Incense (GO)

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Revision as of 16:55, 18 February 2019 by TehPerson (talk | contribs) (should have a separate article since the item is basically unrelated to that of the main series)
Incense in Pokémon GO

Incense (Japanese: おこう Incense) is an item in Pokémon GO that, upon activation, draws wild Pokémon towards the player at an accelerated rate for 30 minutes in real time. The Lure Module is a similar item that, instead of being attached to the player, is deployed onto PokéStops.

The Incense in GO is analogous to Lures in the main series, rather than the class of items of the same name.

In Pokémon GO


Quantity Price
1 80
8 500
25 1250


For 30 minutes, an Incense spawns approximately one Pokémon every five minutes if standing still, or one Pokémon every minute if walking. Pokémon spawned by incense sometimes tend to be more aggressive, dodging or attacking in shorter time intervals.

The Mystery Box and Incense are mutually exclusive: if one is active, the other cannot be.


Games Description
GO Incense with a mysterious fragrance that lures wild Pokémon to your location for 30 minutes.


The player starts the game with two incenses in their inventory and will obtain more at every fifth level starting at level 5, as well as at level 7. They can also be purchased with PokéCoins at the Shop.

Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
GO Level up (Every 5 levels starting Lv. 5, Lv. 7) Shop

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 薰香 Incense
Mandarin 薰香 Incense
French Encens
German Zuchtitem
Italian Incensi
Korean 향로 Hyangno
Polish Kadzidło
Portuguese Incenso
Russian Ладан Ladan
Spanish Incienso