Pecha Berries mature from planted seed to fruit-bearing tree in 12 hours, with 3 hours per stage.
Generation IV
Pecha Berries mature from planted seed to fruit-bearing tree in 12 hours, with 3 hours per stage. They will yield 2-5 Berries.
A Pecha Berry, if held by a Pokémon, can cure it of poison instantly, or can be used as an item to cure poison.
Berry Blending
This is one of the Berries that NPCs use in the Berry Blender. Since Pecha Berries are the only sweet Berry they use, low level pink Pokéblocks will be made when the player uses these Berries to blend with them. Pecha Berries can, however, make higher level Pokéblocks when blending with other players with a link cable.
Berry Crushing
At 100% performance, this Berry will contribute 30 units of powder.
Poffin Cooking
At 100% performance a Pecha Berry will produce a level 14 Sweet Poffin when cooking alone.
Pecha Berries are among the Berries that have had much screentime in the anime, along with many of the other status-healing Berries. They have appeared in Slaking Kong and Like It or Lup It.