Pokémon Lenticular Cards

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A Horsea-Seadra Artbox Flipz ACtion 3D's card

Pokémon Lenticular Cards are a series of collectible cards that give the illusion of a moving image when tilted, either an evolutionary line or of a single Pokémon species. The name "lenticular" refers to the cards structure, being biconcave. These cards are also known as three-dimension holograms.

On the back of the cards, across all sets, show the Pokémon's name, height, weight, evolutions (when applicable) and sometimes a description was included.

Pokémon Artbox Flipz Action 3D's (Premier Edition)

This is the first set of lenticular cards, they were released in 1998 by Artbox. The set features 45 Action Flipz in the set, 40 regular Action Flipz, four Special Flipz, and one Rare Flipz. In addition, there are 24 stickers included in the set, all also available in the Artbox Pokémon sticker series. They were sold in packets with four cards each. All of the cards are 6cm by 6cm in dimension.

Set # Front Pokémon
01 Pikachu/Raichu
02 Abra/Kadabra
03 Clefairy/Clefable
04 Bellsprout/Weepinbell
05 Bulbasaur/Ivysaur
06 Caterpie/Metapod
07 Charmander/Charmeleon
08 Cubone/Marowak
09 Diglett/Dugtrio
10 Drowzee/Hypno
11 Ekans/Arbok
12 Exeggcute/Exeggutor
13 Eevee/Flareon
14 Gastly/Haunter
15 Geodude/Graveler
16 Goldeen/Seaking
17 Grimer/Muk
18 Growlithe/Arcanine
19 Hitmonlee
20 Horsea/Seadra
21 Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff
22 Kabuto/Kabutops
23 Koffing/Weezing
24 Krabby/Kingler
25 Machop/Machoke
26 Magnemite/Magneton
27 Mankey/Primeape
28 Meowth/Persian
29 Eevee/Jolteon
30 Nidoran♂/Nidorino
31 Nidoran♀/Nidorina
32 Oddish/Gloom
33 Omanyte/Omastar
34 Pidgey/Pidgeotto
35 Rattata/Raticate
36 Sandslash/Sandshrew
37 Spearow/Fearow
38 Squirtle/Wartortle
39 Voltorb/Electrode
40 Weedle/Kakuna
S-1 Pikachu
S-2 Ash & friends/Team Rocket
S-3 Pikachu/Raichu
S-4 Ash/Ash and Pikachu
R-1 Moltres

Pokémon Action Flipz (Series One)

Pokémon Action Flipz Series One is the second set of Pokémon Action Flipz made by Artbox, following the Premier Edition. In this set, there are a total of 90 Action Flipz to collect: 80 regular Action Flipz and 10 3-D Chase. In addition there are 54 stickers in the set: 18 Chromium stickers, 18 Holochrome stickers, and 18 Prism stickers, some of which are similar to the Artbox Pokémon sticker series.

These Action Flipz were sold in individual packets. One packet contained four Flipz (with a chance of one of them being a 3-D Chase) and one sticker.

Set # Front Pokémon
01 Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur
02 Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard
03 Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise
04 Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree
05 Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill
06 Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot
07 Rattata/Raticate
08 Spearow/Fearow
09 Ekans/Arbok
10 Pikachu/Raichu
11 Sandshrew/Sandslash
12 Nidoran/Nidorina/Nidoqueen
13 Nidoran/Nidorino/Nidoking
14 Clefairy/Clefable
15 Vulpix/Ninetales
16 Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff
17 ???
18 Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume
19 Paras/Parasect
20 Venonat/Venomoth
21 Diglett/Dugtrio
22 Meowth/Persian
23 Psyduck/Golduck
24 Mankey/Primeape
25 Growlithe/Arcanine
26 Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath
27 Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam
28 Machop/Machoke/Machamp
29 ???
30 Tentacool/Tentacruel
31 Geodude/Graveler/Golem
32 Ponyta/Rapidash
33 Slowpoke/Slowbro
34 Magnemite/Magneton
35 Farfetch'd
36 Doduo/Dodrio
37 ???
38 Grimer/Muk
39 Shellder/Cloyster
40 Gastly/Haunter/Gengar
41 Onix
42 Drowzee/Hypno
43 Krabby/Kingler
44 Voltorb/Electrode
45 Exeggcute/Exeggutor
46 Cubone/Marowak
47 Hitmonlee
48 Hitmonchan
49 Lickitung
50 Koffing/Weezing
51 Rhyhorn/Rhydon
52 Chansey
53 Tangela
54 Kangaskhan
55 Horsea/Seadra
56 Goldeen/Seaking
57 Staryu/Starmie
58 Mr. Mime
59 Scyther
60 Jynx
61 Electabuzz
62 Magmar
63 Pinsir
64 Tauros
65 Magikarp/Gyarados
66 Lapras
67 Ditto
68 Eevee/Vaporeon
69 Eevee/Jolteon
70 Eevee/Flareon
71 Porygon
72 Omanyte/Omastar
73 Kabuto/Kabutops
74 Aerodactyl
75 Snorlax
76 Articuno
77 Zapdos
78 Moltres
79 Dratini/DragonairDragonite
80 Mewtwo

