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This is a list of themes that have been played in the Croatian dub of the Pokémon anime.
Indigo League
This opening was sung by Ervin Baučić.
TV version
Želim biti najveći, kao nitko do sad! skupit sve i slavu doseći, njihov trener biti tad! Pokémoni vode me, još dalje nadalje! Tu je tajna skrivena, što čeka najbolje!
Pokémon! Moraš skupit sve! (Samo ti i ja!) To nam je sudbina, Pokémon! Prijatelj najbolji, i u najvećoj nevolji! Pokémon! (Hrabrih srca blistav sjaj!) Avanturama nikad kraj! Učim te dok učiš me!
Pokémon! Moraš skupit sve! Moraš skupit sve! Pokémon!
I want to be the greatest, like no one ever was! To catch 'em all and to achieve glory, to be their trainer then!
Pokémon lead me, farther than before! That's where the secret is hidden, that's waiting for the best!
Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all! (Just you and me!) That is our destiny, Pokémon! Your best friend, even in your greatest troubles!
Pokémon! (The glowing shine of brave hearts!) Adventures never end! I teach you while you teach me!
Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all! Gotta catch 'em all! Pokémon!
Ending version
Želim biti najveći, kao nitko do sad! skupit sve i slavu doseći, njihov trener biti tad!
Pokémon! Moraš skupit sve! (Samo ti i ja!) To nam je sudbina, Pokémon! Prijatelj najbolji, i u najvećoj nevolji!
Pokémon! (Hrabrih srca blistav sjaj!)
Pokémon! Moraš skupit sve! Moraš skupit sve! Pokémon!
I want to be the greatest, like no one ever was! To catch 'em all and to achieve glory, to be their trainer then!
Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all! (Just you and me!) That is our destiny, Pokémon! Your best friend, even in your greatest troubles!
Pokémon! (The glowing shine of brave hearts!)
Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all! Gotta catch 'em all! Pokémon!
Adventures in the Orange Islands
This opening was sung by Tony Cetinski.
Znači, želiš biti master! (Pokémon!) Imaš sve što treba da! (Bude show!)
Želim znat: spreman si, i krenut odvažno! (Pokémon!) Igrati hrabro, nezaboravit; biti trener je opasno!
Želim bit gdje niko nije, gore iznad oblaka! (Pokémon!) Naučiti sve, prkosit mukama! (Koristit moć u svojim rukama!)
Svi mi živimo u pokemon svijetu! (Pokémon!) Postat ću master i obići planetu!
Svi mi živimo u pokemon svijetu! (Pokémon!) Sve ću kušnje proći ja, Od svih sam bolji nek se zna!
Znači, želiš biti master! (Pokémon!) Imaš sve što treba da! (Bude show!)
Svi mi živimo u pokemon svijetu! (Pokémon!)
Postat ću majstor i obići planetu! (Koristit moć u svojim rukama!) Pokémon!
So you want to be a master! (Pokémon) You have everything you need! (To be a show!)
I want to know: you are ready, and the brave head! (Pokémon!) Play brave, unforgettable; being a coach is dangerous!
I want to be where nobody is, above the cloud! (Pokémon!) Learn everything, curse me! (Use power in your hands!)
We all live in a pokemon world! (Pokémon!) I will be a master and visit the planet!
We all live in a pokemon world! (Pokémon!) I will all pass judgment, of all the best I know!
So you want to be a master! (Pokémon!) You have everything you need! (To be a show!)
We all live in a pokemon world! (Pokémon!)
I will be a master and visit the planet! (Use the power in your hands!) Pokémon!
Johto League Journeys
This opening was sung by Đani Stipaničev.
TV version
To je sasvim novi svijet! Pokémon Johto!
Svatko od nas želi bolji biti, svatko od nas želi najviše! Svatko od nas želi hrabro stati, novih borba nikad previše!
Ti znaš put svoj, Kreni stazom ponosno! Kreni sad, korak tvoj; vodi teci visokoj!
To je sasvim novi svijet! To je sasvim drugi film! To je takvo mjesto, gdje drukčiji su svi! Al uloviti ih moraš ti, i biti najbolji!
