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If you were looking for the glitch move, see HM01 (move).

HMs are TMs that serve a purpose out of battle, as well as being moves for in-battle use; however, with the exception of Generation V, in order to use an HM's purpose out of battle, a Gym Badge is required. Through Generation VI, HM01 is Cut. In Pokémon Sun and Moon, HMs are not used and HM01 does not exist.

This HM was not available before Generation IV
Generation I
Location Badge
RBY S.S. Anne Cascade Badge
Generation II
Location Badge
GSC Ilex Forest Hive Badge
Generation III
Location Badge
RSE Rustboro City Stone Badge
FRLG S.S. Anne Cascade Badge
Location Purchase price Sell price
MDRB Buried Relic (80F) N/A 1 Poké
Generation IV
Location Badge
DP Eterna City Forest Badge
Pt Eterna City Forest Badge
HGSS Ilex Forest Hive Badge
Location Purchase price Sell price
MDTDS Shops in Destiny Tower, Final Maze N/A 1 Poké
MDBSL Unknown N/A 1 Poké
Generation V
BW Striaton City
B2W2 Virbank City
Location Purchase price Sell price
MDGtI Unknown N/A N/A
This HM was not available in Generation V
Generation VI
Location Badge
XY Parfum Palace Bug Badge
ORAS Rustboro City Stone Badge
Location Purchase price Sell price
SMD Glorious Gold 2 154
This HM was not available in Generation VI

Hidden Machines