Pokémon Tool card (TCG)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 04:09, 15 August 2018 by Shroomburst (talk | contribs) (Updated Japanese Tools through Fairy Rise)

Pokémon Tool cards were first released in Neo Genesis.

List of Pokémon Tool cards

English cards

Card Rarity Expansion Card no.
Focus Band Rare Neo Genesis 86/111
Gold Berry Uncommon Neo Genesis 93/111
Miracle Berry Uncommon Neo Genesis 94/111
Berry Common Neo Genesis 99/111
Balloon Berry Uncommon Neo Revelation 60/64
EXP.ALL Rare Neo Destiny 93/105
Counterattack Claws Uncommon Neo Destiny 97/105
Strength Charm Uncommon Expedition 150/165
Healing Berry Uncommon Aquapolis 125/147
Memory Berry Uncommon Aquapolis 128/147
Time Shard Uncommon Aquapolis 135/147
Crystal Shard Uncommon Skyridge 122/144
Star Piece Uncommon Skyridge 139/144
Lum Berry Uncommon EX Ruby & Sapphire 84/109
Oran Berry Uncommon EX Ruby & Sapphire 85/109
Balloon Berry Uncommon EX Dragon 82/97
Buffer Piece Uncommon EX Dragon 83/97
Strength Charm Uncommon EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua 74/95
Team Aqua Belt Uncommon EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua 76/95
Team Magma Belt Uncommon EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua 81/95
EXP.ALL Uncommon EX FireRed & LeafGreen 91/112
Balloon Berry Uncommon EX Deoxys 84/107
Crystal Shard Uncommon EX Deoxys 85/107
Strength Charm Uncommon EX Deoxys 92/107
Lum Berry Uncommon EX Emerald 78/106
Oran Berry Uncommon EX Emerald 80/106
Curse Powder Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 80/115
Energy Root Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 83/115
Fluffy Berry Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 85/115
Protective Orb Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 90/115
Sitrus Berry Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 91/115
Solid Rage Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 92/115
Cessation Crystal Uncommon EX Crystal Guardians 74/100
Crystal Shard Uncommon EX Crystal Guardians 76/100
Memory Berry Uncommon EX Crystal Guardians 80/100
Mysterious Shard Uncommon EX Crystal Guardians 81/100
Buffer Piece Uncommon EX Dragon Frontiers 72/101
Strength Charm Uncommon EX Dragon Frontiers 81/101
Amulet Coin Uncommon Great Encounters 97/106
Leftovers Uncommon Great Encounters 99/106
Bubble Coat Uncommon Legends Awakened 129/146
Energy Link Uncommon Stormfront 83/100
Memory Berry Uncommon Platinum 110/127
Team Galactic's Invention G-101 Energy Gain Uncommon Platinum 117/127
Bench Shield Uncommon Arceus 83/99
Buffer Piece Uncommon Arceus 84/99
Expert Belt Uncommon Arceus 87/99
Lucky Egg Uncommon Arceus 88/99
Eviolite Uncommon Noble Victories 91/101
Rocky Helmet Uncommon Noble Victories 94/101
Exp. Share Uncommon Next Destinies 87/99
Dark Claw Uncommon Dark Explorers 92/108
Giant Cape Uncommon Dragons Exalted 114/124
Rescue Scarf Uncommon Dragons Exalted 115/124
Exp. Share - Dragon Vault 18/20
Rocky Helmet Uncommon Boundaries Crossed 133/149
Crystal Edge Rare Ace Boundaries Crossed 138/149
Crystal Wall Rare Ace Boundaries Crossed 139/149
Rocky Helmet Rare Secret Boundaries Crossed 153/149
Eviolite Uncommon Plasma Storm 122/135
Victory Piece Rare Ace Plasma Storm 130/135
Float Stone Uncommon Plasma Freeze 99/116
Team Plasma Badge Uncommon Plasma Freeze 104/116
Life Dew Rare Ace Plasma Freeze 107/116
Rock Guard Rare Ace Plasma Freeze 108/116
Reversal Trigger Uncommon Plasma Blast 86/101
Silver Bangle Uncommon Plasma Blast 88/101
Silver Mirror Uncommon Plasma Blast 89/101
G Booster Rare Ace Plasma Blast 92/101
G Scope Rare Ace Plasma Blast 93/101
Hard Charm Uncommon XY 119/146
Muscle Band Uncommon XY 121/146
Protection Cube Uncommon Flashfire 95/106
