Sophocles's Togedemaru

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Sophocles's Togedemaru
マーマネのトゲデマル Māmane's Togedemaru

Sophocles's Togedemaru
Debuts in Alola to New Adventure!
Caught at Alola
Gender Female[1]
Ability Lightning Rod
Current location With Sophocles
This Pokémon is fully evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Togedemaru Mika Kanai Unknown

Sophocles's Togedemaru (Japanese: マーマネのトゲデマル Māmane's Togedemaru) is Sophocles's first known Pokémon.


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Reason: SM006
Sophocles and Togedemaru
Lightning Rod activated

Togedemaru first appeared in Alola to New Adventure! alongside her Trainer, welcoming Ash to the school. Togedemaru later watched as Team Skull Grunts battled Ash and Kiawe.

In The Guardian's Challenge!, Togedemaru helped Sophocles run his computer program, powering it by running on a wheel. She was later used to help welcome Ash to the school, competing in Sophocles's challenge against Ash and Pikachu to pop balloons the fastest. Sophocles and Togedemaru quickly took the lead, using Togedemaru's spikes to efficiently break the balloons. After Ash attempted to use Pikachu's Thunderbolt to turn the tides, Togedemaru used her Lightning Rod Ability to absorb the attack and quickly pop the remaining balloons with Zing Zap. She later watched Ash and Pikachu's battle against the guardian deity Tapu Koko, after which Sophocles informed Ash that he and Togedemaru could help him with anything related to Electric-type Z-Moves.

Later in SM006, during a showdown with Team Rocket, she used her Lighting Rod combination with Pikachu's Thunderbolt to turn the tide of battle.

Personality and characteristics

Togedemaru has a strong relationship with her Trainer, often seen attached to Sophocles's side. Sophocles even goes to sleep with her by his side, using her glowing cheeks as a nightlight to help with his fear of the dark. Togedemaru loves to be helpful, as seen when she seems very pleased to help Sophocles run his programs, and is very proud to have helped him win a balloon popping challenge. She seems to be very fond of Ash's Pikachu, even going so far as to jump on Pikachu in order to show her affection towards him.

Moves used

Using Zing Zap
Move First Used In
Zing Zap The Guardian's Challenge!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

In the games

Sophocles's Togedemaru appears in the following games:

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Electric Steel
Iron Barbs
Held item:
Togedemaru Lv.61
Electric Terrain
Electric Status
Zing Zap
Electric Physical
Spiky Shield
Grass Status
Fell Stinger
Bug Physical


Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Togedemaru.


  1. Confirmed in SM006.

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