From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
de-1 | Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse. |
en-3 | This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English. |
fr | Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français. |
it-2 | Questo utente è in grado di contribuire con un livello intermedio della lingua italiana. |
ja-1 | この利用者は簡単な日本語を話します。 |
Hello! My name is Matt. and I'm a French user. I created an account on Bulbapedia in order to put interwiki links to the French version of Bulbapedia, Poképédia. You can also view my user page on this wiki, which is way more complete than this one.