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Revision as of 21:10, 29 December 2019 by Azure42 (talk | contribs) (Original series: removing since Mimey's ball was seen with Ash in SS007)
バリちゃん Barri-chan

Debuts in It's Mr. Mime Time
Caught at Pallet Town
Gender Unknown*
Ability Unknown
Current location At Sakuragi Institute
This Pokémon is fully evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Mr. Mime Yūji Ueda Kayzie Rogers (EP064-SM001)
Michele Knotz (SM024-present)

Mimey (Japanese: バリちゃん Barri-chan) is a Mr. Mime belonging to Delia Ketchum that currently resides at the Sakuragi Institute.


Original series

Mimey and Delia

Mimey debuted in It's Mr. Mime Time. Ash and his friends first saw Mimey using its Psychic powers to climb an invisible barrier it created. Ash wanted to catch it, but a ringmaster named Stella wanted to catch it as well to inspire another Mr. Mime that worked on her circus. In the chaos, Mimey got away. Brock decided to help and had Ash dress as a Mr. Mime to help instead. When Delia and Professor Oak went to the circus, they found out about the plan. When the wild Mr. Mime Ash and his friends saw earlier came to her door, Delia thought it was Ash in costume, and provided it with food. When the real Ash showed up, still in costume, she was quite puzzled. It then teamed up with Delia to help stop Team Rocket from stealing all the Pokémon in Stella's circus. Ever since then Delia has adopted it and affectionately nicknamed it "Mimey".

Advanced Generation series and Pokémon Chronicles

In Showdown at the Oak Corral, Mimey helped ward off Butch and Cassidy from Professor Oak's Laboratory.

In Journey to the Starting Line!, Mimey helped save the life of a Charmander that had fallen into a lake using Psychic to pluck it and Tracey out of the water.

An ill Mimey appeared in Shocks and Bonds.

In The Scheme Team, Mimey greeted Ash during his return to Pallet Town from Hoenn.

In The Right Place and the Right Mime, Mimey was seen sweeping Ash's house before answering the door for May.

In Home is Where the Start Is!, Mimey welcomed Ash back to Oak's lab.

Mimey on vacation in Alola

Best Wishes series

In The Dream Continues!, Mimey was overjoyed to see Ash and Pikachu return to Pallet Town.

Sun & Moon series

In Alola to a New Adventure!, Mimey joined Ash and Delia on their holiday to Alola, where it was revealed that it was responsible for winning their tickets.

In Alolan Open House!, Mimey accompanied Delia back to Alola. The two visited the Pokémon School during the Visiting Day.

In Alola, Kanto!, Mimey welcomed Ash back when he, his classmates, Samson Oak, and Professor Kukui arrived in Pallet Town.

In Lillier and the Staff!, Mimey accompanied Delia to Alola so they could watch Ash perform in the school play and videoed the play.

In Final Rivals! and Enter the Champion!, Mimey accompanied Delia and Professor Oak to Alola so they could watch and record Ash as he competed against Gladion during the Manalo Conference.

In Z-Move Showdown!, the closing ceremony of the Manalo Conference was disrupted by the appearance of a Guzzlord. Mimey accompanied Delia and Professor Oak as they tried to leave, only for a Shiny Guzzlord to block their way. However, it was quickly seen off by Professor Kukui and Ash.

From SM141 and SM144, Mimey watched the full exhibition match between Professor Kukui and Ash.

New series

Mimey and Ash

In SS002, Mimey traveled with Delia, Ash, and Professor Oak to Vermilion City to attend the opening of the Sakuragi Institute. After Ash and his new friend Go encountered a Lugia and reported this to Professor Sakuragi, Sakuragi decided to make Ash and Go his new research assistants and gave them a room at the institute. Delia then decided to leave Mimey at the institute so it could watch over Ash.

In SS007, Ash chose to use Mimey as his second Pokémon in Battle Frontier's Flute Cup Tournament. It was first used to battle Houji's Hariyama and easily won. When Houji sent out his Mightyena next, Mimey immediately gave up, forcing Ash to switch it with Pikachu.

Personality and characteristics

Delia taking care of a sick Mimey
Mimey "eating"

Mimey will only listen to Delia and if anyone else gives it orders or asks it to do something, it will normally ignore them unless told otherwise by Delia. It greatly enjoys doing the household chores around the Ketchum home and does not like sharing its job with others. When Ash, Misty, and Tracey returned to Pallet Town following their journey through the Orange Archipelago, it was revealed that Brock and Mimey had become rather competitive regarding household tasks while the two of them were sharing the house with Delia. It's also protective of Delia's property and will quickly spring into action to defend it as seen in The Rivalry Revival where it used Light Screen to keep Team Rocket from trampling her garden. As shown in SS003, Mimey can perform tasks such as cleaning and vaccuming by pantomiming. It was later shown "eating" with Ash and Go by pretending to peel and eat a banana.

Ash was shown to be somewhat envious of Delia's affection for Mimey; Delia once described it as more polite and helpful compared to Ash. He also became annoyed when Delia took its side after it had woken him up by using the vacuum on his face. Despite this, Ash and Mimey are on good terms, with Mimey happily accepting Ash's friendly greetings on his return trips to Pallet Town. Ash in particular is glad that Delia has Mimey as a housemate, as while he is on his journey, his mother will have company at home and will never be lonely.

Moves used

Using Double Slap
Using Reflect
Move First Used In
Barrier It's Mr. Mime Time
Light Screen The Rivalry Revival
Double Slap Showdown at the Oak Corral
Psychic  Journey to the Starting Line!
Focus Punch  SS007
Reflect  SS007
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Language Name Origin
Japanese バリちゃん Barri-chan From バリヤード Barrierd
English, Spanish, Italian Mimey From Mr. Mime
French Mimi chéri From M. Mime
German Pantimi From Pantimos


Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Mr. Mime.

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.