3-D Chase

Set # Front Pokémon
S-1 Pikachu
S-2 Venusaur
S-3 Charizard
S-4 Blastoise
S-5 Pikachu & Ash
S-6 Pikachu & Ash
S-7 Pikachu & Ash
S-8 Mewtwo
S-9 James
S-10 Jessie

Pokémon Stadium Action 3D's

This set of lenticular cards were released in 1999 to 2000 to commemorate the Pokémon Stadium (English) game. They were obtainable individually in chip packets such as Twisties and Lays, and a collectable folder was also available. Both the folder, which came with the bonus 51/50 Meowth 'Special' card had a yellow border, and cards were licensed under the Nintendo brand. The set features 51 cards. The Action and Evolutionary cards (Number's 1 to 42) featured a black border and an elemental background, whilst Special cards (Number's 43 to 50) featured a navy blue border and gray background. The cards are rectangular and have a 4cm tall by 5cm long dimension.

  1. Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur
  2. Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard
  3. Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise
  4. Butterfree
  5. Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill
  6. Rattata/Raticate
  7. Ekans/Arbok
  8. Sandshrew/Sandslash
  9. Nidoran♀/Nidorina/Nidoqueen
  10. Nidoran♂/Nidorino/Nidoking
  11. Clefairy/Clefable
  12. Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff
  13. Oddish/Gloom/vileplume
  14. Paras/Parasect
  15. Venonat/Venomoth
  16. Diglett/Dugtrio
  17. Psyduck/Golduck
  18. Primeape
  19. Arcanine
  20. Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath
  21. Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam
  22. Machop/Machoke/Machamp
  23. Tentacool/Tentacruel
  24. Geodude
  25. Slowpoke/Slowbro
  26. Doduo
  27. Grimer
  28. Hypno
  29. Hitmonlee
  30. Koffing
  31. Seaking
  32. Starmie
  33. Scyther
  34. Electabuzz
  35. Tauros
  36. Gyarados
  37. Lapras
  38. Eevee/Vaporeon
  39. Eevee/Jolteon
  40. Eevee/Flareon
  41. Zapdos
  42. Dragonite
  43. Charizard
  44. Pikachu
  45. Poliwhirl
  46. Gengar
  47. Electrode
  48. Kabutops
  49. Aerodactyl
  50. Mewtwo
  51. Meowth

Pokémon Artbox Advanced Action Flipz

This set was released in 2003 and 2006 to commemorate the Pokémon Advanced Series. It is markedly similar to the Pokémon Advanced Holo cards, though the Artbox Advanced Action Flipz were only known to have been released in Australia and the United States. It features 82 Action Flipz (76 regular Action Flipz and six 3-D Action Flipz). These cards were sold in randomly distributed packets of three.

Set # Front Pokémon
AF01 Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile
AF02 Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken
AF03 Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert
AF04 Poochyena/Mightyena
AF05 Zigzagoon/Linoone
AF06 Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly
AF07 Wurmple/Cascoon/Dustox
AF08 Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo
AF09 Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry
AF10 Taillow/Swellow
AF11 Wingull/Pelipper
AF12 Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir
AF13 Surskit/Masquerain
AF14 Shroomish/Breloom
AF15 Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking
AF16 Nincada/Ninjask
AF17 Nincada/Shedinja
AF18 Whismur/Loudred/Exploud
AF19 Makuhita/Hariyama
AF20 Azurill/Marill/Azumarill
AF21 Skitty/Delcatty
AF22 Sableye
AF23 Aron/Lairon/Aggron
AF24 Meditite/Medicham
AF25 Electrike/Manectric
AF26 Plusle
AF27 Minun
AF28 Gulpin/Swalot
AF29 Carvanha/Sharpedo
AF30 Wailmer/Wailord
AF31 Numel/Camerupt
AF32 Torkoal
AF33 Spoink/Grumpig
AF34 Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon
AF35 Cacnea/Cacturne
AF36 Swablu/Altaria
AF37 Seviper
AF38 Barboach/Whiscash
AF39 Corphish/Crawdaunt
AF40 Baltoy/Claydol
AF41 Lileep/Cradily
AF42 Anorith/Armaldo
AF43 Feebas/Milotic
AF44 Shuppet/Banette
AF45 Duskull/Dusclops
AF46 Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu
AF47 Nosepass
AF48 Mawile
AF49 Volbeat
AF50 Illumise
AF51 Roselia
AF52 Spinda
AF53 Lunatone
AF54 Solrock
AF55 Castform
AF56 Kecleon
AF58 Chimecho
AF60 Wynaut/Wobbuffet
AF62 Spheal/Sealeo/Walrein
AF63 Clamperl/Huntail
AF64 Clamperl/Gorebyss
AF65 Relicanth
AF66 Luvdisc
AF67 Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence
AF68 Beldum/Metang/Metagross
AF69 Regirock
AF70 Regice
AF71 Registeel
AF72 Latias
AF73 Latios
AF74 Kyogre
AF75 Groudon
AF76 Rayquaza
Set # Front Name Back text
R1 Elusive Relicanth May, Ash and Pikachu spot an elusive Relicanth as it breeches the surface of an underground grotto.
R2 Bike Accident
R3 Taillow Attacks Taillow are naturally resilient, but this particular one is tough. Can Pikachu defeat it?
R4 Rescue Attempt Treecko attempts to rescue Pikachu from the clutches of Team Rocket.
R5 Water Gun Attack Ash, dressed in a Mudkip costume, directs his Mudkip to use its Water Gun Attack in the hopes that he can capture a Torchic.
R6 Pikachu Attack

