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Revision as of 17:22, 30 December 2007 by Mooresnakes (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 30 December 2007 by Mooresnakes

What happens if you give one of the bitter healing items to a Pokemon holding a Soothe Bell? --Ketsuban

Even better question: What happen when you give a Pokémon that likes bitter food the bitter herbs? PsychicFile:Ani475MS.gif Agent 448δ | DP Fighting 12:55, 21 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
As for the first question: Giving bitter herbs are negative events so the Soothe Bell won't help there...
Second, it's a different type of bitter, like earwax bitter. No one likes that kind. TTEchidna 20:18, 21 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

With evolution based on happiness, does the evolution occur when the happines level is reached, or when the pokemon grows a level at that happiness rating? --Mooresnakes 17:13, 30 December 2007 (UTC)Reply