User:Theworldofkevinc/Voice Dex

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< User:Theworldofkevinc
Revision as of 02:02, 16 February 2019 by Theworldofkevinc (talk | contribs) (Added Johto)
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Here's a list of all the English VAs of Pokemon. Some voices contain researched guesses
Retained Japanese VAs will have (JP) before their name
??? means there is no known recent English or Japanese VA

Number Pokemon Voice
001 Bulbasaur Michele Knotz
002 Ivysaur Justin Anselmi
003 Venusaur Justin Anselmi
004 Charmander Billy Bob Thompson
005 Charmeleon Billy Bob Thompson
006 Charizard (JP) Unshō Ishizuka
007 Squirtle Michele Knotz
008 Wartortle Billy Bob Thompson
009 Blastoise Billy Bob Thompson
010 Caterpie (JP) Rikako Aikawa
011 Metapod Sam Black
012 Butterfree (JP) Rikako Aikawa
013 Weedle ???
014 Kakuna ???
015 Beedrill (JP) Shin'ichirō Miki
016 Pidgey (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
017 Pidgeotto (JP) Yūji Ueda
018 Pidgeot (JP) Kōichi Sakaguchi
019 Rattata James Carter Cathcart
020 Raticate James Carter Cathcart
021 Spearow Justin Anselmi
022 Fearow (JP) Unshō Ishizuka
023 Ekans Rob Mungle
024 Arbok (JP) Kōichi Sakaguchi
025 Pikachu (JP) Ikue Ohtani
026 Raichu (JP) Megumi Hayashibara
027 Sandshrew Marc Thompson
028 Sandslash Abe Goldfarb
029 Nidoran♀ (JP) Mika Kanai
030 Nidorina (JP) Mika Kanai
031 Nidoqueen (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
032 Nidoran♂ (JP) Mika Kanai
033 Nidorino (JP) Mika Kanai
034 Nidoking (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
035 Clefairy ???
036 Clefable Sarah Natochenny
037 Vulpix Suzy Myers
037 Vulpix (Alola Forme) Emily Jenness
038 Ninetales Lisa Ortiz
039 Jigglypuff Michele Knotz
040 Wigglytuff Michele Knotz
041 Zubat (JP) Yūji Ueda
042 Golbat (JP) Shin'ichirō Miki
043 Oddish Michele Knotz
044 Gloom Lisa Ortiz
045 Vileplume Lisa Ortiz
046 Paras Billy Bob Thompson
047 Parasect ???
048 Venonat Lisa Ortiz
049 Venomoth Sam Black
050 Diglett Sarah Natochenny
051 Dugtrio (2 Heads) Marc Thompson
051 Dugtrio (1 Head) Erica Schroeder
052 Meowth James Carter Cathcart
052 Meowth (Alola Forme) Pete Zarustica
053 Persian Laurie Hymes
054 Psyduck Michele Knotz
055 Golduck H.D. Quinn
056 Mankey Marc Thompson
057 Primeape Marc Thompson
058 Growlithe Marc Thompson
059 Arcanine (JP) Shin'ichirō Miki
060 Poliwag Rachael Lillis (Archived)
061 Poliwhirl Roger Callagy
062 Poliwrath Roger Callagy
063 Abra Laurie Hymes
064 Kadabra Maddie Blaustein (Archived)
065 Alakazam Bill Rogers
066 Machop H.D. Quinn
067 Machoke Ryan Nicolls
068 Machamp Ben Phillips
069 Bellsprout Melissa Hope
070 Weepinbell Jake Paque
071 Victreebel (JP) Rikako Aikawa
072 Tentacool ???
073 Tentacruel Marc Thompson
074 Geodude Marc Thompson
075 Graveler ???
076 Golem ???
077 Ponyta ???
078 Rapidash ???
079 Slowpoke James Carter Cathcart
080 Slowbro James Carter Cathcart
081 Magnemite Bill Rogers
082 Magneton Bill Rogers
083 Farfetch'd Marc Thompson
084 Doduo ???
085 Dodrio ???
086 Seel Brian Kim
087 Dewgong James Carter Cathcart
088 Grimer James Carter Cathcart
089 Muk James Carter Cathcart
090 Shellder James Carter Cathcart
091 Cloyster James Carter Cathcart
092 Gastly Marc Thompson
093 Haunter Marc Thompson
094 Gengar Marc Thompson
095 Onix (JP) Unshō Ishizuka
096 Drowzee ???
097 Hypno Jake Paque
098 Krabby (JP) Rikako Aikawa
099 Kingler (JP) Unshō Ishizuka
100 Voltorb Abe Goldfarb
101 Electrode ???
102 Exeggcute ???
103 Exeggutor Marc Thompson
104 Cubone Marc Thompson
105 Marowak Sam Black
106 Hitmonlee ???
107 Hitmonchan ???
108 Lickitung Pete Zarustica
109 Koffing Bill Rogers
110 Weezing Michael Liscio Jr.
111 Rhyhorn ???
112 Rhydon (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
113 Chansey Sarah Natochenny
114 Tangela ???
115 Kangaskhan (JP) Sachiko Kobayashi
