Talk:One-hit knockout move

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Revision as of 17:00, 2 February 2018 by Force Fire (talk | contribs) (Accuracy and Counter)
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Latest comment: 2 February 2018 by Force Fire in topic Accuracy and Counter

I find this definition to be quite cumbersome and repitive. Talking about decimating other Pokemon doesn't seem very "Encylopedia-like". But this is just me. I would rather a concise article to this lengthy one. If anyone else agrees, I can rewrite it. --ZellMurasame 05:55, 24 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Furthermore, the correct definition of 'decimate' is "to kill one in ten." Might I suggest 'obliterate' as a better substitute? --Alex S. 04:30, 13 January 2009 (UTC)Reply
I changed the offending section. — THE TROM05:18, 13 January 2009 (UTC)Reply


Can moves like Endure or items like the Focus Sash keep a Pokémon which doesn't have the Sturdy ability from being knocked out if a OHKO move hits it? This would seem like a good way to protect a Pokémon from fainting from that kind of move. Superbreeder 21:00, 13 April 2009 (UTC)Reply


I'm pretty sure accuracy changes, depending on the levels of the user and the target. Try using Sheer Cold with a Kyogre against a lv. 1 Pokémon a lot of times and you will hit a lot of times. According to Smogon, OHKO moves accuracy is calculated as follows:

Accuracy = ((User Level - Target Level) + 30)% Gabriel Rocha (Diby esp) 05:44, 14 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

That is correct.--ForceFire 07:14, 14 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
So, shouldn't this be in this article and also Fissure, Sheer Cold, Guillotine and Horn Drill? I think it's worth noting, instead of saying just it is 30% accurate. Gabriel Rocha (Diby esp) 14:43, 14 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, but the thing is, it's already on there.--ForceFire 08:14, 15 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
Do you mean it? I can't find where it is written, seriously. And also, I think we can't say their accuracy is 30%, it varies. Gabriel Rocha (Diby esp) 02:51, 16 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
It's not there at all..... yet.... — THE TROM03:01, 16 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
How has it still not beed added? D: Went ahead and added it. Might need some sort of source though. --Pyritie 00:08, 6 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

No Guard

From the trivia: "In double battles, Trainers can use OHKO moves effectively by pairing a Pokémon with a OHKO move with a Machop, Machoke, or Machamp with the ability No Guard." From No Guard: "In a double battle, the effect only applies to the Pokémon with No Guard and any Pokémon targeting it." Which one's true?--Mongeese 00:59, 9 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

I was about to ask this same question! :U I'm pretty sure the latter is correct because otherwise it would be pretty damn overpowered. --Pyritie 23:58, 5 June 2010 (UTC)Reply


No Guard causes OHKO moves to always hit, but there's only a handful of ways to get it on a Pokémon with one of those moves. I'm not sure if this is absolutely noteworthy, but here's the info in case someone thinks it should be in the article...

Things that can't be done:

  • Nothing with No Guard can learn Entrainment, Skill Swap or any OHKO move.
  • Nothing with Trace can learn any OHKO move.
  • Nothing that can learn Horn Drill can acquire No Guard without external assistance.

Things that can be done:

Other than this, multiple uses of Skill Swap can be used to eventually get No Guard on just about anything.

--GuyPerfect (talk) 22:46, 31 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Perish Song

Wouldn't Perish Song be a OHKO move too. Because the user or they opponent can automatically faint if the don't switch out too soon?--KayKay|Chat to me! 05:25, 12 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

No, because it is already considered a status move, and the fact that it takes three turns just doesn't go along with the other four OHKO moves. Mathfreak231 is a bawse :) (talk) 23:30, 13 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Wide Lens

I want to know if Wide Lens (and Zoom Lens) affects the accuracy rate of these moves. Also if such abilities as Compoundeyes (I already read that Noguard affects it, and I'm also unsure if any with Compoundeyes can even get a OHKO move) affect its accuracy as well. I know these moves aren't affected by accuracy changes, but what I don't know is if abilities and held items count as "changes".--Freyt 02:20, 19 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

"KO" on screen?

I have heard that in the games, a little "KO" sign will appear on the bottom left hand of one of the four move boxes. Is this true? Sambam124 23:31, 22 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Negative accuracy?

I was a bit confused by the formula for OHKO accuracy, as it can equal a negative integer much more than with one set of numbers. If User's Level = 1 and, say, the Target's Level = 100, then: Acc. = ((1 - 100) + 30)% Acc. = -69%

Is this automatically rounded to 1%? Or possibly 30%? Jonbuddy1 - Goldene und Silberne 00:35, 27 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

The moves will always fail if the target is a higher level. Sneaking from page to page... It's the page-editing purple ghost... Gengarzilla! 14:31, 2 April 2012 (UTC)Reply

Same level?

What happens if both Pkmn have the same level,do then the iniative decides? Rajjoaby (talk) 16:03, 25 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

If a Pokemon targeted with a One-hit knockout, and the target is the same level as the user of the move, the move can still be used, only that it has accuracy of 30%. --NOBODY (talk) 16:12, 25 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Accuracy and Counter

Okay, there are a few inaccuracies with edits to OHKO pages, and I think also something new I should explain in detail:

  1. Fissure cannot be countered in Generation I, same as every other Ground-type move
  2. The other OHKO moves cannot be countered in Generation I either, because the OHKO damage is zeroed upon miss
  3. Guillotine cannot be countered in Generation II, because (unlike the other OHKO moves, for whatever reason) its power is internally specified as 0 and those moves cannot be countered (That can also be seen here, and _Crystal's comment is super valuable.)
    1. (It's not exactly "infinite" damage, of course, but it is as much as OHKO moves do)
  4. The accuracy isn't displayed in Generation II

That's why the edit should be done, and also, there's my opionion on how to best represent/layout/explain the OHKO moves (which influenced how my actual edit incorporates that information):

  • I believe the accuracy is way too important to be offloaded to the OHKO page only; I imagine that's the thing a majority of readers will be looking for. It makes even less sense when it is not (any longer) a truly shared thing.
  • I believe rounding to two decimals is a decent compromise between "not inaccurate" and "understandable". I do not agree with the strict "do *not* round or truncate GenI-II fractions" policy Blueapple128 apparently tried to suggest/impose, but I can partly understand the "not in any developer's head" argument; anyway, I doubt that the intention is "let's add (2/256)*100% per level", but (at most) "let's add some per level". Anyway, based on that edit summary, I added a tooltip that has us not lose that detail (which imo isn't really needed either). Nescientist (talk) 16:10, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
FYI, for Gen I-II, Counter says that, basically, damage must have been dealt by the last move. I.e., OHKO moves shouldn't be counterable (short of Focus Band activating after the hit; the only other options are you faint or it deals no damage). If you've been looking at Counter, can you update that page? Thanks. Tiddlywinks (talk) 16:30, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
Done. Code explanation is, what Counter's doing is checking power (>0), type (special), and curDamage (>0; this is usually zeroed in checkhit upon miss, but isn't run for OHKO moves. I believe on the page, only those OHKO moves I mentioned were not correctly accounted for. Nescientist (talk) 01:11, 2 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
OHKO moves override this when they hit or miss (but don't even run when they don't affect the opponent) [edited, 16:36, 2 February 2018 (UTC)]). - unsigned comment from Nescientist (talkcontribs)
Please don't alter your talk page comments, leave them the way they are. If you want to make a clarification, you can simply make the comment without altering your previous comment.--ForceFire 16:59, 2 February 2018 (UTC)Reply