Type-enhancing item

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Revision as of 12:03, 6 April 2017 by El shendee (talk | contribs)
File:Miracle Seed Charcoal Artwork.png
Miracle Seed and Charcoal artwork from Generation II

A type-enhancing item, when held, enhances the power of attacks with the corresponding type. From Generation IV onward, these items boost the power of moves of the corresponding type by 20%; prior to Generation IV, they give boosts of 10%, except the Generation II-exclusive Polkadot Bow which gives a boost of 12.5%.

These items may be sold to Poké Marts for $50, with the exception of Charcoal, which can be sold for $4,900 in Poké Marts.

In Johto, several of these items can be obtained from the Week Siblings.

List of type-enhancing items

Pokémon-specific type-enhancing items


Main article: Incense


Main article: Plate


Main article: Gem



This is artwork of the items as seen in the Sinnoh Underground.

Hard Stone

Global Link

These are artwork of the items as seen in the Pokémon Global Link.

File:Dream BlackGlasses Sprite.png
Black Belt Black Glasses Charcoal Dragon Fang
Hard Stone Magnet Metal Coat Miracle Seed
File:Dream NeverMeltIce Sprite.png
Mystic Water Never-Melt Ice Poison Barb Sharp Beak
File:Dream SilverPowder Sprite.png
Silk Scarf Silver Powder Soft Sand Spell Tag
File:Dream TwistedSpoon Sprite.png
Twisted Spoon

In the anime

The first type-enhancing item to be introduced was Charcoal in A Farfetch'd Tale. Though the significance of Charcoal was explained in detail, and Ash and his friends were given some Charcoal as a gift, its Fire-enhancing properties were not revealed.

A Mystic Water was the prize for winning at the Whirl Cup in The Perfect Match!.

A Dragon Fang appeared in Beauty is Skin Deep as the treasure of Clair's family, kept in Blackthorn Gym. It is the fang of an ancient dragon Pokémon that terrorised Blackthorn City. The Dragon Fang is part of a ritual with the purpose of bringing peace to all Dragon-type Pokémon. The ritual involves the Blackthorn Gym Leader placing it on a special ceremonial table, then pouring water over it, causing a light dragon to burst out of it and rise into the sky. Legend says that this light dragon becomes a star and watches over all Dragon-type Pokémon. Another Dragon Fang appeared in Showdown At Linoone as one of the items Tokin picked up.

A Black Belt and a Twisted Spoon appeared in Climbing the Tower of Success! as items looked for during a scavenger hunt. A Never-Melt Ice was also looked for, but the boy looking for it only found regular ice.

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In The Last Battle IV, during the final battle against the Masked Man, Misty, Blaine, and Lt. Surge used Mystic Water, Charcoal, and Magnet to power up the moves of Suicune, Entei, and Raikou, respectively. Notably, the Magnet that appeared was a lodestone rather than a horseshoe magnet as seen in the games, due to the fact that this round was released before the Magnet was given a sprite in the games.

In Vexing Vespiquen & Unmanageable Mothim II, Diamond found a Metal Coat in Byron's vacation home on Iron Island and subsequently gave it to his Shieldon to hold.


  • Charcoal is the only item available for purchase in a regular store. Some other type-enhancing items can also be purchased, but only from Game Corners.
  • Pixie Plate is currently the only type-enhancing item that enhances the power of Fairy-type attacks.

