Appendix:Pokémon Stadium 2 walkthrough/Section 4

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

These are the teams for the Round One: Little Cup.


Little Cup (Generation II)
# of Pokémon? 3 out of 6
every round
Level Limit? 5 only
Total Level? N/A
Sleep Clause? Yes
Freeze Clause? Yes
Species Clause? Yes
Evolution restrictions?133 Lowest only
Must be able
to evolve
Item Clause? Yes
Self-KO Clause?100 Yes
Event Clause? Yes

Eligible Pokémon

001 Bulbasaur 004 Charmander 007 Squirtle 010 Caterpie 013 Weedle 016 Pidgey
019 Rattata 021 Spearow 023 Ekans 027 Sandshrew 029 Nidoran♀ 032 Nidoran♂
037 Vulpix 041 Zubat 043 Oddish 046 Paras 048 Venonat 050 Diglett
052 Meowth 054 Psyduck 056 Mankey 058 Growlithe 060 Poliwag 063 Abra
066 Machop 069 Bellsprout 072 Tentacool 074 Geodude 077 Ponyta 079 Slowpoke
081 Magnemite 084 Doduo 086 Seel 088 Grimer 090 Shellder 092 Gastly
095 Onix 096 Drowzee 098 Krabby 100 Voltorb 102 Exeggcute 104 Cubone
109 Koffing 111 Rhyhorn 113 Chansey 116 Horsea 118 Goldeen 120 Staryu
123 Scyther 129 Magikarp 133 Eevee 137 Porygon 138 Omanyte 140 Kabuto
147 Dratini 152 Chikorita 155 Cyndaquil 158 Totodile 161 Sentret 163 Hoothoot
165 Ledyba 167 Spinarak 170 Chinchou 172 Pichu 173 Cleffa 174 Igglybuff
175 Togepi 177 Natu 179 Mareep 183 Marill 187 Hoppip 191 Sunkern
194 Wooper 204 Pineco 209 Snubbull 216 Teddiursa 218 Slugma 220 Swinub
223 Remoraid 228 Houndour 231 Phanpy 236 Tyrogue 238 Smoochum 239 Elekid
240 Magby 246 Larvitar

Recommended Rental Team

Battle 1

Battle 2

Battle 3

Battle 4

Battle 5

Battle 6

Battle 7

Battle 8

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.