Focus Sash Uncommon Furious Fists 91/111
Sparkling Robe Uncommon Furious Fists 99/111
Gengar Spirit Link Uncommon Phantom Forces 95/119
Head Ringer Rare Phantom Forces 97/119
Jamming Net Rare Phantom Forces 98/119
Manectric Spirit Link Uncommon Phantom Forces 100/119
Trick Coin Uncommon Phantom Forces 108/119
Aggron Spirit Link Uncommon Primal Clash 123/160
Exp. Share Uncommon Primal Clash 128/160
Gardevoir Spirit Link Uncommon Primal Clash 130/160
Groudon Spirit Link Uncommon Primal Clash 131/160
Kyogre Spirit Link Uncommon Primal Clash 132/160
Weakness Policy Uncommon Primal Clash 142/160
Weakness Policy Rare Secret Primal Clash 164/160
Gallade Spirit Link Uncommon Roaring Skies 83/108
Healing Scarf Uncommon Roaring Skies 84/108
Latios Spirit Link Uncommon Roaring Skies 85/108
Rayquaza Spirit Link Uncommon Roaring Skies 87/108
Wide Lens Uncommon Roaring Skies 95/108
Ampharos Spirit Link Uncommon Ancient Origins 70/98
Lucky Helmet Uncommon Ancient Origins 77/98
Sceptile Spirit Link Uncommon Ancient Origins 80/98
Tyranitar Spirit Link Uncommon Ancient Origins 81/98
Assault Vest Uncommon BREAKthrough 133/162
Float Stone Uncommon BREAKthrough 137/162
Glalie Spirit Link Uncommon BREAKthrough 139/162
Heavy Boots Uncommon BREAKthrough 141/162
Houndoom Spirit Link Uncommon BREAKthrough 142/162
Mewtwo Spirit Link Uncommon BREAKthrough 144/162
Bursting Balloon Uncommon BREAKpoint 97/122
Fighting Fury Belt Uncommon BREAKpoint 99/122
Gyarados Spirit Link Uncommon BREAKpoint 101/122
Scizor Spirit Link Uncommon BREAKpoint 111/122
Aerodactyl Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY99
Mawile Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY105
Alakazam Spirit Link Uncommon Fates Collide 90/124
Altaria Spirit Link Uncommon Fates Collide 91/124
Audino Spirit Link Uncommon Fates Collide 92/124
Bent Spoon Uncommon Fates Collide 93/124
Energy Pouch Uncommon Fates Collide 97/124
Power Memory Uncommon Fates Collide 108/124
Gardevoir Spirit Link Uncommon Steam Siege 101/114
Steelix Spirit Link Uncommon Steam Siege 106/114
Beedrill Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY159
Blastoise Spirit Link Uncommon Evolutions 73/108
Charizard Spirit Link Uncommon Evolutions 75/108
Pidgeot Spirit Link Uncommon Evolutions 81/108
Slowbro Spirit Link Uncommon Evolutions 86/108
Venusaur Spirit Link Uncommon Evolutions 89/108
Garchomp Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY169
Salamence Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY172
Exp. Share Uncommon Sun & Moon 118/149
Poison Barb Uncommon Sun & Moon 124/149
Camerupt Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY199
Sharpedo Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY201
Lucario Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY211
Choice Band Uncommon Guardians Rising 121/145
Bodybuilding Dumbbells Uncommon Burning Shadows 113/147
Weakness Policy Uncommon Burning Shadows 126/147
Wishful Baton Uncommon Burning Shadows 128/147
Bodybuilding Dumbbells Rare Secret Burning Shadows 161/147
Choice Band Rare Secret Burning Shadows 162/147
Dashing Pouch Uncommon Crimson Invasion 92/111
Fighting Memory Uncommon Crimson Invasion 94/111
Psychic Memory Uncommon Crimson Invasion 98/111
Wishful Baton Rare Secret Crimson Invasion 121/111
Ancient Crystal Uncommon Ultra Prism 118/156
Electric Memory Uncommon Ultra Prism 121/156
Escape Board Uncommon Ultra Prism 122/156
Fire Memory Uncommon Ultra Prism 123/156
Escape Board Rare Secret Ultra Prism 167/156
Metal Frying Pan Uncommon Forbidden Light 112/131
Metal Frying Pan Rare Secret Forbidden Light 144/131
Hustle Belt Uncommon Celestial Storm 134/168
Hustle Belt Rare Secret Celestial Storm 179/168

