Pester Ball

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 02:55, 6 October 2017 by SnorlaxMonster (talk | contribs) (This infobox is really only for core series items. It doesn't make sense for spin-off items. | No need to have the same image in two different places; maybe a screenshot of the item in use would be helpful though.)
Pester Ball artwork from Pokémon Snap

The Pester Ball (Japanese: イヤイヤボール Reluctant Ball) are multi-colored balls that at first appear to be regular Poké Balls. However, instead of catching Pokémon, they release a noxious Pokémon repellent that can knock out or stun Pokémon.

In Pokémon Snap, Professor Oak gives Pester Balls to Todd Snap after he obtains a total score of 72,500 points for all of the pictures in the Pokémon Report. They help him flush out wild Pokémon, provoke an irritated reaction, and sometimes even knock them out of the way.


File:Pester Ball Animation.gif
Appearance in-game in Pokémon Snap

In other languages

Language Title
French Agass'Ball
Italian Pester Ball