Galar Route 3

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Route 3
Route 3
Map description
This area is not described by a map.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Galar Mine
Route 3

Location of Route 3 in Galar.
Pokémon world routes
Route 2       Route 4

Route 3 (Japanese: 3番道路 Route 3) is a route in central Galar that connects Motostoke to Galar Mine.

Route description

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.


Item Location Games
Big Mushroom Big Mushroom Next to a tree right near the Motostoke entrance (hidden)  Sw  Sh 
Heal Ball Heal Ball ×3 In a clearing west of a field of grass near the Motostoke entrance  Sw  Sh 
Burn Heal Burn Heal Just west of the Trainer Tips sign (hidden)  Sw  Sh 
Escape Rope Escape Rope From Sonia, north of the Trainer Tips sign  Sw  Sh 
Revive Revive On a rock on the northeast side of the hill around the Trainer Tips sign (hidden)  Sw  Sh 
TM Dark VI TM37 (Beat Up) Atop the ledge next to the Trainer Tips sign  Sw  Sh 
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry From Becca in front of her tent  Sw  Sh 
X Defense X Defense ×2 On the east side of the Galar Mine entrance (hidden)  Sw  Sh 
Super Potion Super Potion In a clearing of a field of grass near the Galar Mine entrance  Sw  Sh 
TM Rock VI TM54 (Rock Blast) Atop the hill accessible via Galar Mine  Sw  Sh 

Berry tree

The following Berries can fall from the Berry tree upon shaking it.

Item Location Games
Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Can fall from a Berry tree when shaking it  Sw  Sh 
Oran Berry Oran Berry Can fall from a Berry tree when shaking it  Sw  Sh 
Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Can fall from a Berry tree when shaking it  Sw  Sh 


Random encounters

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sw Sh
8-13 20%
Sw Sh
8-13 9%
Sw Sh
8-13 20%
Sw Sh
8-13 15%
Sw Sh
8-13 35%
Sw Sh
8-13 1%
Berry trees
Sw Sh
Berry tree
8-13 20%
Sw Sh
Berry tree
8-13 80%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Symbol encounters

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Eastern grass fields
Sw Sh
10-14 15%
Sw Sh
10-14 15%
Sw Sh
10-14 2%
Sw Sh
10-14 38%
Sw Sh
10-14 10%
Sw Sh
10-14 5%
Sw Sh
10-14 30%
Western grass fields
Sw Sh
10-13 1%
Sw Sh
10-13 99%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


  • Corvisquire appears perched on a rock next to the fenced-off path to a factory, where Sonia is initially encountered, but does not appear while Sonia is present. It respawns when the player leaves the area.
Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sw Sh
18 N/A
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Trainer Pokémon
Lass Rei
Lass Rei
ミチル Michiru
Reward: $1,008
Vulpix Vulpix Lv.12
No item
Schoolgirl Hannah
Schoolgirl Hannah
エミ Emi
Reward: $936
Pancham Pancham Lv.13
No item
Schoolboy Marvin
Schoolboy Marvin
マナブ Manabu
Reward: $720
Budew Budew Lv.12
No item
Gossifleur Gossifleur Lv.12
No item
Schoolgirl Kayleigh
Schoolgirl Kayleigh
ヒロミ Hiromi
Reward: $936
Purrloin Purrloin Lv.12
No item
Skwovet Skwovet Lv.13
No item
Postman Tad
Postman Tad
ギンタ Ginta
Reward: $1,344
Delibird Delibird Lv.14
No item
Schoolboy Peter
Schoolboy Peter
セイジ Seiji
Reward: $840
Sizzlipede Sizzlipede Lv.13
No item
Dottler Dottler Lv.14
No item


Slumbering WealdGalar MineGalar Mine No. 2Motostoke Outskirts
Glimwood TangleRoute 9 TunnelRose Tower/Battle TowerEnergy PlantTower Summit
Wild Area
Meetup SpotRolling FieldsDappled GroveWatchtower RuinsEast Lake AxewellWest Lake Axewell
Axew's EyeSouth Lake MilochGiant's SeatNorth Lake MilochMotostoke RiverbankBridge Field
Stony WildernessDusty BowlGiant's MirrorHammerlocke HillsGiant's CapLake of Outrage
Isle of Armor
Fields of HonorMaster DojoSoothing WetlandsForest of FocusChallenge BeachTower of WatersBrawlers' Cave
Challenge RoadTower of DarknessCourageous CavernLoop LagoonTraining LowlandsWarm-Up Tunnel
Potbottom DesertWorkout SeaStepping-Stone SeaInsular SeaHoneycalm SeaHoneycalm Island
Crown Tundra
Slippery SlopeMax LairFreezingtonFrostpoint FieldGiant's BedRock Peak RuinsIron RuinsOld Cemetery
Snowslide SlopeIceberg RuinsTunnel to the TopPath to the PeakCrown ShrineGiant's FootRoaring-Sea Caves
Frigid SeaThree-Point PassSplit-Decision RuinsBallimere LakeLakeside CaveDyna Tree Hill

This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.

In the manga

Route 3 in Pokémon Adventures

In the Pokemon Adventures manga

Route 3 briefly appeared in the Sword & Shield arc.