Myron (XY029)

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This article is missing information on this character's Japanese voice actor.
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Myron (Japanese: キヨシ Kiyoshi) is a character of the day who appeared in Heroes - Friends and Faux Alike!.

Myron was playing with his Pancham when he was approached by Team Rocket, who was disguised as Ash and his friends. James, who was disguised as Ash, challenged Myron to a battle. Myron refused, however, saying he didn't want his Pancham to battle. James ignored this and had his Inkay, which was disguised as Ash's Pikachu, use Psybeam on Pancham, followed by a Tackle. With Pancham badly hurt, Team Rocket concluded it was too weak and thus decided not to steal it. They quickly ran away with Myron shouting that he would report them to Officer Jenny.

Later, Myron ran into the real group of Ash and his friends, and let them know that he reported them. He quickly concluded they were not the people who attacked his Pancham earlier, however, since Pikachu wasn't floating in midair (which Inkay, disguised as Pikachu, did). He then ran off, apologizing for accusing them.


This article is missing information on this character's Japanese voice actor and English voice actor.
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Myron's Pancham

Pancham is Myron's only known Pokémon.

Myron was playing with Pancham when they were approached by Team Rocket, who was disguised as Ash and his friends. Myron was challenged to a battle by James, who was disguised as Ash, but he refused, saying that he didn't want Pancham to battle. James ignored this and had his Inkay, which was disguised as Ash's Pikachu, use Psybeam on Pancham, followed by a Tackle. Pancham was badly hurt and Team Rocket decided it was too weak to steal, and as such ran off.

None of Pancham's moves are known.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
English Eileen Stevens
Finnish Saara Lehtonen
Hebrew טליה ברקאי Talia Barkai
Polish Joanna Pach
European Spanish Chelo Molina

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.