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Revision as of 23:30, 15 December 2019 by Hikaru Wazana (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Starters =/= Capture == "Scorbunny's capture marks the first time a main character gets a new Pokémon before Ash in an anime saga." How is that not true? I wasn't talking...")
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Latest comment: 15 December 2019 by Hikaru Wazana in topic Starters =/= Capture

Starters =/= Capture

"Scorbunny's capture marks the first time a main character gets a new Pokémon before Ash in an anime saga." How is that not true? I wasn't talking about starter, I was talking about catches. Go had the option of having all three of Kanto and chose none, Always, the first capture of a region was reserved for Ash. Pidove came before Woobat was revealed, Froakie came in the second episode, Misty came to catch something there in episode 20, Starly came in the beginning, Swellow in the fourth episode, SM all came to have their newest Poké captured well after. If the subject is Starter Ash is still ahead, why well, err ... Pikachu? About May and Dawn Torchic and Piplup were GIVEN TO THEM !!! The key word is GIVEN !!! Scorbunny has been CAPTURED !!! It could be a Bunnelby or Buneary there, being one of Galar's starters is just a "coincidence" of plot.--Hikaru Wazana (talk) 17:21, 15 December 2019 (UTC)Reply