Theme Deck (TCG)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

A Theme deck, previously known as a Preconstructed Theme Deck, is a playing deck of Pokémon Trading Card Game cards sold pre-packaged alongside mainstream card sets. Most Theme decks are designed with a specific strategy (such as Special Conditions) or theme (such as starter Pokémon) in mind.

Theme decks are mostly seen only alongside English-language releases and are seldom released in Japan, released only alongside debut sets such as Base Set and Neo Genesis, as well as alongside the original Gym sets. The vast majority of Japanese decks released are Half Decks and are released alongside almost all sets.

For English-language set releases, most expansions are assigned two theme decks affiliated with the set, with the next most common number being three theme decks for releases such as EX Crystal Guardians, Diamond & Pearl, Great Encounters, Black & White and Kalos Starter Set. Only three sets have included four theme decks so far (Gym Heroes, Gym Challenge and HeartGold & SoulSilver), only two sets have included five theme decks (Base Set and Base Set 2), and only three mainstream sets have included no theme decks (Neo Revelation, Dragon Vault, and Legendary Treasures). In addition, there are Online-exclusive Theme decks for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online.

English/Global Theme Decks

Generation I

Original Series

Base Set



Base Set 2

Team Rocket

Gym Series

Gym Heroes

Gym Challenge

Generation II

Neo Series

Neo Genesis

Neo Discovery

Pokémon VS

Neo Revelation

  • none

Neo Destiny

Legendary Collection Series

Legendary Collection

e-Card Series

Expedition Base Set



Generation III

EX Series

EX Ruby & Sapphire

EX Sandstorm

EX Dragon

EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua

EX Hidden Legends

EX FireRed & LeafGreen

EX Team Rocket Returns

EX Deoxys

EX Emerald

EX Unseen Forces

EX Delta Species

EX Legend Maker

EX Holon Phantoms

EX Crystal Guardians

EX Dragon Frontiers

EX Power Keepers

Generation IV

Diamond & Pearl Series

Diamond & Pearl

Mysterious Treasures

Secret Wonders

Great Encounters

Majestic Dawn

Legends Awakened


Platinum Series


Rising Rivals

Supreme Victors


HeartGold & SoulSilver Series

HeartGold & SoulSilver




Call of Legends Series

Call of Legends

Generation V

Black & White Series

Black & White

Emerging Powers

Noble Victories

Next Destinies

Dark Explorers

Dragons Exalted

Dragon Vault — mini set

  • none

Boundaries Crossed

Plasma Series

Plasma Storm

Plasma Freeze

Plasma Blast

Legendary Treasures

  • none

Generation VI

XY Series

Kalos Starter Set



Furious Fists

Phantom Forces

Primal Clash

Double Crisis — mini set

  • none

Roaring Skies

Ancient Origins



Fates Collide

Steam Siege


Generation VII

Sun & Moon Series

Sun & Moon

Guardians Rising

Burning Shadows

Crimson Invasion

Special Theme Decks

Online Exclusive Theme Decks

Main article: Pokémon Trading Card Game Online

Color Decks

Other Decks

Trainer Kits

Main article: Trainer Kit

EX Master Deck Kit

EX Epic Collection

World Championships Decks

Main article: World Championships Deck (TCG)

2004 World Championships

2005 World Championships

2006 World Championships

2007 World Championships

2008 World Championships

2009 World Championships

2010 World Championships

2011 World Championships

2012 World Championships

2013 World Championships

2014 World Championships

2015 World Championships

2016 World Championships

Japanese Decks and Kits

Japanese Standard Decks

Original era

Gym Booster 1 - Leaders' Stadium

Gym Booster 2 - Challenge from the Darkness

Neo era

  • none

VS era

  • none

Web era

  • none

e-Card era

  • none

ADV era

  • none

PCG era

Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends

DP era

Shining Darkness

DPt era

Advent of Arceus


Reviving Legends

BW era

Psycho Drive Hail Blizzard

File:SetSymbol PlasmaGale.png Plasma Gale

Megalo Cannon

XY era

Wild Blaze

Phantom Gate

Japanese Half Decks

Original era

Challenge from the Darkness

Neo era

Darkness, and to Light...

VS era

Pokémon VS

Web era

  • none

e-Card era

Wind from the Sea

ADV era

Rulers of the Heavens

Magma VS Aqua: Two Ambitions

Undone Seal

PCG era

Clash of the Blue Sky

Rocket Gang Strikes Back

Mirage Forest

Holon Research Tower

Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends

DP era

Secret of the Lakes

DPt era

Galactic's Conquest

Beat of the Frontier

Advent of Arceus


HeartGold CollectionSoulSilver Collection

BW era

Black CollectionWhite Collection

Psycho Drive Hail Blizzard

Dragon BlastDragon Blade

File:SetSymbol PlasmaGale.png Plasma Gale

XY era

Collection XCollection Y

Japanese Starter Decks

Original era

Expansion Pack - Booster Pack

Gold, Silver, to a New World…

e-Card era

e-Card 1

ADV era

Expansion Pack

Rulers of the Heavens

PCG era

Rocket Gang Strikes Back

Mirage Forest

Flight of Legends

Clash of the Blue Sky

Miracle Crystal

DP era

Space-Time Creation


HeartGold CollectionSoulSilver Collection

Japanese Deck Kits

Original era

Leaders' Stadium

ADV era

Magma VS Aqua: Two Ambitions

PCG era

Rocket Gang Strikes Back

Mirage Forest

DP era

Moonlit PursuitDawn Dash

Cry from the MysteriousTemple of Anger

Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky

DPt era

Galactic's Conquest

Bonds to the End of Time

Beat of the Frontier


HeartGold CollectionSoulSilver Collection

BW era

Dragon BlastDragon Blade

Megalo Cannon

See also

Pokémon Trading Card Game merchandise
See also:
Booster pack
Theme Deck
Half Deck

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.