Poison (status condition)

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Revision as of 04:13, 31 December 2016 by MaddoxTheMudkip (talk | contribs) (Added the ability Corrosion to the exceptions where a Poison-type or Steel-type Pokémon can be poisoned.)
Hawlucha poisoned

The poison condition (PSN) (Japanese: poison) is a non-volatile status condition found in the Pokémon games, it causes a Pokémon to lose HP at the end of every turn, as well as outside of battle prior to Generation V. It can be caused by several moves most of which are Poison-type, and some Abilities. Poison and Steel-type Pokémon are immune to being poisoned, making it the only non-volatile status condition to be ineffective against more than one type; however, in Generation II, Steel-type Pokémon can be poisoned by Twineedle, and Poison-type and Steel-type Pokémon can be poisoned by Corrosion.

Leavanny badly poisoned

Along with the poison status, a Pokémon can also be badly poisoned (Japanese: 猛毒 deadly poison); the effects are similar to poison but instead of having a set amount of damage dealt each turn, badly poisoned Pokémon will receive increasing amounts of damage each turn. The label for a Pokémon that is badly poisoned has light purple text from Generation V on, rather than the white text of standard poisoning.


The effects of poison vary between generations, but a poisoned Pokémon will lose HP every turn. Until Generation V, a poisoned Pokémon will lose one HP for every four steps taken outside of battle.

Generation I

A poisoned Pokémon will lose 1/16 of its maximum hit points every turn, after it attacks, or at the end of the turn if it did not attack. If a poisoned Pokémon causes an opponent to faint, the poisoned Pokémon will not take damage that turn. Outside of battle, a poisoned Pokémon will lose one HP for every four steps taken.

A badly poisoned Pokémon will lose 1/16 of its maximum HP on the first turn, after which damage will increase by 1/16 every turn. Switching a badly poisoned Pokémon out or a battle ending will turn the badly poisoned status into normal poison. A badly poisoned Pokémon that is also under the effect of Leech Seed will have its poison damage counter, as well as its Leech Seed damage, increase by 1/8 and 1/16 of the Pokémon's maximum HP each turn respectively. Haze will bring the damage taken by badly poisoned Pokémon back to 1/16. Rest will remove the bad poison, but will not reset the damage counter. If a Pokémon gets badly poisoned again, its damage taken will carry on from where it was when using Rest.

Generation II

In-battle damage taken by a poisoned Pokémon was increased to 1/8 of the Pokémon's maximum HP.

Bad poisoning remains at a starting amount of 1/16, but now can no longer increase the damage taken from Leech Seed. Haze no longer affects poisoning. While Steel-type Pokémon cannot be poisoned by Poison-type moves, they can still be poisoned by Twineedle.

Generation III

Poison damage is now taken at the end of each turn.

If a badly poisoned Pokémon is switched out, it will keep the badly poisoned status; however, the damage counter will reset. From this generation onward, a poisoned Pokémon will take damage even if it knocks out an opponent. Ending a battle will still change the badly poisoned status to normal poison.

Generation IV

Same as before, but if a poisoned Pokémon is brought down to one HP due to poison damage outside of battle, its poison status will be cured instead of the Pokémon fainting, as in previous generations.

Generation V on

A poisoned Pokémon no longer receives damage outside of battle.

A poisoned Pokémon now glows purple in battle in Generation V, or continuously releases bubbles of poison from their bodies in Generation VI. The poison status will cause a Pokémon to take double damage from Hex and Venoshock.

In Generation V, bad poison displays with dark purple characters in the icon instead of white; in Generation VI, both icon and text change color.


This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Generation VI, VII images

Bad poison


Regular poison


The following moves may poison the target:

Move Type Category Probability Power Accuracy Notes
Baneful Bunker Poison Status 100% If a Pokémon attempts to use a contact move on the user.
Cross Poison Poison Physical 10% 70 100%
Fling Dark Physical 100% 70 100% If Poison Barb is held by the user.
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 30% 120 80%
Poison Gas Poison Status 100% 90%
Poison Jab Poison Physical 30% 80 100%
Poison Powder Poison Status 100% 75% Grass types, as well as Pokémon with Overcoat and Safety Goggles, are immune to Poison Powder (Generation VI).
Poison Sting Poison Physical 30% 15 100%
Poison Tail Poison Physical 10% 50 100%
Psycho Shift Psychic Status 100% 100% If the user is poisoned
Secret Power Normal Physical 30% 70 100% May cause poison only when used in tall grass (Generation III only)
Sludge Poison Special 30% 65 100%
Sludge Bomb Poison Special 30% 90 100%
Sludge Wave Poison Special 10% 95 100%
Smog Poison Special 40% 30 70%
Toxic Spikes Poison Status 100% Upon switching in, if the move was used once.
Toxic Thread Poison Status 100% 100%
Twineedle Bug Physical 20% 25 100%

Other causes

Poison Point has a 30% chance of poisoning the opponent when contact is made with the user, Poison Touch has a 30% chance of poisoning the target when the user uses a contact move, and Effect Spore has a 10% chance of poisoning the target when the user uses a contact move. A Pokémon can also be poisoned if it directly poisons a Pokémon with Synchronize.

