Despite being a series of buildings, only one of the Cold Storage warehouses can be entered. Inside this warehouse, some of the floors are frozen over, resulting in ice skating puzzles. There are multiple Workers inside the warehouse who will battle the player. In the back of the warehouse is a container, where Zinzolin is both first and last encountered.
Outside the warehouses, there are additional Trainers who can be battled, as well as some tall grass and a Vending Machine.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
In True Friends, Cheren revealed that he had later returned to the Cold Storage to learn more about Team Plasma's motives. At the Cold Storage, he had met Zinzolin, who had taken him to see how N awakened Zekrom. Upon seeing this, Cheren had chosen to start following Team Plasma's ideals.
The Cold Storage appeared again in PS535 and PS536, where Colress confronted Zinzolin inside the building, asking him to tell him what he knew about Kyurem, which he had been searching in disregard for Ghetsis's orders. Colress eventually figured out that Zinzolin had in fact managed to capture Kyurem, which was confirmed by Zinzolin himself, revealing that Kyurem was with them in the Cold Storage right now.