Wooper (Japanese : ウパー Upah ) is a dual-type Water /Ground Pokémon introduced in Generation II .
It evolves into Quagsire starting at level 20.
Wooper is a mostly blue, amphibious Pokémon that resembles an upright, armless axolotl . Wooper's head is large compared to its body, and it has small, round, black eyes. It has purple, branching gills on either side of its head; the males have more branches in its gills than the females. Wooper stands on two small, round feet, and it has a large, thick tail. On its belly are dark blue curved markings.
It is implied in the anime that Wooper is a dull-witted Pokémon oblivious to its surroundings. Wooper lives in cold water most of the time. When sleeping, it partially buries itself in the mud at the bottom. It will occasionally leave the water when the air cools in the evening to search for food along the shore. While walking on land, it coats its body with a slimy, toxic film that keeps its skin from dehydrating and insulates against the cold. The film causes a shooting pain if touched barehanded.
In the anime
In the main series
Wooper in the anime
A Wooper Egg in the anime
Major appearances
A Wooper was close friends with Ash's Goodra when they lived together in the wetlands between Lumiose City and Laverre City . It made semi-regular appearances in the XY series , particularly in episodes revolving around Goodra.
Wooper debuted in No Big Woop! . Ash , Misty , and Brock volunteered to watch over Olesia 's school of Wooper for her.
A gang of Wooper appeared in Pikachu & Pichu as residents of Big Town .
A Wooper is one of the best friends of the two Pichu Brothers . It appeared in Pikachu and Pichu , Trouble in Big Town , Of Meowth and Pokémon , Big Meowth, Little Dreams , and Pichu Bros. in Party Panic . It also made a cameo appearance in Giratina and the Sky Warrior .
A Wooper was one of the Pokémon that Ash and his friends were taking care of while Nurse Joy was ill in Pinch Healing! . Wooper was being babysat by a Poké-Sitter named Matt . Brock took care of Wooper by having his Marshtomp use Water Gun to heal its wounds.
A Wooper appeared in Like It Or Lup It! . It was part of a group also consisting of a Poliwag and a Quagsire , and led by a Golduck .
A Wooper appeared in Hot Springing a Leak! , under the ownership of Leona's parents . They used Wooper to investigate a pipeline when they noticed their water was being drained, and it helped discover that Team Rocket were responsible.
Multiple Wooper appeared in flashbacks in A Slippery Encounter! , One for the Goomy! , An Oasis of Hope! , and Good Friends, Great Training! . They physically debuted in Defending the Homeland! and Beyond the Rainbow! , where it was captured by Florges 's Bug-type and Poison-type Army, alongside Pikachu and Dedenne , to bring them to Team Rocket .They reappeared in Master Class is in Session! and Performing a Pathway to the Future! , where they watched Serena 's performance with the rest of the wetland Pokémon. They appeared once again in A Diamond in the Rough! , when Ash and his friends returned to the wetlands. Four of them appeared again in Till We Compete Again! , where one of them was fighting with a Lotad, before Goodra settled the argument.
Minor appearances
A Trainer 's Wooper appeared in Hook, Line, and Stinker . It was used to aid its Trainer in the annual Seaking Catching Competition .
A Wooper appeared in Beauty and the Breeder , under the ownership of a Pokémon Breeder participating in a Pokémon breeding competition .
A Wooper appeared in Snorlax Snowman .
A Wooper appeared in The Heartbreak of Brock as one of the Pokémon living at Temacu 's father's lab.
Five Wooper appeared in Got Miltank? as inhabitants of a Pokémon-exclusive oasis.
A Trainer's Wooper appeared in Octillery The Outcast as one of the Pokémon participating in the Whirl Cup .
Two baby Wooper in Extreme Pokémon! , where they were seen in the pond near Mr. Shellby 's house.
A Wooper appeared in Why? Wynaut! .
Two Wooper appeared in The Legend of Thunder! as some of the Pokémon seen at a Pokémon Center .
Multiple Wooper appeared in Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias .
A Wooper appeared in Gonna Rule The School! , under the ownership of the Pokémon Trainers' School . It was temporarily loaned to one of the school's underage students for use.
A Wooper appeared in Abandon Ship! as a resident of the Abandoned Ship .
A Wooper appeared in PK13 .
