Marowak first appeared in A Crowning Moment of Truth!, where it stole the treasured Wela Crown, an item said to boost the powers of the Pokémon wearing it, from Wela Volcano Park. Kiawe challenged Marowak to a battle with his Turtonator in order to retrieve the stolen crown, but ended up getting defeated. After having a practice battle with Ash, Kiawe returned the next day and challenged Marowak to a rematch. Using its newly learned Shell Smash, Turtonator was able to gain the power and speed necessary to defeat Marowak, finishing it off with Inferno Overdrive. After its defeat, Marowak conceded the crown and, to Kiawe's surprise, asked to join his team. Accepting Marowak's request, Kiawe then caught the Bone Keeper Pokémon.
In Rescuing the Unwilling!, Marowak was sent out at the Ultra Deep Sea in order to rescue Lillie's mother, Lusamine, from the Nihilego that had captured and possessed her. When the possessed Lusamine sent out her Salazzle in order to attack everyone, Kiawe used Marowak and Turtonator to battle against it while letting the others chase after Lusamine. Marowak and Turtonator simultaneously launched a Bonemerang and Inferno Overdrive, respectively. Not knowing which move to dodge, Salazzle was hit by both attacks. However, despite the critical damage inflicted to it, the next episode revealed that Salazzle was forced to continue fighting by Nihilego. The battle ended when Ash and Pikachu performed 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt to defeat Nihilego.
In The Young Flame Strikes Back!, Marowak was used to battle Viren and his henchmen, who had been harassing Kiawe and his family. Alongside Turtonator, it was easily able to fend off the henchmen's Roggenrola and Boldore, but struggled against Viren's Electivire after Turtonator was knocked out. Kiawe and Marowak attempted to perform Inferno Overdrive together for the first time, but failed because Kiawe doubted Marowak's ability to perform the Z-Move, allowing Electivire to knock Marowak out with a Thunder Punch. After spending a night of training together, Kiawe and Marowak challenged Viren to a rematch. This time, the two were able to use Inferno Overdrive successfully, defeating Electivire.
Marowak has been shown to be a brash and self-centered Pokémon, as demonstrated when it stole the Wela Crown and attacked anyone who got in its way. Marowak also seems to like dancing, even doing so in the middle of the ruckus caused by it stealing the crown and when it's happy. It was also shown to be an eager battler and to have temperament issues, repeatedly attacking Kiawe's Turtonator even after it was defeated and caught by Kiawe. Since its capture, it seems to have developed a rivalry with Kiawe's Turtonator. This was demonstrated in Currying Favor and Flavor!, where, despite being a teammate, it kept on attacking Turtonator and even glared at it while eating its food. It has also been seen attacking Turtonator's targets, knocking them out before Turtonator can attack them in Double Battles. Despite its regular rivalry with Turtonator, it has shown to be able to work as a team with it in Rescuing the Unwilling! and blushed when Turtonator smiled at it in The Young Flame Strikes Back!.
Marowak does not get along with another member of its own species and will get into a fight if one happens to be nearby, as shown in Alola, Kanto!, when Kiawe and Brock tried to compare it with its regional variant. Marowak greatly desires to become stronger, and hates to lose. In The Young Flame Strikes Back!, a moment of doubt stopped Kiawe from syncing his feeling with Marowak while preparing to use Inferno Overdrive, causing them to lose to Viren. This shared frustration allowed Marowak and Kiawe to bond, strengthening their determination, and allowing them to master the Z-Move, defeat Viren in a rematch, and defend the family farm. As a Fire Pokémon, Marowak has a fear of water, as demonstrated in Turning Heads and Training Hard!, when it chose not to follow its Trainer in jumping into a pool of water. However, it had no problem going on the waterslide at the Pokémon Paradise Resort. Despite its temper problems, it has shown to be caring for the Pokémon belonging to its Trainer's friends, such as in I Choose Paradise!, where it happily played with its fellow Pokémon and even carried Sophocles's Charjabug to the pool at the Pokémon Paradise Resort.
Description: Marowak strikes a series of synchronized poses with its Trainer to build Z-Power. It then rapidly spins its bone over its head, causing a large ball of light green fire to form above it. Marowak then uses its bone to strike the fireball, sending it flying towards the opponent.
In the manga
Marowak in Pokémon Adventures
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Marowak first appeared in PASM08. It was first used to battle Sun's Cent at Heahea City. Cent was initially bewildered by Marowak's ability to manipulate its flames, but Sun quickly figured out how to avoid the flames and fight back. The battle was called off after Kiawe decided to call his boss at the Thrifty Megamart and apologize for leaving work without telling anyone.
In PASM11, Kiawe was attacked by Gladion after refusing to tell him where the Ruins of Life were located. After learning of situation, Sun, Moon, Lana, and Mallow traveled to Memorial Hill, where they found an unconscious Kiawe and Marowak lying there, defeated. Marowak and Kiawe were healed with Moon's medicinal skills.
After Gladion was defeated, Tapu Lele challenged the group to a battle to test their strength. Marowak was used alongside Sun's Dollar, Moon's Mareanie, and Kahili's Skarmory to face the guardian deity. Despite the combined effort of their attacks, Tapu Lele managed to easily blow their attacks away until Dollar evolved into a Torracat and launched a successful attack. While the attack didn't harm Tapu Lele, it acknowledged their determination and flew off.
Out of all the Pokémon captured by Ash and his friends after the start of the series, Marowak is the only one to have been captured in a location other than Melemele Island.
Related articles
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Marowak.