Pokémon Advanced Holo cards

This set was released in 2004 by Card Inc to the European market including France, Italy and the United Kingdom. It features 108 cards. The holograms often feature a Pokémon and its evolution, however, if the Pokémon featured does not evolve it is instead shown in different poses, these cards also have a different border design to the evolutionary-line variety.

Every Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex is featured with the exception of Deoxys and Jirachi.

  1. Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile
  2. Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken
  3. Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert
  4. Poochyena/Mightyena
  5. Zigzagoon/Linoone
  6. Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly/Cascoon/Dustox
  7. Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo
  8. Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry
  9. Taillow/Swellow
  10. Wingull/Pelipper
  11. Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir
  12. Surskit/Masquerain
  13. Shroomish/Breloom
  14. Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking
  15. Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam
  16. Nincada/Ninjask/Shedinja
  17. Whismur/Loudred/Exploud
  18. Makuhita/Hariyama
  19. Goldeen/Seaking
  20. Magikarp/Gyarados
  21. Azurill/Marill/Azumarill
  22. Geodude/Graveler/Golem
  23. Skitty/Delcatty
  24. Zubat/Golbat/Crobat
  25. Tentacool/Tentacruel
  26. Aron/Lairon/Aggron
  27. Machop/Machoke/Machamp
  28. Meditite/Medicham
  29. Electrike/Manectric
  30. Magnemite/Magneton
  31. Voltorb/Electrode
  32. Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume/Bellossom
  33. Doduo/Dodrio
  34. Gulpin/Swalot
  35. Carvanha/Sharpedo
  36. Wailmer/Wailord
  37. Numel/Camerupt
  38. Slugma/Magcargo
  39. Grimer/Muk
  40. Koffing/Weezing
  41. Spoink/Grumpig
  42. Sandshrew/Sandslash
  43. Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon
  44. Cacnea/Cacturne
  45. Swablu/Altaria
  46. Barboach/Whiscash
  47. Corphish/Crawdaunt
  48. Baltoy/Claydol
  49. Lileep/Cradily
  50. Anorith/Armaldo
  51. Igglybuff/Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff
  52. Feebas/Milotic
  53. Staryu/Starmie
  54. Shuppet/Banette
  55. Duskull/Dusclops
  56. Vulpix/Ninetales
  57. Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu
  58. Psyduck/Golduck
  59. Wynaut/Wobbuffet
  60. Natu/Xatu
  61. Phanpy/Donphan
  62. Rhyhorn/Rhydon
  63. Snorunt/Glalie
  64. Spheal/Sealeo/Walrein
  65. Clamperl/Huntail/Gorebyss
  66. Chinchou/Lanturn
  67. Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra
  68. Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence
  69. Beldum/Metang/Metagross
  70. Nosepass
  71. Sableye
  72. Mawile
  73. Plusle
  74. Minun
  75. Volbeat
  76. Illumise
  77. Roselia
  78. Torkoal
  79. Spinda
  80. Skarmory
  81. Zangoose
  82. Seviper
  83. Lunatone
  84. Solrock
  85. Castform
  86. Kecleon
  87. Tropius
  88. Chimecho
  89. Absol
  90. Girafarig
  91. Pinsir
  92. Heracross
  93. Relicanth
  94. Corsola
  95. Luvdisc
  96. Regirock
  97. Regice
  98. Registeel
  99. Latias
  100. Latios
  101. Kyogre
  102. Groudon
  103. Rayquaza
  104. Ash Ketchum
  105. Brock
  106. May
  107. James
  108. Jessie

Bandai 3D Evo Lenticular Cards

These cards were released only to the Japanese market by Bandai in 2005. Little is known about this particular set, including the order and number of cards in the actual set. There are at least twelve.

  1. Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur
  2. Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard
  3. Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise
  4. Eevee/Vaporeon/Flareon
  5. Eevee/Jolteon/Flareon
  6. Eevee/Espeon/Umbreon
  7. Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium
  8. Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion
  9. Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr
  10. Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu
  11. Lugia
  12. Celebi