Drapion (Duel 91)

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Weedle (90)
Pokémon Duel figures
Pachirisu (92)
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[[{{{next2}}} (Duel {{{nextid2}}})|{{{next2}}} ({{{nextid2}}})]] [[{{{next2}}} (Duel {{{nextid2}}})|]]
ドラピオン Dorapion
Evolution stage 2
Figure name Drapion
Move Points 1
Poison Dark
Version Unknown
Rarity Rare
ID 91
Price 1800Material
Shiny variant
Figure name Shiny Drapion
Version Unknown
ID 1
Price 1800Material
For more information on the Pokémon this figure depicts, see Drapion.

Drapion (Japanese: ドラピオン Dorapion) is a figure in Pokémon Duel.

Attack wheel

Version 3.0.6

Battle Armor カブトアーマー
If your battle opponent spins an Attack with 10 or more damage, you can force them to spin again once per turn.

Cross Poison クロスポイズン 29.2 pt.
Miss ミス 8.3 pt.
Venom Whip 29.2 pt.
One Pokémon within 2 steps becomes noxious.
Miss ミス 4.2 pt.
Noxious Fang* 29.2 pt.
* If this Pokémon is knocked out, the battle opponent becomes noxious.


Version 3.0.0-3.0.5

Battle Armor カブトアーマー
If your battle opponent spins an Attack with 10 or more damage, you can force them to spin again once per turn.

Cross Poison クロスポイズン 29.2 pt.
Miss ミス 12.5 pt.
Toxic どくどく 20.8 pt.
The battle opponent becomes noxious.
Miss ミス 8.3 pt.
Bite かみつく 29.2 pt.




Battle Armor is an Ability in the Pokémon games that Drapion can have. Cross Poison, Toxic, and Bite are moves in the games that Drapion can learn, the middle via TM06.

This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project TFG, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames and TFG, respectively.