In other languages

Black Belt

Language Title
Japanese くろおび Black Obi
Chinese Cantonese 黑帶 Black Belt
Mandarin 黑帶 / 黑带 Black Belt *
黑色帶子 Black Belt
Finnish Musta vyö
French Ceint.Noire*
Ceinture Noire*
German Schwarzgurt
Italian Cinturanera
Korean 검은띠 Geomeun Tti
Spanish Cinturón Negro

Black Glasses

Language Title
Japanese くろいメガネ Black Glasses
Chinese Cantonese 黑色眼鏡 Black Glasses
Mandarin 黑色眼鏡 / 黑色眼镜 Black Glasses *
黑色的眼鏡 Black Glasses
French Lunet.Noires*
Lunettes Noires*
German Schattenglas
Italian Occhialineri
Korean 검은안경 Geomeun An-gyeong
Spanish Gafas de Sol


Language Title
Japanese もくたん Charcoal
Chinese Cantonese 木炭 Charcoal *
Coal *
Mandarin 木炭 Charcoal *
木灰 Wood Ash *
Coal *
French Charbon
German Holzkohle
Italian Carbonella
Korean 목탄 Moktan
Spanish Carbón
Vietnamese Than củi

Dragon Fang

Language Title
Japanese りゅうのキバ Dragon Fang
Chinese Cantonese 龍之牙 Dragon Fang
Mandarin 龍之牙 / 龙之牙 Dragon Fang
Finnish Lohikäärmeenhammas
French Croc Dragon
German Drachenzahn
Italian Dentedidrago
Korean 용의이빨 Yong-ui Ippal
Brazilian Portuguese Presa de Dragão
Spanish Colmillodrag*
Colmillo Dragón*

Hard Stone

Language Title
Japanese かたいいし Hard Stone
Chinese Cantonese 硬石頭 Hard Stone
Mandarin 硬石頭 / 硬石头 Hard Stone
French Pierre Dure
German Granitstein
Italian Pietradura
Korean 딱딱한돌 Ttakttakhan Dol
Spanish Piedra Dura
Vietnamese Đá cứng


Language Title
Japanese じしゃく Magnet
Chinese Cantonese 磁鐵 Magnet
Mandarin 磁鐵 / 磁铁 Magnet *
磁铁石 Magnet
French Aimant
German Magnet
Italian Calamita
Korean 자석 Jaseok
Spanish Imán
Vietnamese Nam châm

Metal Coat

Language Title
Japanese メタルコート Metal Coat
Chinese Cantonese 金屬膜 Metal Coat
Mandarin 金屬膜 / 金属膜 Metal Coat *
金屬塗層 Metal Coat
French Peau Metal
German Metallmantel
Italian Metalcoperta
Korean 금속코트 Geumsok Coat
Spanish Rev. Metálico*
Revest. Metálico*
Vietnamese Lớp phủ kim loại

Miracle Seed

Language Title
Japanese きせきのタネ Miracle Seed
Chinese Cantonese 奇蹟種子 Miracle Seed
Mandarin 奇跡種子 Miracle Seed
French Grain Miracl*
Grain Miracle*
German Wundersaat
Italian Miracolseme
Korean 기적의씨 Gijeogui Ssi
Spanish Semilla Milagro

Mystic Water

Language Title
Japanese しんぴのしずく Mysterious Droplet
Chinese Cantonese 神秘水滴 Mysterious Droplet
Mandarin 神秘水滴 Mysterious Droplet *
神秘的水滴 Mysterious Droplet *
French Eau Mystique
German Zauberwasser
Italian Acquamagica *
Acqua Magica*
Korean 신비의물방울 Sinbiui Mulbang-ul
Spanish Agua Mística
Vietnamese Giọt nước thần bí

Never-Melt Ice

Language Title
Japanese とけないこおり Never-Melting Ice
Chinese Cantonese 不融冰 Never-Melt Ice
Mandarin 不融冰 Never-Melt Ice *
融化不了的冰塊 Ice Cube That Won't Melt
Finnish Sulamaton jää
French Glacéternel*
Glace Éternelle*
German Ewiges Eis
Italian Gelomai
Korean 녹지않는얼음 Nokji Anneun Eoreum
Spanish Antiderretir

Poison Barb

Language Title
Japanese どくバリ Poison Barb
Chinese Cantonese 毒針 Poison Needle
Mandarin 毒針 Poison Needle
French Pic Venin
German Giftstich
Italian Velenaculeo
Korean 독바늘 Dokbaneul
Brazilian Portuguese Farpa Venenosa
Spanish Flecha Venenosa

