User talk:Happizelpom

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Revision as of 05:03, 28 December 2007 by Pokemaniac102 (talk | contribs) (New page: Please make sure the wording of your edits are correct and proper Happizelpom? What Happiny, Buizel, and Either Aipom or Ambipom.~~~~)
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Latest comment: 28 December 2007 by Pokemaniac102

Please make sure the wording of your edits are correct and proper Happizelpom? What Happiny, Buizel, and Either Aipom or Ambipom.File:Ani386NMS.gifPokeFile:Ani386AMS.gifmaniacFile:Ani386DMS.gif102File:Ani386SMS.gif 05:03, 28 December 2007 (UTC)Reply