Kyurem (Dragon Majesty 47)

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キュレム Kyurem

SM Promotional print
Illus. Masakazu Fukuda
Evolution stage Basic Pokémon
Card name Kyurem
Type Dragon
HP 130
retreat cost
English expansion Dragon Majesty
Rarity Rare Holo
English card no. 47/70
Japanese expansion Dragon Storm
Japanese rarity R
Japanese card no. 034/053
Expansion SM Black Star Promos
English card no. SM142
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Kyurem.

Kyurem (Japanese: キュレム Kyurem) is a Dragon-type Basic Pokémon card. It was first released as part of the Dragon Majesty expansion.

Card text

ColorlessColorless Outrage
This attack does 10 more damage for each damage counter on this Pokémon.
WaterWaterColorless Frost Spear
This attack does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Pokédex data

Kyurem - Boundary Pokémon
No. Height Weight
646 9'10" (3.0 m) 716.5 lbs. (325.0 kg)
Pokédex entry
It generates a powerful, freezing energy inside itself, but its body became frozen when the energy leaked out.
強力な 冷凍エネルギーを 体内で 作り出すが 漏れ出した 冷気で 体が 凍っている。

Release information

This card was included in the Dragon Majesty expansion with artwork by TOKIYA, first released in the Japanese Dragon Storm subset. It was later available as an English SM Promotional card with new artwork by Masakazu Fukuda, made available in the Dragon Majesty Special Collection—White Kyurem-GX released on November 16, 2018.


Dragon Majesty print
SM Promotional print
Illus. Masakazu Fukuda
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori



Outrage is a move in the Pokémon games that Kyurem can learn. Frost Spear is an attack that first appeared on Kyurem from Plasma Freeze. This card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon Y.

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.