A Wooper appeared in the opening sequence of Lucario and the Mystery of Mew .
Two Wooper were seen in the greenhouse in Sweet Baby James , where they were being looked after by Nanny and Pop-Pop .
A Wooper appeared in On Olden Pond as a resident of an old lake.
A Wooper appeared in Off The Unbeaten Path! .
Multiple Wooper appeared in Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea , under the ownership of Lizabeth and her family. They were among the Water-type Pokémon used for their Marina Underwater Pokémon Show.
A Coordinator 's Wooper appeared in Once More With Reeling! , where it was seen participating in the Terracotta Contest .
A Wooper appeared in Dawn Of A New Era! .
A Wooper appeared in Drifloon On the Wind! .
Multiple Wooper and a Quagsire appeared in The Rise of Darkrai .
A Wooper appeared in Camping It Up! .
A Wooper appeared in Up Close and Personable! as a resident of the lake near the Pokémon Summer Academy .
A Wooper appeared in the boss fantasy of A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine! .
Three Wooper appeared in Doc Brock! .
A Wooper appeared in To Thine Own Pokémon Be True! .
Multiple Wooper appeared in PK20 , where they played with a ball with a group of Quagsire .
A Wooper appeared in Bagged Then Tagged! .
A Wooper belonging to a Coordinator appeared in Yes in Dee Dee, It's Dawn! . It was used along with a Snorlax for the Double Performance required during the Daybreak Contest .
Multiple Wooper appeared in Zoroark: Master of Illusions .
A Wooper appeared in The Island of Illusions! as a resident of Grand Spectrala Islet .
Multiple Wooper appeared in Genesect and the Legend Awakened as residents of Pokémon Hills .
Multiple Wooper appeared in Going for the Gold! , where they were among the Pokémon seen in the Ambrette Aquarium .
A Trainer's Wooper appeared in Summer of Discovery! , Foggy Pokémon Orienteering! , and Battling Into the Hall of Fame! .
A Wooper appeared in Pikachu and the Pokémon Music Squad . It was among the Pokémon residing in a forest.
Two Wooper appeared in The Legend of the Ninja Hero! as residents of the Ninja Village .
A Wooper appeared in Loading the Dex! , as an icon on Rotom .
Seven Wooper appeared in The Power of Us , with five each under the ownership of different Trainers.
Pokédex entries
Ash's Pokédex
Wooper, the Water Fish Pokémon. Though they prefer to live in cold water, these appealing Pokémon forage for food on land. They are kept warm by a layer of insulating body fluid. Wooper is the pre-evolved form of Quagsire .
In Pokémon Generations
Wooper in Pokémon Generations
Three wild Wooper appeared in a river in Ecruteak City in The Adventure . Red's Pikachu attempted to attack the Wooper with Thunder Shock from a tree above, but it was ineffective due to their immunity to electricity. The Wooper struck back with Mud Shot , sending Pikachu flying.
In the manga
Wooper in Pokémon Adventures
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Wooper made a cameo in The Legend , where one was seen by the lake when Green had finished her message to Silver in Johto .
Wooper formally debuts in Murkrow Row , where it was one of the Pokémon in Joey 's bag after Gold helped him get it back.
In Who Gives a Hoothoot? , a conman uses a swarm of Wooper as a part of his game stall. However, after Gold and Aibo had revealed his secret to the crowd, they were possibly boxed or released .
In the Goldenrod Game Corner , a Trainer is seen with a Wooper in Gligar Glide . Strangely, this Wooper has arms.
A Wooper appeared in Slugging It Out with Slugma as one of the Pokémon at Earl's Pokémon Academy in Violet City .
A Wooper appeared in The Last Battle XIII as one of the Pokémon sent to participate in the fight in Ilex Forest .
A Wooper appeared in the Trick Master 's flashback in The Final Battle V , where it was one of the Pokémon calmed down by the homeland soil.
A Trainer's Wooper appeared in Crafty Carnivine .
A Trainer's Wooper appeared in a fantasy in Getting the Drop on Gallade I .
In the Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All manga
Shu has a Wooper in the Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All manga.
In the Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys manga
Chris owns a Wooper in The Golden Boys manga.
