~~~). This will turn into your name and the time you wrote the comment.
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Thank you, and have a good time editing here!

The Preview Button

Instead of editing a page several times in a row, try using the preview button to make sure your edit looks the way you want it to. It's right next to the Save Page button. Please try it out, so as not to clog up the Recent Changes. Also, if you want to edit multiple sections of the page, make sure that you click "edit this page" at the top of the page rather than editing it by section. Thanks! --Tiddlywinks (talk) 07:34, 4 December 2016 (UTC)Reply

It doesn't appear you're using the preview button to the fullest extent (if at all). As a bit of additional advice, try to remember that you have plenty of time to make a good edit before saving it. Look over your edit well to make sure you have whatever links and format you want. And if you're going to be spending a while on the same thing like quotes, instead of saving different small chunks, consider waiting until you're done with an entire scene and everything that character is likely to say for a while, and save when you have all of that formatted well and everything you want it to be. Tiddlywinks (talk) 19:45, 4 December 2016 (UTC)Reply
Thank you, I did see you're last message on the preview button, and I was using it last night. But recently my internet has been crashing in the middle of my edits, so all my work is gone before I can save it. This is why I have been saving so often. I will try to do something about my internet, but is there anything wrong with making so many edits in a row? Thanks for your advice, Im fairly new to editing on here --Mudkipperz808