Pokémon Johto!
To je sasvim novi svijet! Al uloviti ih moraš ti, i biti najbolji!
Pokémon Johto! Pokémon Johto!
It's a whole new world! Pokémon Johto!
Everyone wants us to be better, everyone wants us the most! Everyone wants us to brave, new fighting never too!
You know your way, Take the trail proudly! Go now, your step; leads the highways!
It's a whole new world! It's just another movie! It's such a place, where everyone else is different! To catch them if you have to, and be the best!
Pokémon Johto!
It's a whole new world! To catch them if you have to, and be the best!
Pokémon Johto! Pokémon Johto!
Movie version
Johto League Champions
This opening was sung by Đani Stipaničev.
Pokémon, pokémon, pokémon! Pazi sad!
Želim biti najveći, kao niko do sad! Skupit sve i slavu doseći, njihov trener biti tad!
Ne mogu više čekati, krećem sad il nikada! Znam da moram uspjeti, moj cilj je pobjeda!
Stvoreni za pobjede (Johto!), stvoreni za pobjednike! Stvoreni za pobjede, stvoreni za najbolje!
Pokémon Johto!
Stvoreni za pobjede! Pokémon!
Pokémon, pokémon, pokémon! Watch out now!
I want to be the greatest, like nobody so far! Collect all the glory and reach them, their coach will be down!
I can not wait any longer, I'm moving now and never! I know I have to succeed, My goal is to win!
Created for victory (Johto!), created for the winners! Created for victory, made for the best!
Pokémon Johto!
Created for victory! Pokémon!
Master Quest
This opening was sung by Jacques Houdek.
Nove pobjede nas čekaju, izazovi nam ne smetaju!
Društvo moje sve je brojnije, borbe naše sve su snažnije!
Biti master moj je san, s vjerom krećem u novi dan! (Vjerujem!)
Opet hrabro borim se, na putu do pobjede! (Pokémon!)
Znam da moram uspjeti, ako vjerujem!
Nova borba je Master Quest! (Master Quest!), zato kreni sa mnom i ti! To će biti glavni test, samo trebam u sebe vjerovati!
New victories await us, challenges do not bother us!
My company is ever more numerous, our battles are all the more powerful!
Being my master is my dream, with faith I'm going to a new day! (I belive!)
Again I fight boldly, on the road to victory! (Pokémon!)
I know I have to succeed, if i believe!
The new fight is Master Quest! (Master Quest!), so go with me and you! It will be the main test, I just have to trust myself!
This opening was sung by Jacques Houdek.
Nove borbe zovu me, kad hvale s borbom dostaje! Pokemoni prate me, pobjeda mi pristaje!
Koračam ponosno, ciljam uvjek visoko! Uspjet ću to znam, sutra je novi dan!
Avantura počinje, krećem ničeg nebojim se!
Želim biti heroj! (Heroj!) Pokemon Advanced! (Ne bojim se!)
Želim biti heroj! (Heroj!) Daj mi šansu i vidjet češ!
Da budućnost reči će! Tko sam ja i gdje moje mjesto je!
Želim biti heroj! Pokémon!
New battles call for me, when praise with the fight is enough! Pokemon follow me, victory will suit me!
I stepped proudly, I always aim high! I'll do it, I know; that tomorrow is a new day!
The adventure begins, I've got nothing that I'm afraid of!
I want to be a hero! (Hero!) Pokemon Advanced! (I'm not scared!)
I want to be a hero! (Hero!) Give me a chance and you'll see it!
That the future will say! Who am I and where my place is!
I want to be a hero! Pokémon!
Black & White
This opening was sung by Jacques Houdek and Andrea Čubrić.
Prvi korak je najteži, kad u novi dan treba krenuti!
Al' čuda još su moguća, tvoja snaga nema granica!
Jer nije sve crno/bijelo, kad srce je hrabro i smjelo!
Čak i kroz poraze, put je do pobjede! Avantura počinje!
The first step is the toughest, when the new day should go!
The miracles are still possible, your strength has no limits!
Because it is not all black/white, when the heart is brave and bold!
Even through defeat, the way to victory! The adventure begins!
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