In the TCG
Main article: Wooper (TCG)
Other appearances
Out of all the Pokéfloats, Wooper spends the most time on-screen. It first appears when play is on Slowpoke 's tail and it then floats past Sudowoodo , Snorlax , Venusaur , and Seel before finally floating away from play. While its head is small, players can also stand on the gills.
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Generation II
Johto #056
This Pokémon lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside.
When it walks around on the ground, it coats its body with a slimy, poisonous film.
A mucous membrane covers its body. Touching it barehanded will cause a shooting pain.
Stadium 2
This Pokémon lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside.
Generation III
Hoenn #—
Kanto #—
Wooper usually live in water. However, it occasionally comes out onto land in search of food. On land, it coats its body with a gooey, toxic film.
Wooper usually live in water but come out onto land seeking food occasionally. On land, they coat their bodies with a gooey, toxic film.
When it walks around on the ground, it coats its body with a slimy, poisonous film.
This Pokémon lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside.
Generation IV
Sinnoh #117
Johto #056
It lives in cold water, half burying itself in mud at the bottom to sleep.
When the temperature cools in the evening, they emerge from water to seek food along the shore.
When walking on land, it covers its body with a poisonous film that keeps its skin from dehydrating.
This Pokémon lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside.
When it walks around on the ground, it coats its body with a slimy, poisonous film.
Generation V
Unova #—
When walking on land, it covers its body with a poisonous film that keeps its skin from dehydrating.
Black 2
When walking on land, it covers its body with a poisonous film that keeps its skin from dehydrating.
White 2
Generation VI
Kalos Mountain #017
Hoenn #—
This Pokémon lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside.
When the temperature cools in the evening, they emerge from water to seek food along the shore.
Omega Ruby
Wooper usually lives in water. However, it occasionally comes out onto land in search of food. On land, it coats its body with a gooey, toxic film.
Alpha Sapphire
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
In side games
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Generation II
This Pokémon is unavailable in Generation II side games.
In events
Base stats
At Lv. 50
At Lv. 100
115 - 162
220 - 314
45 - 106
85 - 207
45 - 106
85 - 207
27 - 84
49 - 163
27 - 84
49 - 163
18 - 73
31 - 141
Other Pokémon with this total
Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature .
Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs , IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature .
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation IX, this Pokémon is:
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Wooper
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Wooper
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Wooper
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Wooper
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations
Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Wooper in Generation VII
Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Wooper in that game.
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Wooper
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Wooper
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations
A black or white abbreviation in a colored box indicates that Wooper can be tutored the move in that game
A colored abbreviation in a white box indicates that Wooper cannot be tutored the move in that game
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Wooper
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Wooper
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations
TCG -only moves
Side game data
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Poké Assist:(present)
Field move:(present)
(Soak ×1)
Poké Assist:(past)
Field move:(past)
(Soak ×1)
Browser entry R-151 /N-126
It attacks by spitting bubbles that make Pokémon Slowed.
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Japanese sprites
Gold and Silver back sprites
Wooper has the lowest base stat total of all Ground-type Pokémon and the lowest base Special Defense stat of all Ground-type Pokémon.
Wooper was one of the first Pokémon to have its gender differences revealed, along with Scizor .
Wooper can learn ice punch from a move tutor even though it doesn't have any arms.
Bulbanews Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wooper seems to be based on a larval salamander , which has a flat tail and feathery, external gills. Its Shiny sprite gives it a similar coloration to that of albino , leucistic , and flavistic color mutants, or an axolotl , a species of salamander that keeps its gills and remains in the water for all of its life because it never develops lungs.
Name origin
Wooper and Upah are derived from wooper looper , a marketing term created in Japan that started a pet salamander raising fad. Wooper loopers are the Japanese term for the axolotl , a species of salamander .
In other languages
ウパー Upah
From wooper looper
From axolotl
Same as English name
From Fenn and bambino
Same as English name
우파 Woopa
Transliteration of its Japanese name
Mandarin Chinese
烏波 / 乌波 Wūbō
Transliteration of its Japanese name. Contains 波 bō
Cantonese Chinese
烏波 Wūbō
Transliteration of its Japanese name. Contains 波 bō
More languages
वूपर Wooper
Transcription of English name
Вупер Vuper
Transcription of English name
Related articles
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex , a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.