Dr. Fuji (anime)

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Revision as of 11:13, 27 July 2005 by Dr. No Good (talk | contribs)

Basic Information

Appearances Mewtwo Strikes Back, Birth of Mewtwo
Age Late 30s to early 40s
Eye/Hair color Dark glasses worn/Brown
Job status Researcher
Origin of name Possibly from Mt. Fuji, or Mr. Fuji from the video games
Hobbies Unknown.
Likes Ai (US: Amber) (his daughter), science.
Dislikes Unknown.




After his daugher Ai died, he devoted his life to trying to bring her back through cloning. His wife was fed up with his obsession and left him, and still he worked.

Eventually, his studies gained the attention of Giovanni, who said he would fund Fuji's project if Fuji also cloned the legendary Mew. This resulted in Mewtwo, who blew up the lab shortly after gaining sentience, killing everyone therein (including Fuji).

Relationships with other members

Arsenal and abilities

He is in charge of a team of scientists. Whether they were his team before he was hired by the Rockets, or if they were provided by Team Rocket remains to be seen. Given their shared fate, we're unlikely to find out.

See Also