Shadow Pokémon (GO)

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A Shadow Zubat (left) and the same Zubat immediately after purification (right)

In Pokémon GO, Shadow Pokémon (Japanese: シャドウポケモン Shadow Pokémon) are Pokémon that have been modified by Team GO Rocket through unnatural means, resulting in them having visible dark auras and angry, red eyes. By defeating members of Team GO Rocket, players can capture Shadow Pokémon and restore them to a more normal state through purification.

In the Pokémon Box, Shadow Pokémon have a icon at the bottom left of their image, while Purified Pokémon have a icon. Similar to Lucky Pokémon, the Pokédex will keep count of the number of Pokémon that the player has purified of that species; evolving a Purified Pokémon will not increment the evolution's purified counter.

On Community Days, Shadow Pokémon of a featured species will not learn event-exclusive moves upon evolution unless it is purified first.


According to the research of Candela and Professor Willow, Shadow Pokémon are the result of having been artificially overpowered by Team GO Rocket. Because of this, Shadow Pokémon are frequently in pain from their uncontrollable strength.

During a Team GO Rocket battle, Shadow Pokémon of Team GO Rocket Grunts have significantly inflated stats, especially in Attack, attaining CP values much higher than the maximum possible by powering up. The CP of a Grunt's Pokémon increases with each player's Trainer level. Each of their moves, including Charged Attacks, are randomly selected from the current move pool. If a Team GO Rocket Grunt is defeated, they will flee from the PokéStop and leave behind one of the Shadow Pokémon used in battle, which will be reduced to a much lower CP. The player can then capture, or "rescue", the Shadow Pokémon during a bonus challenge using Premier Balls.

During the capture encounter, Shadow Pokémon behave more aggressively than their normal counterparts[1] and all have a base capture rate of 5%, regardless of species. A Shadow Pokémon has a random initial Power Up level between 1 to 5, or 6 to 10 with a Weather Boost, and its IVs are randomly determined the same way as in standard wild encounter.

Upon capture, a Shadow Pokémon will:

  • Have Frustration as a Charged Attack
  • Cost 3× Candy and Stardust to Power Up and to learn a second Charged Attack
  • Not be eligible for trades (since July 25, 2019)


Through a process discovered by Blanche and Professor Willow, player can Purify (Japanese: リトレイン Retrain) them using Candy and Stardust, restoring them to a stronger, more normal state. Upon purification, the Pokémon will:

  • Power Up to level 25 (if currently at a lower level)
  • Have each of its IVs increased by 2 (up to the maximum 15)
  • Have Return replace Frustration as its Charged Attack
    • Return can be replaced using a Charged TM, but cannot be relearned afterwards
  • Cost 0.9× Candy to evolve (rounded down)
  • Cost 0.9× Stardust and Candy to Power Up (Candy cost rounded down at or below 0.5)
  • Cost 0.8× Stardust and Candy to learn a second Charged Attack
  • Be eligible for Special Trades

List of Shadow Pokémon

The cost to purify a Shadow Pokémon is proportional to its Buddy distance. The following is a list of all currently possible Shadow Pokémon and the costs to purify them:

# Image Pokémon Purification cost
001 Bulbasaur 3000 Bulbasaur Candy3
002 Ivysaur 3000 Bulbasaur Candy3
003 Venusaur 3000 Bulbasaur Candy3
004 Charmander 3000 Charmander Candy3
005 Charmeleon 3000 Charmander Candy3
006 Charizard 3000 Charmander Candy3
007 Squirtle 3000 Squirtle Candy3
008 Wartortle 3000 Squirtle Candy3
009 Blastoise 3000 Squirtle Candy3
019 Rattata 1000 Rattata Candy1
020 Raticate 1000 Rattata Candy1
041 Zubat 1000 Zubat Candy1
042 Golbat 1000 Zubat Candy1
060 Poliwag 3000 Poliwag Candy3
061 Poliwhirl 3000 Poliwag Candy3
062 Poliwrath 3000 Poliwag Candy3
088 Grimer 3000 Grimer Candy3
089 Muk 3000 Grimer Candy3
096 Drowzee 3000 Drowzee Candy3
097 Hypno 3000 Drowzee Candy3
104 Cubone 3000 Cubone Candy3
105 Marowak 3000 Cubone Candy3
123 Scyther 5000 Scyther Candy5
129 Magikarp 1000 Magikarp Candy1
130 Gyarados 1000 Magikarp Candy1
143 Snorlax 5000 Snorlax Candy5
147 Dratini 5000 Dratini Candy5
148 Dragonair 5000 Dratini Candy5
149 Dragonite 5000 Dratini Candy5
169 Crobat 1000 Zubat Candy1
186 Politoed 3000 Poliwag Candy3
212 Scizor 5000 Scyther Candy5
228 Houndour 3000 Houndour Candy3
229 Houndoom 3000 Houndour Candy3
258 Mudkip 3000 Mudkip Candy3
259 Marshtomp 3000 Mudkip Candy3
260 Swampert 3000 Mudkip Candy3
280 Ralts 5000 Ralts Candy5
281 Kirlia 5000 Ralts Candy5
282 Gardevoir 5000 Ralts Candy5
475 Gallade 5000 Ralts Candy5
