Talk:Snag List
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Latest comment: 31 December 2018 by ScottOshawott in topic What exactly would help improve this?
What exactly would help improve this?
If a complete snag list would help, I could boot up Colosseum when I have a chance. I have a complete game file on there, so I would be able to provide every non-e-card Pokemon in a list for the game--Shadowater 21:31, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
Listing (and showing with pictures) the differences in layout and info between games would be very beneficial. I plan to help with that (minus the pictures, since I have no way of helping with that piece). I also plan to talk about an oddity that occurs in XD when a Pokémon is traded. ScottOshawott (talk) 08:00, 31 December 2018 (UTC)