Sun (Adventures)

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Revision as of 17:00, 22 June 2017 by Rahl (talk | contribs) (On hand)
サン Sun

Gender Male
Eye color Silver
Hair color Dark blue
Hometown Unknown
Region Alola
Relatives Great-grandfather
Trainer class Trainer
Game counterpart Sun

Sun (Japanese: サン Sun) is a main character in the manga series Pokémon Adventures.


Sun is a Trainer that aims to collect 100 million yen for an unknown reason. To do so, he takes on various jobs in order to raise the money he needs. Due to his main line of work being delivery, everyone calls Sun "Sun the Courier" (Japanese: 運び屋サン).


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
Sun in his Riding Wear

Sun is first seen as a child talking to his great-grandfather over a video phone. Sun's great-grandfather attempts to show some Alolan Meowth off, but their selfish personalities lead to them ignoring him. The sight of the Alolan Meowth give Sun the desire to visit the Alola region one day.

In the present day, Sun takes on a part-time job of removing wild Pyukumuku from a beach. As he throws the Pyukumuku back into the ocean, one accidentally hits a girl named Moon in the face, covering her in its innards. When Moon demands compensation for her wet clothes, Sun attempts to try and get out of paying her and offers to make it up to her. They are interrupted by the two Team Skull Grunts that hired Sun for the job in the first place. The male Grunt gives Sun the money for the job, but proceeds to refuse to pay Sun when his Salandit notices a Pyukumuku that had not been removed.

Moon sees through this lie and points out that the female Grunt slipped the Pyukumuku onto the ground when no one was looking. The male Grunt silences Moon by having his Salandit hit her with its tail. The Grunt begins lying again by claiming that hitting Moon broke Salandit's tail, which means that Sun will now have to work to pay off its medical bills. Angered, Sun destroys the cast around his leg and sends out his Dollar to battle the Grunts. With Dollar's Pay Day, Sun defeats the Grunts and forces them to escape. Although annoyed that he can no longer work on the beach, Sun decides to make do with his promise to make up for Moon's wet clothes by drying them with the heat from his Litten, En. He then summons a Tauros with a Ride Pager to help Moon deliver her package to Professor Kukui.

Sun sets out to Professor Kukui's, only to come back after realizing that he forgot to take the item that needed to be delivered. Moon reveals that the delivery is actually herself and the Rotom she had with her. Sun then takes Moon through Hau'oli City's Shopping District, where they meet the locals. When Sun's injured foot begins to start hurting again, he is left unable to move. Moon decides to help Sun with her medical skills. She searches through a collection of healing items, but is unable to find the Figy Berry she needs to help Sun. After finding the Berry in a tree being pecked at by wild Pikipek, Moon pulls out a bow with a Poké Ball-tipped arrow and fires it at the Berry to knock it to the ground.

With the Berry, Moon heals Sun's injury. When Sun asks why she didn't use a Pokémon, Moon tries to explain, but is interrupted when Sun notices something in the sky. Moon turns around to find that Tapu Koko, the guardian deity of Melemele Island, has appeared before them. Tapu Koko proceeds to attack the two, forcing Sun to battle it. After a short battle, Tapu Koko escapes and leaves behind a Sparkling Stone. Afterward, Sun and Moon arrive at Professor Kukui's laboratory, only to find the Professor bursting through the roof after testing out the moves of his Rowlet and Popplio.

After Sun introduces Moon and Professor Kukui to each other, Moon hands over Rotom, to Kukui's delight. Kukui reveals that he wanted Rotom, which is not found in Alola, because it is capable of combining with Sun's Pokédex. When Rotom attempts to go inside the Pokédex, it freaks out and runs away, which Sun reveals is due to him constantly mishandling the Pokédex, causing it to become dirty and smell bad. Angered, Kukui beats Sun up and tells him to go and retrieve Rotom while he cleans the Pokédex. Later that night, an injured Sun returns to Kukui's house, having successfully retrieved Rotom. After Moon heals Sun's wounds for free, she notices a fire coming from Iki Town, which Sun reveals is due to a festival that will be held there the next day.

The next day, Sun is asked by a sleep-deprived Kukui why he wasn't informed about Sun's encounter with Tapu Koko the previous day. Kukui reveals that the Island Kahuna Hala asked to be reported about any sightings of Tapu Koko. To Sun's annoyance, Kukui also reveals that he decided to enter Sun in the battle that will be held in Iki Town's festival. At the festival, Sun does some part-time work by helping people place their stalls, but expresses annoyance that he is forced to put off any potential jobs due to being entered in the tournament.

