Pokémon League (TCG)
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This article is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it. Reason: updated participation and reward system information. |
A Pokémon League, often casually referred to simply as a League, is a periodic gathering, typically weekly, of players of the Pokémon Trading Card Game and Pokémon video games. During a Pokémon League session, players battle and trade for fun. It is not a structured tournament and there are no regular "prizes" for winning. However, each player can obtain an official Player ID. Event organizers will upload player event play information to Play! Pokémon, eventually resulting in minor prizes.
Most Pokémon Leagues meet once a week, year round, though some meet more or less than that. Some Leagues running once a month during only a certain time period.
League Leader
A League Leader is the person in charge of maintaining a Pokémon League. The League Leader takes care of organizing League dates, to ensure that Play! Pokémon is aware of the League's existence in order to receive player rewards and other League materials. Additionally, the League Leader is expected to upload play information to Play! Pokémon when players play games and to hand out the promotions materials supplied to the League's players once they have been earned.
My Play! Pokémon
- Main article: player ID
Upon registering with a Pokémon League, players receive a Play! Pokémon Player ID. Event organizers upload player event information that may then be viewed by a player, including games played, a player's Rankings, Premier Ratings, Tournaments (for Tournament Organizers only), or Leagues (for League Leaders only) on the Pokémon.com website.
At one time, players receive a physical Score Card made of a fold-able piece of card stock approximately the size of a small greeting card. The outer design of this card provided space for the player's name and Player ID. Inside the card were two sides, one for TCG matches and one for video game battles. Completing any row earned the player a League promotional reward. This entire tracking system has been replaced with the Play! Pokémon on-line tracking system.
Current rewards
Promotional foil cards
Promotional cards earned in Pokémon Leagues, dubbed "League Promos", are exclusive to Pokémon Leagues. The cards are not traditional Black Star promotional cards; instead, these cards are foil, Play! Pokémon branded versions of existing set cards.
2015-2016 cycle
- Zoroark BREAK Season: Flabebe
2014-2015 cycle
- Geodude Rustboro Gym Season: Professor's Letter
- Machop Dewford Gym Season: Muscle Band
- Mauville Gym Season: Magnetic Storm
- Slugma Lavaridge Gym Season: Fiery Torch
- Slaking Petalburg Gym Season: Pokémon Fan Club
- Altaria Fortree Gym Season: Battle Reporter
- Solrock Mossdeep Gym Season: Dimension Valley
- Milotic Sootopolis Gym Season: Training Center
2013-2014 cycle
- Chespin Season: Skyla
- Fennekin Season: N (BW Promo 100)
- Froakie Season: Bianca
- Xerneas Season: Enhanced Hammer
- Yveltal Season: Escape Rope
- Chesnaught Season: Crushing Hammer
- Delphox Season: Pokemon Catcher
- Greninja Season: Tierno
- Aspertia Gym Season: unknown
- Virbank Gym Season: unknown
- Castelia Gym Season: unknown
- Nimbasa Gym Season: unknown
- Driftveil Gym Season: unknown
- Mistralton Gym Season: unknown
- Opelucid Gym Season: unknown
- Humilau Gym Season: unknown
2011-2012 cycle
- Trio Season: Lillipup and Grass Energy (Black & White 105)
- Basic Season: Watchog and Fire Energy (Black & White 106)
- Insect Season: Whirlipede and Psychic Energy (Black & White 109)
- Bolt Season: Zebstrika and Lightning Energy (Black & White 108)
- Quake Season: Krokorok and Fighting Energy (Black & White 110)
- Jet Season: Unfezant and Metal Energy (Black & White 112)
- Freeze Season: Cryogonal and Water Energy (Black & White 107)
- Legend Season: Fraxure and Darkness Energy (Black & White 111)
2010-2011 cycle
- Ring Drop Season: Donphan and Spiritomb
- Hurdle Dash Season: Crobat and Expert Belt
- Snow Throw Season: Delibird and Azelf
- Block Smash Season: Steelix and Special Metal Energy
- Disc Catch Season: Houndoom and Special Darkness Energy
- Snivy Season: Snivy and Broken Time Space
- Tepig Season: Tepig and Copycat
- Oshawott Season Oshawott and Double Colorless Energy
2009-2010 cycle
- Rival Season: Snorlax and Uxie
- Cyrus Season: Arcanine G and Dialga G
- Cynthia Season: Milotic C and Claydol
- Palmer Season: Dragonite FB and Roseanne's Research
- Thorton Season: Skarmory FB and Felicity's Drawing
- Dahlia Season: Dusknoir FB and Bebe's Search
- Darach Season: Empoleon FB and Underground Expedition
- Argenta Season: Butterfree FB and Warp Point
Online Codes
During the 2012-2013 season online codes for special league promos were introduced. These code cards can be used in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online and rewarded the player with a set of digital league promo cards. New code cards were distributed for the 2013-2014 season, albeit only 1 could be obtained by a player at each league, as opposed to 4.