Badly poison


The following moves may badly poison the target:

Move Type Category Probability Power Accuracy Notes
Fling Dark Physical 100% 30 100% If Toxic Orb is held by user.
Psycho Shift Psychic Status 100% 100% If the user is badly poisoned
Poison Fang Poison Physical 50% 50 100% Had a 30% chance of badly poisoning in Generations III-V.
Toxic Poison Status 100% 90% Never misses when used by a Poison-type Pokémon in Generation VI.
Toxic Spikes Poison Status 100% Upon switching in, if the move was used twice.

Other causes

The item Toxic Orb badly poisons the holder at the end of the turn. From Generation V onward, a Pokémon can also be badly poisoned if it badly poisons a Pokémon with Synchronize (prior to Generation V, Synchronize only inflicts regular poison).


Poison (including bad poison) can be cured with the use of an Antidote, Drash Berry (Generation III only) and Pecha Berry (PSNCureBerry in Generation II). In addition, like all other major status conditions, it can be cured by the items Full Heal, Rage Candy Bar, Lava Cookie, Old Gateau, Casteliacone, Lumiose Galette, Shalour Sable, Big Malasada, Full Restore, Heal Powder, Lum Berry (Miracle Berry in Generation II), and Sacred Ash.

The moves Refresh and Rest remove the poison status condition from the user, while Heal Bell (unless the Pokémon has Soundproof as their Ability in Generation III and IV) and Aromatherapy removes it from all Pokémon in the user's party. In addition, the move Psycho Shift shifts the poison onto its target (thereby healing the user). In Generation I only, using Haze cures the opponent from poison.

Pokémon with Natural Cure will be cured upon switching out, those with the Hydration Ability will be cured whilst it is raining. Pokémon with Shed Skin have a 30% chance of being cured every turn, and Pokémon with Healer have a 30% chance of curing their allies.


In general, Steel- and Poison-type Pokémon cannot be poisoned. However, they can be poisoned by Pokémon with the Corrosion Ability. Additionally, in Generation II, the move Twineedle can poison Steel-type Pokémon. If a Pokémon is poisoned while not Poison- or Steel-type (such as while affected by a type-changing move or before evolving into a Poison-type or Steel-type Pokémon), it will remain poisoned.

Pokémon with the Ability Immunity cannot be poisoned. Pokémon with the Comatose Ability and Minior in Meteor Form are completely immune to being poisoned. Pokémon with the Ability Leaf Guard will be protected from status conditions in harsh sunlight. The Ability Magic Guard will prevent damage due to poison from being taken in battle; however, it does not prevent the damage from being taken outside of battle.

The moves Safeguard and Misty Terrain (for grounded Pokémon) will protect the party from status conditions for five turns. A Pokémon behind a substitute cannot be poisoned, except due to Synchronize or a held Toxic Orb.


While poisoning and badly poisoning, like all major status conditions, have primarily negative effects, it can be advantageous to be poisoned in certain conditions. Pokémon with Guts, Marvel Scale, and Quick Feet will have their Attack, Defense, and Speed increased by 50%, respectively, if poisoned or afflicted by any other non-volatile status condition excluding sleep and freeze; however, in Generation IV, sleep will increase the Attack of Pokémon with Guts. Poisoning will increase the attack of a Pokémon with Toxic Boost by 50%, and the base power of Facade is doubled (from 70 to 140) when inflicted with poison. A Pokémon with Poison Heal will regain 1/8th of its maximum HP at the end of each turn instead of taking damage. When capturing Pokémon, the poison status also adds a 1.5× multiplier to the catch rate of any given Pokémon.

In competitive battling in Generation I, as Pokémon were not healed before link battles in the handheld games, players would often enter battles with their Pokémon already poisoned, as it prevented them from being affected by other more harmful status conditions; also, poison only inflicted 1/16 of the Pokémon's total HP as damage each turn rather than 1/8 as it does from Generation II onward. This tactic was not viable in the Pokémon Stadium series, as Pokémon were restored to full health before battle in these games.