Sun and En activating a Z-Move for the first time

In the first battle of the first round of the tournament, Sun is paired up against the Masked Royal, but he refuses to take the battle seriously due to the lack of a monetary reward. When Hala reveals the prize for winning the tournament, an island challenge amulet, Sun assumes he can sell the amulet for money and becomes motivated to battle seriously. After a tough battle, En defeats the Masked Royal's Munchlax, giving Sun the win and allowing him to advance to the next round. The next battle is interrupted by the arrival of Team Skull's leader, Guzma, who had come to the festival in order to get payback on Sun for his victory over the Team Skull Grunts at Hau'oli Beachfront. Guzma then takes Grunt A's place in the tournament, putting him as Sun's opponent in the next battle.

In the first battle of the second round of the tournament, Sun faces off against Guzma. Through the use of tactics, Guzma's Masquerain easily defeats En. With only one Pokémon left, Sun sends out Dollar to face Masquerain, which it manages to defeat. With both parties down to one team member, Guzma sends out his final Pokémon, Golisopod. Golisopod proves to be a powerful opponent and even manages to break Sun's arm when he tries to defend Dollar from an attack. When Golisopod accidentally dirties the coin on Dollar's head with its claws, Dollar flies into a rage, giving it the strength to defeat Golisopod, allowing Sun to move to the final round. Angered by this defeat, Guzma and the Grunts leave the area.

Afterward, Moon bandages Sun's broken arm to let it heal. In the second battle of the second round of the tournament, Sun watches as Moon faces off against Gladion. To Sun and Gladion's surprise, the normally serious pharmacist Moon is actually a lover of Poison-type Pokémon. After Moon is defeated, Sun faces off against Gladion in the final round of the tournament. Gladion's Type: Null proves to be a powerful opponent, both in offense and in defense with its iron mask. Sun tries to defeat Type: Null by shooting En's fire hairballs into the mask, but Gladion sees through this strategy and tells Sun to stop fooling around. Angered by Gladion claiming that he doesn't have a legitimate motivation for participating in the tournament, Sun angrily declares that he will obtain the money he needs at any cost. As he does this, the cast on Sun's arm unravels, revealing the Sparkling Stone underneath. A powerful energy shoots out from a crack in the sky and lands on the Sparkling Stone before moving towards En. The energy powers up En's Ember, allowing it to create a powerful sea of flames that defeats Gladion's Type: Null. The strain of the attack causes Sun to pass out as he wonders just what move it was that En used.

Later, Sun is awakened by the blinding light of the sun. After questioning what happened to the tournament, Sun notices that he is in possession of the island challenge amulet. Overjoyed with his apparent victory, Sun decides to go exchange the amulet for money, but begins to question where he is. To Sun's shock, a talking Pokédex possessed by a Rotom reveals that they are currently on a yacht in the middle of the sea.


Sun's Pokémon are all named after real world currencies.

On hand

Debut PASM01

Dollar (Japanese: ダラー Dollar) is Sun's first known Pokémon. It was first used to battle a pair of Team Skull Grunts after they threatened to dock the pay they promised Sun for his part-time job. It was given its nickname due to its sluggish personality when not in battle. Due to being descended from royalty, Dollar is very prideful and will fly into a rage if the coin on its head is dirtied.

Dollar's known moves are Pay Day and Night Slash.

Debut PASM01

En (Japanese: エン En) is Sun's second known Pokémon. It was first used to help Moon by drying her wet clothes with the heat from its flames. Sun received En from Professor Kukui.

En's known moves are Ember and Tackle*.
En can also use an unknown Z-Move.

Ride Pokémon

Sun has at least one other Ride Pokémon according to his Ride Pager, labeled as "Swim".

Sun's Tauros

Tauros is a Ride Pokémon that can be summoned at any time via the Ride Pager. Sun uses Tauros to help with deliveries.

None of Tauros's moves are known.

Sun's Mudsdale

Mudsdale is Sun's second known Ride Pokémon. It was first mentioned when Sun explained that he accidentally dropped his Pokédex into its droppings, causing it to smell bad.

None of Mudsdale's moves are known.



Language Name Origin
Japanese サン Sun From Pokémon Sun

Sun's Pokémon


Language Name Origin
Japanese ダラー Dollar From dollar. Also a pun on だらだら daradara, (sluggish)


Language Name Origin
Japanese エン En From 円 en, (yen). Also a pun on 炎 en, (flame)

Pokémon Adventures main characters
RGBY/FRLG: RedBlueGreenYellow
GSC/HGSS: GoldSilverCrystal
RSE/ORAS: RubySapphireEmerald
DPPt: DiamondPearlPlatinum
BWB2W2: BlackWhiteBlakeWhitley
SWSH: HenryCasey
SV: VioletScarlet

This article is part of both Project Manga and Project CharacterDex, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Manga and CharacterDex, respectively.