- Closure Season: 4 Delphox, 2016 Closure Season Coin
- Zoroark BREAK Season: : Mega Mewtwo X/Y Sleeves (league stamp), 4 Flabebe
- Geodude Rustboro Gym - Season 1: 4 Geodude (FLF #45), 2 Graveler (FLF #46), 1 Golem (FLF #47), 2 Professor's Letter (XY #123), 8 Steel Energy (XY #139)
- Machop Dewford Gym - Season 2: 4 Machop (FF #44), 2 Machoke (FF #45), 1 Machamp (FF #47), 2 Muscle Band (XY #121), 8 Fighting Energy (XY #137)
- Magneton Mauville Gym - Season 3 : 4 Voltorb (XY #44), 2 Electrode (XY #45), 2 Magnetic Storm (FLF #91), 1 Rainbow Energy (XY #131), 8 Lightning Energy (XY #135)
- Slugma Lavaridge Gym - Season 4: 4 Slugma (XY #20), 2 Magcargo (XY #21), 1 Torkoal (FLF #16), 2 Fiery Torch (FLF #89), 8x Fire Energy (XY #133)
- Slaking Petalburg Gym - Season 5: 4 Slakoth (FUF #81), 2 Vigoroth (FUF #82), 1 Slaking (FUF #83), 2 Pokemon Fan Club (FLF #94), 8 Grass Energy (XY #132)
- Altaria Fortree Gym - Season 6: 4 Taillow (XY #102), 2 Swellow (XY #103), 1 Hawlucha (FUF #63), 2 Battle Reporter (FUF #88), 8 Fairy Energy (XY #140)
- Solrock Mossdeep Gym - Season 7: 4 Zubat (PHF #31), 1 Girafarig (PHF #82), 2 Bronzong (PHF #61), 2 Dimension Valley (PHF #93), 8x Psychic Energy (XY #136)
- Milotic Sootopolis Gym - Season 8: 4 Poliwag (FUF #15), 2 Poliwhirl (FUF #16), 1 Politoed (FUF #18), 2 Training Center (FUF #102), 8x Water Energy (XY #134)
- Chespin Season 1: 2 Nincada, 2 Ninjask, 1 Skyla, 4 Grass Energy
- Fennekin Season 2: 2 Darumaka, 2 Darmanitan, 1 N, 4 Fire Energy
- Froakie Season 3: 2 Magikarp, 2 Gyarados, 1 Bianca, 4 Water Energy
- Xerneas Season 4: 1 Reshiram EX, 2 Reshiram, 1 Enhanced Hammer, 4 Lightning Energy
- Yveltal Season 5: 1 Zekrom EX, 2 Zekrom, 1 Escape Rope, 4 Psychic Energy
- Chesnaught Season 6: 2 Snubbull, 2 Granbull, 1 Crushing Hammer, 4 Fairy Energy
- Delphox Season 7: 2 Mightyena 2 Poochyena 1 Pokemon Catcher, 4 Darkness Energy
- Greninja Season 8: 2 Pawniard, 2 Bisharp, 1 Tierno, 4 Metal Energy
- Aspertia Gym Season: 2 Lillipup (BCR # 120), 1 Aspertia City Gym, 4 Fire Energy card
- Virbank Gym Season: 2 Venipede (BCR # 72), 1 Full Heal (BLW #95), 4 Psychic Energy card
- Castelia Gym Season: 2 Swadloon (NVI # 2), 1 Pokemon Catcher (EPO #95), 4 Grass Energy card
- Nimbasa Gym Season: 2 Emolga (DRX # 45), 1 N (NVI #92), 4 Lightning Energy card
- Driftveil Gym Season: 2 Sandslash (BCR #79), 1 Rocky Helmet (NVI #94), 4 Fighting Energy card
- Mistralton Gym Season: 2 Swanna (DEX #36), 1 Skyla (BCR #134), 4 Metal Energy card
- Opelucid Gym Season: 2 Flygon (BCR #99), 1 Heavy Ball (NEX #88), 4 Darkness Energy card
- Humilau Gym Season: 2 Wailord (DRX #26), 1 Super Rod (NVI #95), 4 Water Energy card
Key Chains