116 Horsea Zoe Martin
117 Seadra (JP) Ikue Ohtani
118 Goldeen ???
119 Seaking James Carter Cathcart
120 Staryu (JP) Shin'ichirō Miki
121 Starmie (JP) Ikue Ohtani
122 Mr. Mime Michele Knotz
123 Scyther Sam Black
124 Jynx Rachael Lillis
125 Electabuzz (JP) Kenta Miyake
126 Magmar H.D. Quinn
127 Pinsir (JP) Shin'ichirō Miki
128 Tauros (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
129 Magikarp Michael Liscio Jr.
130 Gyarados (JP) Unshō Ishizuka
131 Lapras (JP) Yumi Touma
132 Ditto Erica Schroeder
133 Eevee Erica Schroeder
134 Vaporeon Lisa Ortiz
135 Jolteon Suzy Myers
136 Flareon Suzy Myers
137 Porygon (JP) Megumi Hayashibara
138 Omanyte ???
139 Omastar ???
140 Kabuto ???
141 Kabutops ???
142 Aerodactyl Justin Anselmi
143 Snorlax James Carter Cathcart
144 Articuno (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
145 Zapdos (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
146 Moltres Marc Thompson
147 Dratini (JP) Megumi Hayashibara
148 Dragonair (JP) Megumi Hayashibara
149 Dragonite (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
150 Mewtwo Dan Green
151 Mew (JP) Satomi Koorogi
152 Chikorita Michele Knotz
153 Bayleef (JP) Mika Kanai
154 Meganium (JP) Satomi Koorogi
155 Cyndaquil ???
156 Quilava Bill Rogers
157 Typhlosion (JP) Susumu Chiba
158 Totodile Lisa Ortiz
159 Croconaw James Carter Cathcart
160 Feraligatr ???
161 Sentret Erica Schroeder
162 Furret ???
163 Hoothoot (JP) Yūji Ueda
164 Noctowl (JP) Yūji Ueda
165 Ledyba ???
166 Ledian (JP) Rikako Aikawa
167 Spinarak ???
168 Ariados (JP) Takafumi Kawakami
169 Crobat (JP) Shin'ichirō Miki
170 Chinchou Sarah Natochenny
171 Lanturn ???
172 Pichu (JP) Satomi Koorogi
173 Cleffa ???
174 Igglybuff ???
175 Togepi Michele Knotz
176 Togetic (JP) Satomi Koorogi
177 Natu ???
178 Xatu Ryan Nicolls
179 Mareep Lisa Ortiz
180 Flaafy Michele Knotz
181 Ampharos (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
182 Bellossom Erica Schroeder
183 Marill Michele Knotz
184 Azumarill ???
185 Sudowoodo Bill Rogers
186 Politoed ???
187 Hoppip ???
188 Skiploom ???
189 Jumpluff ???
190 Aipom (JP) Miyako Itō
191 Sunkern ???
192 Sunflora ???
193 Yanma (JP) Kiyotaka Furushima
194 Wooper Billy Bob Thompson
195 Quagsire James Carter Cathcart
196 Espeon Erica Schroeder
197 Umbreon Lori Phillips
198 Murkrow Marc Thompson
199 Slowking ???
200 Misdreavus ???
201 Unown ???
202 Wobbuffet Erica Schroeder
203 Girafarig ???
204 Pineco ???
205 Forretress (JP) Unshō Ishizuka
206 Dunsparce ???
207 Gligar (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
208 Steelix (JP) Unshō Ishizuka
209 Snubbull James Carter Cathcart
210 Granbull Bill Rogers
211 Qwilfish Ryan Nicolls
212 Scizor Marc Thompson
213 Shuckle Mike Pollock
214 Heracross (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
215 Sneasel Michele Knotz
216 Teddiursa Erica Schroeder
217 Ursaring (JP) Unshō Ishizuka
218 Slugma ???
219 Magcargo ???
220 Swinub ???
221 Piloswine Tim Werenko
222 Corsola Michele Knotz
223 Remoraid (JP) Rikako Aikawa
224 Octillery (JP) Unshō Ishizuka
225 Delibird (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
226 Mantine (JP) Unshō Ishizuka
227 Skarmory Jake Paque
228 Houndour (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
229 Houndoom H.D. Quinn
230 Kingdra ???
231 Phanpy Haven Paschall
232 Donphan (JP) Kenta Miyake
233 Porygon-2 ---
234 Stantler Marc Thompson
235 Smeargle Ryan William Downey
236 Tyrogue Billy Bob Thompson
237 Hitmontop ???
238 Smoochum ???
239 Elekid (JP) Kenta Miyake
240 Magby ???
241 Miltank (JP) Megumi Hayashibara
242 Blissey Sarah Natochenny
243 Raikou (JP) Katsuyuki Konishi
244 Entei (JP) Kenta Miyake
245 Suicune (JP) Kiyotaka Furushima
246 Larvitar Lisa Ortiz
247 Pupitar ???
248 Tyranitar H.D. Quinn
249 Lugia H.D. Quinn
250 Ho-Oh ---
251 Celebi (JP) Rie Kugimiya