From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Hi I'm Hisenver.
I am conducting experiments on berries in my Pokéémon Diamond for the Project BerryDex.
No, I am NOT interested in battling over WiFI, my team isn't good enough yet. But, I do trade lots of stuff over WiFi. My Pokémon Diamond name is Peter.
I am really just interested in researching Pokémon and making a complete, accurate database for all things Pokémon. When I stumbled upon Bulbapedia one day, I almost fainted I was so excited.
My favorite Pokemon: Empoleon
My favorite berry: Razz Berry
Pokémon I breed: Empoleon, Eevee, anything I really need
Pokémon games I have: Gold, Ruby, Firered, Leafgreen, Diamond
Also, in case you're wondering, I do have a WiFi hotspot at my house