Japanese Cards

Card Rarity Expansion Card no.
Berry Common Gold, Silver, to a New World... -
Gold Berry Uncommon Gold, Silver, to a New World... -
Miracle Berry Uncommon Gold, Silver, to a New World... -
Focus Band Rare Gold, Silver, to a New World... -
Balloon Berry Uncommon Awakening Legends -
Counterattack Claws Uncommon Darkness, and to Light... -
EXP. ALL Rare Darkness, and to Light... -
Strength Charm Uncommon Base Expansion Pack 056/128
Memory Berry Uncommon Wind from the Sea 080/087
Healing Berry Uncommon Wind from the Sea 081/087
Time Shard Uncommon Wind from the Sea 082/087
Crystal Shard Uncommon Split Earth 081/088
Star Piece Uncommon Split Earth 082/088
Oran Berry Uncommon ADV Expansion Pack 055/055
Balloon Berry Uncommon Rulers of the Heavens 053/054
Buffer Piece Uncommon Rulers of the Heavens 054/054
Strength Charm Uncommon Magma VS Aqua: Two Ambitions 069/080
EXP. ALL Uncommon Flight of Legends 081/082
Crystal Shard Uncommon Clash of the Blue Sky 077/082
Solid Rage Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 099/106
Sitrus Berry Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 100/106
Energy Root Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 101/106
Curse Powder Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 102/106
Fluffy Berry Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 103/106
Protective Orb Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 104/106
Memory Berry Uncommon Miracle Crystal 069/075
Mysterious Shard Uncommon Miracle Crystal 070/075
Crystal Shard Uncommon Miracle Crystal 071/075
Cessation Crystal Uncommon Miracle Crystal 072/075
Strength Charm Uncommon Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends 066/068
Amulet Coin Uncommon Moonlit Pursuit -
Leftovers Uncommon Dawn Dash -
Energy Link Uncommon Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky 086/092
Memory Berry Uncommon Galactic's Conquest 087/096
Team Galactic's Invention G-101 Energy Gain Uncommon Galactic's Conquest 088/096
Lucky Egg Uncommon Advent of Arceus 084/090
Expert Belt Uncommon Advent of Arceus 085/090
Bench Shield Uncommon Advent of Arceus 086/090
Rocky Helmet U Red Collection 064/066
Eviolite U Red Collection 065/066
Exp. Share U Psycho Drive 050/052
Dark Claw U Dark Rush 067/069
Rescue Scarf U Dragon Blast 049/050
Giant Cape U Dragon Blade 049/050
Crystal Wall R Freeze Bolt 059/059
Rocky Helmet UR Freeze Bolt 065/059
Crystal Edge R Cold Flare 059/059
Victory Piece R Plasma Gale 070/070
Rock Guard R Spiral Force 050/051
Float Stone U Thunder Knuckle 048/051
Life Dew R Thunder Knuckle 050/051
Silver Bangle U Megalo Cannon 068/076
Silver Mirror U Megalo Cannon 069/076
Reversal Trigger U Megalo Cannon 070/076
G Scope R Megalo Cannon 074/076
G Booster R Megalo Cannon 075/076
Muscle Band U Collection X 057/060
Hard Charm U Collection Y 057/060
Protection Cube U Wild Blaze 076/080
Sparkling Robe U Rising Fist 087/096
Focus Sash U Rising Fist 088/096
Manectric Spirit Link U Phantom Gate 081/088
Jamming Net R Phantom Gate 082/088
Head Ringer R Phantom Gate 083/088
Weakness Policy U Gaia Volcano 063/070
Groudon Spirit Link U Gaia Volcano 064/070
Aggron Spirit Link U Gaia Volcano 065/070
Weakness Policy UR Gaia Volcano 080/070
Exp. Share U Tidal Storm 063/070
Kyogre Spirit Link U Tidal Storm 064/070
Gardevoir Spirit Link U Tidal Storm 065/070
Wide Lens U Emerald Break 072/078
Gallade Spirit Link U Emerald Break 073/078
