Rock (type)

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Revision as of 22:00, 17 February 2008 by Groudon465 (talk | contribs) (Characteristics: spelling errors)

Template:ElementalTypes Template:TypeNotice Notable trainers that specialize in the Rock-type include Brock of Pewter City, Roxanne of Rustboro City and Roark of Oreburgh City. They are, notably, all the first Gym Leader encountered in their respective regions.

Statistical averages

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
123 - 170 236 - 330
77 - 146 150 - 287
105 - 180 206 - 355
55 - 119 107 - 234
68 - 135 132 - 265
47 - 110 90 - 214
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.

Battle properties

Rock-type moves:

Rock-type Pokémon:


Defensively, the Rock-type is outstanding. However, they are weak to five types, two of which are Special-based (until Generation IV), an area Rock-types are not particularly strong in. On the other hand, they are also strong against four types. Compounding this large number of weaknesses is the fact that many Rock types are dual-types with Ground or Water, giving them a large vulnerability to Grass-type moves. Dual-typed with Steel also gives the Rock type a large disadvantage with Ground, although due to their high defense they will still be highly resistant to most Ground attacks.


Pure Rock-type Pokémon

# Name
185 File:185MS.gif Sudowoodo
299 File:299MS.gif Nosepass
377 File:377MS.gif Regirock
408 Cranidos
409 Rampardos
438 Bonsly

Half Rock-type Pokémon

Primary Rock-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
074 File:074MS.gif Geodude File:RockIC.gif File:GroundIC.gif
075 File:075MS.gif Graveler File:RockIC.gif File:GroundIC.gif
076 File:076MS.gif Golem File:RockIC.gif File:GroundIC.gif
095 File:095MS.gif Onix File:RockIC.gif File:GroundIC.gif
138 File:138MS.gif Omanyte File:RockIC.gif File:WaterIC.gif
139 File:139MS.gif Omastar File:RockIC.gif File:WaterIC.gif
140 File:140MS.gif Kabuto File:RockIC.gif File:WaterIC.gif
141 File:141MS.gif Kabutops File:RockIC.gif File:WaterIC.gif
142 File:142MS.gif Aerodactyl File:RockIC.gif File:FlyingIC.gif
246 File:246MS.gif Larvitar File:RockIC.gif File:GroundIC.gif
247 File:247MS.gif Pupitar File:RockIC.gif File:GroundIC.gif
248 File:248MS.gif Tyranitar File:RockIC.gif File:DarkIC.gif
337 File:337MS.gif Lunatone File:RockIC.gif File:PsychicIC.gif
338 File:338MS.gif Solrock File:RockIC.gif File:PsychicIC.gif
345 File:345MS.gif Lileep File:RockIC.gif File:GrassIC.gif
346 File:346MS.gif Cradily File:RockIC.gif File:GrassIC.gif
347 File:347MS.gif Anorith File:RockIC.gif File:BugIC.gif
348 File:348MS.gif Armaldo File:RockIC.gif File:BugIC.gif
410 Shieldon File:RockIC.gif File:SteelIC.gif
411 Bastiodon File:RockIC.gif File:SteelIC.gif
476 Probopass File:RockIC.gif File:SteelIC.gif

Secondary Rock-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
111 File:111MS.gif Rhyhorn File:GroundIC.gif File:RockIC.gif
112 File:112MS.gif Rhydon File:GroundIC.gif File:RockIC.gif
213 File:213MS.gif Shuckle File:BugIC.gif File:RockIC.gif
219 File:219MS.gif Magcargo File:FireIC.gif File:RockIC.gif
222 File:222MS.gif Corsola File:WaterIC.gif File:RockIC.gif
304 File:304MS.gif Aron File:SteelIC.gif File:RockIC.gif
305 File:305MS.gif Lairon File:SteelIC.gif File:RockIC.gif
306 File:306MS.gif Aggron File:SteelIC.gif File:RockIC.gif
369 File:369MS.gif Relicanth File:WaterIC.gif File:RockIC.gif
464 Rhyperior File:GroundIC.gif File:RockIC.gif


Damage-dealing moves

Name Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Target Notes
AncientPower Special Tough 60 100% 5 One foe Has a 10% chance of raising all the user's stats at once.
Head Smash Physical Tough 150 80% 5 One foe User takes 50% recoil damage.
Power Gem Special Beauty 70 100% 20 One foe
Rock Blast Physical Tough 25 80% 10 One foe Attacks two to five times in a row.
Rock Slide Physical Tough 75 90% 10 Both foes Has a 30% chance of making the target flinch.
Rock Throw Physical Tough 50 90% 15 One foe
Rock Tomb Physical Smart 50 80% 10 One foe Lowers opponent's Speed.
Rock Wrecker Physical Tough 150 90% 5 One foe Attack on first turn, then must rest next turn.
Rollout Physical Tough 30 90% 20 One foe Attacks up to 5 turns in a row; power doubles with each successive hit.
Stone Edge Physical Tough 100 80% 5 One foe Has a high critical hit ratio.

Non-damaging moves

Name Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Target Notes
Rock Polish Status Tough —% 20 User Raises user's Speed 2 levels
Sandstorm Status Tough —% 40 One Foe A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatant types except Rock, Ground, and Steel-types.
Stealth Rock Status Cool —% 20 One Foe The user lays a trap of levitating stones around the foe. The trap hurts foes that switch into battle.


  • If there were a hypothetical Pokémon of all 17 types, it would only be weak to Rock-type moves. However it's possible to create more weaknesses by using moves like Foresight to remove immunities.
  • No physical Rock-type move is 100% accurate.
  • The Rock-type is tied with the Grass type for the largest number of type weaknesses. When not dual-typed with another type, is it weak to Grass, Water, Ground, Fighting and Steel.

In other languages

  • French: Roche
  • German: Gestein
  • Italian: Roccia
  • Spanish: Roca
  • Korean: 바위 bawi