Sebastian (Hoenn)

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Sebastian (Japanese: セバスチャン Sebastian) is an anime-exclusive character who appeared in The Great Eight Fate! and Eight Ain't Enough.

As the Gym Assistant for the Sootopolis Gym, Sebastian helps out by announcing the rules at the beginning of matches and serves as Juan's butler in his mansion.

He formally greeted Ash and his friends as they arrived with Juan at the Sootopolis Gym's dock. Sebastian quickly guided Ash to his battle podium for the Gym challenge to begin. He was the referee and used two colored flags to announce the winner of each battle round.

Sebastian congratulated Ash on his victory against Juan and informed him that the next championship will be held at Ever Grande City in three months time.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 麻生智久 Tomohisa Asō
English Mike Pollock
Finnish Kari Tamminen
European Spanish Julián Rodríguez


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