The trial site is located at the north end of the canyon. The trial begins once the player enters the trial site; they can leave the way they came in at any time, although this will reset the trial. If the player loses the battle against the Totem Pokémon, when they attempt the trial again they will only need to battle the Totem Pokémon; however, if they then leave after this, the trial will be reset. The player cannot use Charizard Glide during the trial.
This is a natural trial that has no Trial Captain, said to be the first ever trial. A tablet at the entrance of the trial site explains the trial. The player proceeds forward through the trial site, being attacked by a wild Jangmo-o and a wild Hakamo-o that leap from up high as the player proceeds toward a Z-Crystal pedestal. If the player tries to proceed out of the passageway behind the pedestal, they will be forced to turn back due to the fear that the Totem Pokémon will attack them from behind. When the player attempts to take the Z-Crystal from the pedestal, they are unable to retrieve the Dragonium Z before being attacked by the trial's Totem Pokémon, a Kommo-o.
In the battle with Totem Kommo-o, it will call Hakamo-o on its first turn, and call Scizor if its HP is below 2/3 (if the ally Hakamo-o has been defeated). If its HP drops below 2/3 before it has a chance to call an ally, it will call Scizor first, then call Hakamo-o at the first opportunity after Scizor has fainted. Once an ally is defeated, Totem Kommo-o cannot call it again.
After completing the trial, the player collects the Dragonium Z from the pedestal.
Canyon, south of the second cave, on the south side of the rock in the clearing accessed by traversing the southern half of the second cave (requires Mudsdale Gallop) (hidden)
Canyon, south of the second cave, on the south side of the rock in the clearing accessed by traversing the southern half of the second cave (requires Mudsdale Gallop) (hidden)
Canyon, after the third cave, on the ground level, between the group of four rocks in the area behind the fallen tree south of the trial site on the west side (hidden)
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Vast Poni Canyon first appeared in Family Determination!, where Lillie and Gladion traveled through it on their way to the Altar of the Sunne. Along the way, Lillie constantly kept seeing obstacles in their way, such as thinking that two cliffsides would have an invisible bridge in between them, and thinking up ways to solve said obstacles, only for her assumptions to be proven wrong by Gladion. In the final cave before reaching the altar, Lillie and Gladion came face to face with a TotemKommo-o and its army of ally Jangmo-o and Hakamo-o. However, with Gladion changing his Silvally into a Fairy-type, the Totem Pokémon was quickly defeated. Soon after, the two were joined by Ash, the rest of Lillie's classmates, and Professor Kukui.
The canyon also appeared in Revealing the Stuff of Legend!, where Professor Kukui went back there to save Professor Burnet from the Jangmo-o and Hakamo-o. With his Braviary, Kukui was easily able to defeat the group of Dragon/Fighting Pokémon, allowing him to bring Burnet safely to the altar.