Other in-game effects

If a poisoned Pokémon gains the Ability Immunity through the use of Skill Swap, Trace or another method, the poison or bad poison status will be removed.

In Pokémon Emerald, when the player is inside the Battle Pyramid, the types of Pokémon encountered on each floor follow a set of categories, on the second floor the player will encounter Pokémon that poison as their main tactic.

In the Generation IV games, Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, at the Battle Arcade, one of the effects caused by the roulette is causing the poison status; Pokémon that would normally be immune to poison are unaffected. The poison will last for a single battle.

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon

Like the main games, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon also features both normal poisoning as well as bad poisoning. When a Pokémon is poisoned, it takes damage every ten turns and is also prevented from regenerating HP. Poison does not disappear over turns. When a Pokémon is badly poisoned, it takes damage every two turns and also prevents regenerating HP. Similar to the main games, the poison conditions do not disappear over turns but can be healed with certain moves or items, and by going to the next floor.

Rumble series

Poison and bad poison (Poisoned and Badly Poisoned when inflicted in-game) are negative statuses in the Rumble series. When a Pokémon is Poisoned, its HP will gradually drain at a rate determined by the Power of the Pokémon that inflicted it for ten seconds. However, if the affected Pokémon is controlled by a player, moving around will make the condition wear off faster, with the minimum duration depending roughly on the Pokémon's Speed. While Poisoned, purple bubbles emanate from around the affected Pokémon's head. The effects under Badly Poisoned are similar, but the rate at which HP is depleted gradually increases while the status lasts and purple smoke emanates from the Pokémon's head instead of bubbles. Though most negative statuses will replace one another if one is inflicted while another is present, Poisoned cannot replace Badly Poisoned (though Badly Poisoned will replace Poisoned).

No types are immune to poison or bad poison, but Pokémon with the Poison Boost or Steady Special Traits cannot be poisoned or badly poisoned, and those with the Reflector Trait will cause the user of the poison-inflicting move to become poisoned or badly poisoned instead if hit by one.

Pokémon Conquest

Like the main series, a Pokémon inflicted with poison is protected from other status conditions and does not wear off over time. Normal poison can be inflicted by attacks, abilities, or by a Pokémon ending their turn in a poison bog. Bad poison can only be inflicted by the effect of Poison Fang. As in the main series, Poison- and Steel-types are immune to poison. Poison can be cured through certain Warrior Skills, items, or by ending a Pokémon's turn in a hot spring or a water bucket.

Pokémon afflicted with normal poison lose 1/8th their max HP, rounded down, at the end of their side's turn, even if the poisoned Pokémon itself took no action. Pokémon afflicted with bad poisoning lose 1/16th of their max HP initially, with damage increasing by 1/16 at the end of their side's turn. Enemy Warriors defeated through poison damage are not treated as being defeated by the player, and thus cannot be recruited after the battle.

In the anime

Ash poisoned

The poison status has been shown several times in the anime:

In the manga

Poisoned Pikachu in Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In The Secret of Kangaskhan when Red suspects that there is something wrong with a baby Kangaskhan, he realizes it is poisoned, and uses an Antidote to cure it.

In the Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All manga

Shu's Pikachu was poisoned in GDZ68 by Kingdra's Toxic. Shu gave him an Antidote which cured the poisoning.

In the TCG

Main article: Special Conditions (TCG)
A poison marker from the TCG.

In the Trading Card Game, Poisoned is one of the five Special Conditions along with Asleep, Burned, Confused, and Paralyzed. When a Pokémon is Poisoned, a poison counter is placed on it and one damage counter is put on the Pokémon in between each turn. Some attacks require the player to put two, three, or even four damage counters on a Pokémon between turns, instead of the normal one. The condition can be removed by returning the affected Pokémon to the Bench or by evolving it. Unlike the Pokémon games, a Pokémon can be afflicted with more than one Special Condition at once; however, some Special Conditions will erase ones already present.


  • Prior to Generation V, poison was the only status condition that could inflict damage outside of battle.

In other languages


Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 中毒 Jungduhk
Mandarin 中毒 Zhòngdú
Dutch Vergiftiging
French Empoisonné
German Vergiftet
Italian Avvelenato
Korean Dok
Portuguese Envenenado
Russian Отравлен Otravlen
Spanish Envenenado
Vietnamese Nhiễm độc

Badly poisoned

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 猛毒 Máahngduhk
Mandarin 猛毒 Měngdú *
剧毒 Jùdú *
French Canada Très empoisonné*
Europe Gravement empoisonné
German Schwer vergiftet
Italian Iperavvelenato
Korean 맹독 Maengdok
Spanish Gravemente envenenado
Vietnamese Kịch độc

Status conditions

This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.