Sharp Beak

Language Title
Japanese するどいくちばし Sharp Beak
Chinese Cantonese 銳利鳥嘴 Sharp Beak
Mandarin 銳利鳥嘴 / 锐利鸟嘴 Sharp Beak *
尖锐鸟嘴 Sharp Beak
尖銳的鳥嘴 Sharp Beak
French Bec Pointu
German Hackattack
Italian Beccaffilato
Korean 예리한부리 Yerihan Buri
Brazilian Portuguese Bico Afiado
Spanish Pico Afilado

Silk Scarf

Language Title
Japanese シルクのスカーフ Silk Scarf
Chinese Cantonese 絲綢圍巾 Silk Scarf
Mandarin 絲綢圍巾 / 丝绸围巾 Silk Scarf
French Mouch. Soie*
Mouchoir Soie*
German Seidenschal
Italian Sciarpaseta*
Sciarpa Seta*
Korean 실크스카프 Silk Scarf
Spanish Pañuelo Seda

Silver Powder

Language Title
Japanese ぎんのこな Silver Powder
Chinese Cantonese 銀粉 Silver Powder
Mandarin 銀粉 / 银粉 Silver Powder *
銀色的粉 Silver Powder
French Poudre Arg.*
Poudre Argentée*
German Silberstaub
Italian Argenpolvere
Korean 은빛가루 Eunbit Garu
Spanish Polvo Plata

Soft Sand

Language Title
Japanese やわらかいすな Soft Sand
Chinese Cantonese 柔軟沙子 Soft Sand
Mandarin 柔軟沙子 / 柔软沙子 Soft Sand *
柔軟的沙子 Soft Sand
French Sable Doux
German Pudersand
Italian Sabbiasoffice*
Sabbia Soffice*
Korean 부드러운모래 Budeureoun Morae
Spanish Arena Fina

Spell Tag

Language Title
Japanese のろいのおふだ Cursed O-fuda
Chinese Cantonese 詛咒之符 Cursed Talisman
Mandarin 詛咒之符 / 诅咒之符 Cursed Talisman *
詛咒護身符 Curse-protecting Amulet
French Rune Sort
German Bannsticker
Italian Spettrotarga
Korean 저주의부적 Jeojuui Bujeok
Spanish Hechizo

Twisted Spoon

Language Title
Japanese まがったスプーン Twisted Spoon
Chinese Cantonese 彎曲的湯匙 Twisted Spoon
Mandarin 彎曲的湯匙 / 弯曲的汤匙 Twisted Spoon
Finnish Kiero lusikka
French Cuillertordu*
Cuiller Tordue*
German Krümmlöffel
Italian Cucchiaiotorto*
Cucchiaio Torto*
Korean 휘어진스푼 Hwieojin Spoon
Spanish Cuchara Torcida

Pink Bow

Language Title
Japanese ピンクのリボン Pink Bow
Mandarin Chinese 粉红色丝帶 Pink Bow
French Ruban Rose
German Rosa Band
Italian Fiocco Rosa
Korean 핑크빛리본 Pink-bit Ribon
Spanish Lazo Rosa

Polkadot Bow

Language Title
Japanese みずたまりボン Polka-dot Ribbon
Mandarin Chinese 水玉色之帶 Water Jade Belt
French Ruban a Pois
German Punkt-Band
Italian Fiocco Pois
Korean 물방울리본 Mulbang-ul Ribon
Spanish Cintalunares

Held items
In-battle effect items
BerriesColored orbsDrivesPower items
Experience-affecting itemsGemsIncenseMega StonesMemoriesPlates
Stat-enhancing itemsType-enhancing itemsZ-Crystals
Out-of-battle effect items
Power itemsIncenseMailScarves

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.