Night Unison (TCG)

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← GX Ultra Shiny
TCG expansions
Full Metal Wall →
Night Unison
Cards in set 55+
Release date January 11, 2018

Night Unison (Japanese: 強化拡張パックナイトユニゾン Strength Expansion Pack Night Unison) is the name given to the ninth Japanese sub-set released during the Sun & Moon Era of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. An enhancement of the ninth expansion, Tag Bolt, it continues the introduction of Generation VII Pokémon and Pokémon-GX into the card game, while providing new prints of Pokémon already included in the ninth expansion.


The Strength Expansion Pack Night Unison is a 55-card subset released on January 11, 2018 in Japan. The Expansion Pack is considered a supplement to the ninth Sun & Moon Era expansion, Tag Bolt, providing new prints of cards already introduced in the ninth expansion. It focuses on Darkness-type Pokémon.

Set list

Dark Order
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
011/055 [[Image:RegMarkKyurem.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Kyurem]] Water Rare Holo Promotion
015/055 [[Image:RegMarkRaichu.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Raichu]] Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
Zeraora Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
021/055 [[Image:RegMarkWooper.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Wooper]] Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
022/055 [[Image:RegMarkQuagsire.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Quagsire]] Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
025/055 [[Image:RegMarkGreninja & ZoroarkGX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Greninja & ZoroarkGX]] Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
027/055 [[Image:RegMarkSharpedo.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Sharpedo]] Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
Greninja Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
Rattata Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
043/055 [[Image:RegMarkElectromagnetic Radar.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Electromagnetic Radar]] Item Rare Holo Promotion

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sun & Moon Series
SM Black Star Promos
Sun & Moon: Forest ShadowRoaring HeatBright TideSun & Moon Prerelease Kit
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu
Guardians Rising: Guardians Rising Prerelease KitSteel SunHidden Moon
Lugia Legendary Battle DeckHo-Oh Legendary Battle DeckBattle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem
Burning Shadows: Burning Shadows Prerelease KitRock SteadyLuminous Frost
McDonald's Collection 2017Shining Legends
Crimson Invasion: Crimson Invasion Prerelease KitDestruction FangClanging Thunder
Ultra Prism: Ultra Prism Prerelease KitImperial CommandMach Strike
Forbidden Light: Forbidden Light Build & Battle BoxTropical TakedownTwilight Rogue
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Alolan Sandslash & Alolan NinetalesMcDonald's Collection 2018
Celestial Storm: Celestial Storm Build & Battle BoxLeaf ChargeHydro Fury
Battle Arena Decks—Mega Charizard X vs. Mega BlastoiseDragon Majesty
Lost Thunder: Lost Thunder Build & Battle BoxBlazing VolcanoStorm Caller
Team Up: Team Up Build & Battle BoxRelentless FlameTorrential Cannon
Detective Pikachu
Unbroken Bonds: Unbroken Bonds Build & Battle BoxLightning LoopBattle Mind
Let's Play, Pikachu!Let's Play, Eevee!
Unified Minds: Unified Minds Build & Battle BoxSoaring StormLaser Focus
Hidden FatesMcDonald's Collection 2019Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX
Cosmic Eclipse: Cosmic Eclipse Build & Battle BoxTowering HeightsUnseen Depths
Battle Academy 2020
Sun & Moon Era
SM-P Promotional cards
Pikachu's New Friends
Collection SunCollection Moon: Sun & Moon Starter SetPremium Trainer Box
Rockruff Full Power DeckTogedemaru DeckTurtonator DeckSun & Moon
Islands Await YouAlolan Moonlight: Tapu Bulu-GX Enhanced Starter Set
Facing a New TrialAsh vs Team Rocket Deck Kit
To Have Seen the Battle RainbowDarkness that Consumes Light
Shining Legends
Awakened HeroesUltradimensional Beasts
GX Battle BoostSolgaleo-GX & Lunala-GX Legendary Starter Set
Ultra SunUltra Moon: Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Premium Trainer Box
Ultra ForceUltra Sun & Ultra Moon Deck Build Boxes
Forbidden Light
Dragon StormChampion Road
Sky-Splitting Charisma
Thunderclap SparkGX Starter DecksFairy Rise
Super-Burst Impact
Dark OrderGX Ultra ShinyEevee-GX Starter Sets
Tag Bolt: Tag Team GX Premium Trainer Box
Night UnisonTrainer Battle DecksFull Metal Wall
Double Blaze: Tag Team GX Deck Build Box
Sun & Moon Family Pokémon Card GameGG EndSky LegendGreat Detective Pikachu
Miracle Twin: Tag Team GX Starter Sets
Remix BoutDream League
Alter Genesis
Tag All StarsExtra Regulation Box