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Ancient Poni Path
ポニの古道 Ancient Poni Path
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description:
An old path that leads to Vast Poni Canyon. Some people and Pokémon still try to live in the ruins here, but not many.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Ancient Poni Path first appeared in SM104, when a girl named Hapu was harvesting some daikon in her daikon field, with the help of her Golurk and some cheering by three nearby Sensu StyleOricorio. After harvesting enough daikon to fit into her Mudsdale's carry on bag, she gave some broken up daikon to the Oriciorio as a sign of gratitude for cheering her on. It was later seen when Ash and co. were exploring Poni Island and came across a Golurk in a field of daikon. Ash went to explore the field, but was told off by a nearby girl named Hapu who accused him of being the person responsible for recently stealing some of her daikon. She ordered her Golurk to attack Ash with Flash Cannon, only for Ash to dodge and be sent rolling until Mallow's Tsareena stopped him with one of her feet. Hapu continued to label Ash as a thief, to which Ash denied. Hapu didn't want to hear any excuses, so she prepared to battle Ash, which Ash accepted.
Despite Ash's Pikachu's type disadvantage, Pikachu managed to hurt Golurk with an Iron Tail. Hapu then understood how he was planning on fighting Golurk, so she stopped Pikachu from attack again, before Golurk slammed Pikachu onto the ground. Golurk soon finished the battle by knocking Pikachu out with one High Horsepower. After Ash's defeat, Hapu told Ash to not come to that place again. Hapu was later shown at the Ancient Poni Path harvesting her daikon and relaxing.
In the manga
Ancient Poni Path in Pokémon Adventures
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Ancient Poni Path first appeared in the Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon arc. Sun and Hapu passed by there while on their way to Vast Poni Canyon. As they traveled, a wild Crabominable that Hapu defeated at the Seafolk Village followed them in hopes that Hapu would allow it to join her team. As she already had a team of Pokémon she was raising, Hapu rejected Crabominable's request and suggested it join Sun instead, which it reluctantly agreed to.
If the player talks to the Sudowoodo in Hapu's house, it will exclaim "Lies!" As well as being a reference to how Sudowoodo pretends to be a tree, this is also notable for being one of the few in-game instances in which a Pokémon has spoken in a human language.