During the 2013-2014 cycle key chains where introduced as League promotional items. The key chains featured the Pokémon from that season.
- Chespin Key Chain
- Fennekin Key Chain
- Froakie Key Chain
- Xerneas Key Chain
- Yveltal Key Chain
- Chesnaught Key Chain
- Delphox Key Chain
- Greninja Key Chain
Discontinued rewards
POP booster packs
If players played a certain number of games, they received a booster pack of Pokémon Organized Play cards. When the exclusivity of each POP set's distribution ceased, the remaining packs were sold as part of repackaged TCG merchandise, like the EX Collector's Box, or repacks made by third-party manufacturers.
Starting in the 2010-2011 cycle, a heat seal patch was given out that matches the League Season. The patch, while technically a heat seal, could also be hand-ironed. Patches were discontinued for Trio Season, in the 2011-2012 cycle.
Promotional Nintendo DS skin
These adhesive skins were designed to decorate a player's Nintendo DS. Criteria for winning these depend on what the League Leader would like to do, though traditionally the skins were given after completing an entire side on a card.
Badges were obtained in a Pokémon League once a player completed their League Card and reached the Badge symbol at the end. Badges in the Pokémon League often, but not always, corresponded with Badges in the Pokémon games. Records of a player's earned Badges would be kept in a Badge Book.
2012-2013 Unova Gym cycle
During this cycle it was possible to order a free Badge case from the official Pokémon site, to be delivered to their chosen league, if the player was registered in a Pokémon League, and had a Pokémon Trainer Club account. This case holds all 8 badges and has 2 spots in the lid for Nintendo DS or Nintendo 3DS game cards. Badges in this cycle were no longer pins, instead they have the same shape as they do in the games.
- Aspertia Badge (Second version of Basic Badge)
- Virbank Badge (First version, Toxic Badge in the games)
- Castelia Badge (Second version of Insect Badge)
- Nimbasa Badge (Second version of Bolt Badge)
- Driftveil Badge (Second version of Quake Badge)
- Mistralton Badge (Second version of Jet Badge)
- Opelucid Badge (Second version of Legend Badge)
- Humilau Badge (First version, Wave Badge in the games)
2011-2012 Unova Region cycle
Starting with the 2011-2012 cycle, Badges were reintroduced into the League promotional items. All of the new Badges were featured in the games Pokémon Black and White Versions and Pokémon Black and White Versions 2, in the respective league cycles.
- Trio Badge
- Basic Badge
- Insect Badge
- Bolt Badge
- Quake Badge
- Jet Badge
- Freeze Badge
- Legend Badge
2008-2009 Energy cycle
These Badges were based on the symbols appearing on Energy cards.