Latios Spirit Link U Emerald Break 074/078
Lucky Helmet U Bandit Ring 072/081
Sceptile Spirit Link U Bandit Ring 073/081
Ampharos Spirit Link U Bandit Ring 074/081
Tyranitar Spirit Link U Bandit Ring 075/081
Float Stone U Blue Shock 054/059
Glalie Spirit Link U Blue Shock 055/059
Mewtwo Spirit Link U Blue Shock 056/059
Assault Vest U Red Flash 055/059
Houndoom Spirit Link U Red Flash 056/059
Mewtwo Spirit Link U Red Flash 057/059
Bursting Balloon U Rage of the Broken Heavens 073/080
Fighting Fury Belt U Rage of the Broken Heavens 074/080
Gyarados Spirit Link U Rage of the Broken Heavens 075/080
Scizor Spirit Link U Rage of the Broken Heavens 076/080
Energy Pouch U Awakening Psychic King 072/078
Twisted Spoon U Awakening Psychic King 073/078
Altaria Spirit Link U Awakening Psychic King 074/078
Alakazam Spirit Link U Awakening Psychic King 075/078
Steelix Spirit Link U Fever-Burst Fighter 052/054
Gardevoir Spirit Link U Cruel Traitor 052/054
Blastoise Spirit Link U Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary 080/087
Pidgeot Spirit Link U Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary 081/087
Venusaur Spirit Link U Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary 082/087
Charizard Spirit Link U Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary 083/087
Exp. Share U Collection Sun 057/060
Poison Barb U Collection Moon 057/060
Choice Band - Strength Expansion Pack Sun & Moon 049/051
Weakness Policy - Facing a New Trial 045/049
Wishful Baton - Facing a New Trial 046/049
Choice Band UR Facing a New Trial 064/049
Hard Charm - The Best of XY 122/171
Focus Sash - The Best of XY 123/171
Bursting Balloon - The Best of XY 124/171
Muscle Band - The Best of XY 125/171
Fighting Fury Belt - The Best of XY 126/171
Power Memory - The Best of XY 127/171
Gardevoir Spirit Link - The Best of XY 128/171
Sharpedo Spirit Link - The Best of XY 129/171
Sceptile Spirit Link - The Best of XY 130/171
Camerupt Spirit Link - The Best of XY 131/171
Alakazam Spirit Link - The Best of XY 132/171
Mewtwo Spirit Link - The Best of XY 133/171
Manectric Spirit Link - The Best of XY 134/171
Lucario Spirit Link - The Best of XY 135/171
Rayquaza Spirit Link - The Best of XY 136/171
Bodybuilding Dumbbells U To Have Seen the Battle Rainbow 048/051
Bodybuilding Dumbbells UR To Have Seen the Battle Rainbow 063/051
Psychic Memory U Awakened Heroes 048/050
Fighting Memory U Awakened Heroes 049/050
Dashing Pouch U Ultradimensional Beasts 046/050
Wishful Baton UR Ultradimensional Beasts 060/050
Electric Memory - GX Battle Boost 099/114
Ancient Crystal - GX Battle Boost 100/114
Choice Band - GX Battle Boost 101/114
Fire Memory - GX Battle Boost 102/114
Escape Board U Ultra Moon 060/066
Escape Board UR Ultra Moon 077/066
Metal Frying Pan - Ultra Force 042/050
Choice Band - Ultra Force 043/050
Metal Frying Pan UR Ultra Force 063/050
Choice Band U Forbidden Light 084/094
Dragon Claw C Dragon Storm 046/053
Dragon Claw UR Dragon Storm 066/053
Choice Band U Sky-Splitting Charisma 086/096
Hustle Belt U Sky-Splitting Charisma 087/096
Hustle Belt UR Sky-Splitting Charisma 112/096
Counter Gain U Thunderclap Spark 053/060
Choice Band U Thunderclap Spark 054/060
Counter Gain UR Thunderclap Spark 073/060
Spell Tag U Fairy Rise 044/050
Fairy Charm P U Fairy Rise 045/050
Fairy Charm F U Fairy Rise 046/050
Fairy Charm D U Fairy Rise 047/050
Spell Tag UR Fairy Rise 063/050

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.