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Latest comment: 20 September 2019 by Azure42 in topic Worldwide reception

Worldwide reception

Correct me if I'm wrong, this page has a meaningless comparison between the Alola Islands and the Orange Islands, we have episodes that talk about the political moment in Japan (which has zero influence on the anime), we have episodes that compare random events with references random from other anime, we have the reception of the episode of Porygon.

Explain to me then how the way POKEMON COMPANY, FRANCHISE CREATORS, GLOBAL CELEBRITIES, OR THE WORLD MIDIA received this episode doesn't matter? We're not talking about John Doe's reception, we're talking about Star Trek's Captain Kirk, about the company that works with these characters and one of the world's largest news companies. We're talking about the actress who gives voice to this character for over a decade. ( )or from Rica Matsumoto herself. ( )

Talking about the most popular episode of the franchise in a long, long time. Isn't that what the Trivia section is for? Hikaru Wazana (talk) 12:21, 18 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

1) The comparison between Alola and the Orange Islands isn't meaningless. Those are the only instances where Ash has won a Pokémon League in the anime. To minimize the significance of such a fact like you just did is beyond me. It is also important to note the distinction between those two regions: the Alola League originated from the games whilst the Orange League is anime-original. So in essence, Ash's Alola League victory is a whole lot more official than his Orange League victory.
2) You're going to have to clarify what you mean by "the political moment in Japan". Did you mean to say "political movement"? Or is it something else?
3) Cross-anime references are important to note because the Pokémon anime is, you know, an anime too. Check the link if you don't believe me.
4) EP038 is a very special exception because of the health effects that put thousands of children at risk. The reaction to that is infinitely more important than the jubilation of some celebrities on social media. Moreover, not mentioning real-world events is excepted for all the other banned episodes because said real-world events profoundly affected the production and airing of these episodes beforehand. If the reactions of this episode caused it to be banned, then yes, it would be worth mentioning. But what you mentioned are simply reactions of jubilation. That's nothing to note here. After all, as I mentioned before on my talk page, we don't have any content about the reaction to XY131, and yes, Hikaru, it's the same thing as this case. Extensive news coverage, widespread social media reactions, all revolving around a Pokémon League Conference outcome? And yet, I don't see anything like that on the XY131 episode article.
P.S.: This is by no means "the most popular episode of the franchise in a long, long time". I've also seen boatloads of people who are disappointed and even upset by the outcome, for various reasons. You shouldn't jump into talk pages assuming things like this.
GrammarFreak01 (talk) 19:20, 18 September 2019 (UTC)Reply
OK, let's go....
Political moment.,_Pikachu!_and_Let%27s_Go,_Eevee!
What does the Heisei period influence in the anime or games?
References, well, let's see. It's the kind of thing that needs confirmation, I mean, who makes sure the producers had that reference in mind? Even often it is a product for children who probably would not even recognize such things?
Regions, well, Unova had an archipelago too. All other points have already been used in some way in the anime, so it's not new.
And the differences, well it's not obvious to every person who watched the anime from the beginning what are the differences?
And both tournaments are important, Orange League is a regional championship and Alola League is the "state" championship. Like Liberators for Soccer or MLS, maybe.
You compare an end of an arc that changes nothing in the Ash's cycle with one that now changes a lot. The anime has entered an unprecedented point, which probably changes a lot. As good as it is, we have TWO VOICE ACTRESS from Ash making quotes about it. We have Hollywood actors talking about it and the anime's own social network celebrating the event and a major game producer celebrating this. Was there something like that in the episode of XY that you talk about?
Just to wrap up I leave this video. Mainly because I see that it's a lost discussion. Hikaru Wazana (talk) 01:21, 19 September 2019 (UTC)Reply
Well, at the very least some of the animation team seemed to talk badly about XY131 based on this: Of course, they acted as though that's not notable simply because it was one person out of several on the team and individual opinions (which makes little sense, since I thought people who worked on the show had more stake to their opinion on these things than the fans?). Weedle Mchairybug (talk) 03:08, 19 September 2019 (UTC)Reply
Well, an admin removed all of that stuff, so it's clearly not notable. Deal with it. GrammarFreak01 (talk) 04:17, 19 September 2019 (UTC)Reply
" Deal with it." hmm, ok. Forget this. I won't bother anymore. Hikaru Wazana (talk) 03:21, 19 September 2019 (UTC)Reply
Good. Also, while we're at it, please brush up on your indenting skills. The way you're indenting this discussion is leaving it disorganized and I have to reorganize everything. Thank you. GrammarFreak01 (talk) 04:45, 19 September 2019 (UTC)Reply
I only have one thing to say regarding the argument of "a mod removed it, so deal with it". So, by that logic, if a mod decides to just vandalize, say, Ash's article and replace its content with stuff like "I love porn" or something along those lines, we should let the mod do it and "deal with" the fact that the mod decided to do that simply because it's a mod who did it, even if it goes against the rules? After all, technically, that would mean mods are allowed to vandalize articles to their very whim and get away with it simply because of their authority. You might want to rethink your view on how an edit or removal is justified simply because a mod did it. Weedle Mchairybug (talk) 13:22, 20 September 2019 (UTC)Reply
This conversation is taking a very forum turn, can we please remove it. Mods and Admins are not interchangeable positions, Admins are put there to maintain the integrity of the page, so their removal has much more weight, should they do such vandalizing then they wouldn't be admins. It's not notable to this article, doesn't mean it's not notable as a whole it just does not have placement here, no further discussions on this talk page regarding it please Azure/ChromeVoid42 (talk) 13:40, 20 September 2019 (UTC)Reply