- Season 1: Grass Badge
- Season 2: Fire Badge
- Season 3: Water Badge
- Season 4: Lightning Badge
- Season 5: Psychic Badge
- Season 6: Fighting Badge
- Season 7: Dark Badge
- Season 8: Steel Badge
2007-2008 Sinnoh Region cycle
These Badges were based on the Badges appearing in the Sinnoh central Generation IV games.
- Season 1: Coal Badge
- Season 2: Forest Badge
- Season 3: Cobble Badge
- Season 4: Fen Badge
- Season 5: Relic Badge
- Season 6: Mine Badge
- Season 7: Icicle Badge
- Season 8: Beacon Badge
2006-2007 Kanto Region cycle
These Badges were based on the Badges appearing in the Generation I remakes, FireRed and LeafGreen.
- Season 1: Boulder Badge
- Season 2: Cascade Badge
- Season 3: Thunder Badge
- Season 4: Rainbow Badge
- Season 5: Soul Badge
- Season 6: Marsh Badge
- Season 7: Volcano Badge
- Season 8: Earth Badge
2005-2006 Battle Frontier cycle
These Badges were based on the Frontier Symbols from the Hoenn Battle Frontier, featured in Pokémon Emerald.
- Season 1: Tactics Badge
- Season 2: Guts Badge
- Season 3: Luck Badge
- Season 4: Knowledge Badge
- Season 5: Spirit Badge
- Season 6: Ability Badge
- Season 7: Brave Badge
2004-2005 Sevii Islands cycle
These Badges were named after the Sevii Islands in FireRed and LeafGreen. However, their appearance was based on different types of Poké Balls.
- Season 1: Knot Island Badge
- Season 2: Boon Island Badge
- Season 3: Kin Island Badge
- Season 4: Floe Island Badge
- Season 5: Chrono Island Badge
- Season 6: Fortune Island Badge
- Season 7: Quest Island Badge
- Season 8: Trainer Tower Badge
2003-2004 Hoenn Region cycle
These Badges were based on the Badges appearing in the Hoenn central Generation III games.
- Season 1: Stone Badge
- Season 2: Knuckle Badge
- Season 3: Dynamo Badge
- Season 4: Heat Badge
- Season 5: Balance Badge
- Season 6: Feather Badge
- Season 7: Mind Badge
- Season 8: Rain Badge
2001-2002 Johto Region cycle
These Badges were based on the Badges appearing in the Generation II games.
- Season 1: Zephyr Badge
- Season 2: Hive Badge
- Season 3: Plain Badge
- Season 4: Fog Badge
- Season 5: Storm Badge
- Season 6: Mineral Badge
- Season 7: Glacier Badge
- Season 8: Rising Badge
2000-2001 Kanto Region cycle
These Badges were based on the Badges appearing in the Generation I games.
- Season 1: Boulder Badge
- Season 2: Cascade Badge
- Season 3: Thunder Badge
- Season 4: Rainbow Badge
- Season 5: Soul Badge
- Season 6: Marsh Badge
- Season 7: Volcano Badge
- Season 8: Earth Badge
Reverse Holographic Energy Cards
2011-2012 Unova Region Cycle
Players were given these energy cards in addition to their badge for completing the first 4 of 8 rows on either (or partially both) of the 2 sides of their league card.
- Trio Season: Grass Energy
- Basic Season: Fire Energy
- Insect Season: Psychic Energy
- Bolt Season: Lightning Energy
- Quake Season: Fighting Energy
- Jet Season: Metal Energy
- Freeze Season: Water Energy
- Legend Season: Darkness Energy
2002-2003 Energize Your Game cycle
No Badges were given out this cycle. Instead, players were awarded Reverse Holographic Energy cards, and Pokémon Licenses took the place of Badge Books.
- Season 1: Rainbow Energy
- Season 2: Fighting Energy
- Season 3: Fire Energy
- Season 4: Grass Energy
- Season 5: Lightning Energy
- Season 6: Psychic Energy
- Season 7: Water Energy
- Season 8: Colorless Energy
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This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. |