User talk:Kittenchild

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Latest comment: 13 December 2007 by Kittenchild in topic raffle WEENER!!!!



FC is 1031 7706 2193

I can trade you these Pokémon for anything (including junk)note: I will need a day notice to breed them and whatnot.

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Your Userboxes

Hello there! It's Netto-kun. Hey, Kittenchild, I did the userbar you wanted. They are on your Sandbox. --File:Ani154MS.gifNetto-kunFile:Ani394MS.gif 00:58, 8 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

THANX A ton if your want i can get you any fossil pokemon lol--Kittenchild 01:30, 17 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

Baby kangaskan

The other day I was just browsing bulbapedia like normal and I ran across a photo of a baby kangaskan and I thought hmm.. why isn't this a pokémon yet? So the next day in health I was just doodilin and writing and figured "hey why not make a user template that shows my support" so I made a sandbox and put the photo and text asking someone to help me put it together in a template. Then netto-kun came and put it together (BTW I still owe you a fossil pokémon if you want it).

If you want to talk about baby kangaskan feel free--File:Ani052MS.gifFile:Ani300MS.gifFile:Ani431MS.gifkittenchild and her discoveryFile:Ani264MS.gif 23:21, 17 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

New game

Today I was sitting there thinking ok I realy want to make a game but not have ANYONE complane because they thought of it first so I remember this old game where you say a word then the other person says a word that begins with the last letter of the last word. So I looked it up and found it was origionaly from a Japanese game called shiritori. Next I fugure hmm now it has to do with pokemon so it clicked dur pokemon names. So I made up some rules and a way to win if you want to play here is a link.

user:kittenchild/fun/shiritori if someone wins overnight (my night) I appoligize and will get the prize to them a.s.a.p.

Gallade prize

Hey. For my prize for your riddles, is it a Gallade? If so, I'd like it. (I think it's VERY unfair that Theryguy is getting a BUNCH of prizes.. thing is, my wireless has been acting funky lately so that's why I'm afraid of going on WiFi.) 281Tinaδ281s 19:57, 22 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

ok I have a lv 18 ralts and HE will be lv 20 and ready soon--File:Ani052MS.gifFile:Ani300MS.gifFile:Ani431MS.gifkittenchild and her discoveryFile:Ani264MS.gifA.K.A. ねこさん 18:12, 23 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hey he is ready and so is the Garachomp however I HAVE to go to the movies in 10 min....

Raffle and Shiritori

I'd like to ask you to use your Raffle and Shiritori idea for my User Page. So, may I use them on my User Page? Oh, yeah there is also the Fossil you owe me. I'll think which one I'll want and them tell, okay? File:Ani154MS.gifNetto-kunFile:Ani394MS.gif 22:24, 22 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

heh to start off the raffel was NOT my idea but the shiritori was and yes you may.


Okay. First of all, you need to choose the image you want to upload. Once you have the image in the approximate size you want it, simply drag it over to your desktop. Then, make a username on the archives if you haven't already, and click the upload media button toward the lower right of your screen. Once you are on the uploading screen, click browse. Then, go to the desktop option on the small window that pops up, and your image shold be there. Click your image ONCE to highlight it, and click open. Then, under destination filename, type what you want your image to be called. However, you MUST not delete the extension on the file, like ".jpg" or ".gif". Then, click upload. If you have a problem or don't understand, let me know. -File:Spr 3e 186.gifニョロトノ666File:Spr 3e 186.gif


I feel sorry for you that you're cat died........My 14 year old cat died last year from kidney failure........--File:Spr 3e 059.gifFile:Spr 3e 132.gifTheryguy512 File:Trozeiani025.gif 11:46, 30 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

It's ok She lived a nice LOOONNNGGG happy life :)--File:Ani052MS.gifFile:Ani300MS.gifFile:Ani431MS.gifkittenchild and her DiscoveryFile:Ani264MS.gifA.K.A. ねこさんTalk|Contribs 01:22, 10 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thanksgiving Raffle

You won my Thanksgiving Party Raffle! Here's your prize:

{{:User:Theryguy512/Parties/Thanksgiving Party/Raffle/Kittenchild Prize}}

--File:Spr 3e 059.gifFile:Spr 3e 132.gifTheryguy512 File:Trozeiani025.gif 17:25, 1 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

My Pokemon Prizes

I feel 100% cruddy on the fact I havn't handed out through wi-fi the prize pokemon I promised over 3 weeks ago I you wish I am free this weekend and am able to hand them out. PLEASE sign the space bellow with a date and sig will get back to you asap--File:Ani052MS.gifFile:Ani300MS.gifFile:Ani431MS.gifkittenchild and her DiscoveryFile:Ani264MS.gifA.K.A. ねこさんTalk|Contribs 01:22, 10 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

User:TinaTheKirlia/Sig 01:12, 7 December 2007 (UTC)

trade plz

i would like a chikorita, if at all possible! Tell me what you want in return on my talk page Flygon4evah 22:06, 10 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

All my won Pokémon

Okay, hopefully we can trade over Chirstmas week. I'll tell you the exact date sometime next week. Is that good with you? --File:Spr 3e 059.gifFile:Spr 3e 132.gifTheryguy512 File:Trozeiani025.gif 22:27, 10 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

sure that sounds great but I dont get out till the 21st.... Stupid school...--File:Ani052MS.gifFile:Ani300MS.gifFile:Ani431MS.gifkittenchild and her DiscoveryFile:Ani264MS.gifA.K.A. ねこさんTalk|Contribs 23:35, 10 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Same! --File:Spr 3e 059.gifFile:Spr 3e 132.gifTheryguy512 File:Trozeiani025.gif 23:38, 10 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Yeah so Im gonna bbe ready SOON like in an hour

Linoone art

Sure. I'll get on to it once I finish this Banette. User:TinaTheKirlia/Sig 00:42, 12 December 2007 (UTC)

Thanx a ton there are practacly no linoone art out there....

raffle WEENER!!!!

Congrats, kittenchild. You won a cyndaquil in my awesome raffle of all raffles. Post your friend code (if you have one, if not, we'll work something out), name, and a good time to meet to trade... THe cyndaquil will be bred to know flamethrower... Flygon4evah 00:33, 13 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Ok great um hmm this weekend might be good and if you look up on this page (somewhere...) you will find my WIFI code--File:Ani052MS.gifFile:Ani300MS.gifFile:Ani431MS.gifkittenchild and her DiscoveryFile:Ani264MS.gifA.K.A. ねこさんTalk|Contribs 00:41, 13 December 2007 (UTC)Reply