Vaporeon is a Pokémon that shares physical traits with both aquatic and land animals. Vaporeon's body is light blue with a dark blue marking around its head and a spiky ridge down its spine. It has black eyes and a tiny black nose. There a white fin encircling its neck and three fins with cream-colored webbing on its head. One of these fins is on each side of its head similar to ears and one is directly on top of its head similar in appearance to a dorsal fin. Vaporeon is a quadruped with three small toes on each foot and dark blue paw pads on the hind feet. Its split tail fin has been mistaken for a mermaid's in the past. It can detect moisture with its fins, which vibrate when rain will fall soon.
Vaporeon is mostly found in urban settings under the ownership of a Trainer. It is rarely seen in the wild, but it prefers clean freshwater lakes. It has developed gills to become better suited to an aquatic lifestyle, and its cell composition's similarity to water allows it to melt into the water. This ability enables Vaporeon to remain camouflaged while swimming and ambush its prey: fish Pokémon.
A Vaporeon appeared in The Ultimate Test, where Ash battled it during the Pokémon League entrance exam. During the battle, he used a Meowth he borrowed, only for Vaporeon to defeat Meowth with Ice Beam.
A Vaporeon appeared in Mewtwo Strikes Back, under the ownership of Fergus. It was one of the Pokémon that were captured and cloned by Mewtwo. The Vaporeon clone reappeared in Mewtwo Returns. Fergus's Vaporeon reappeared in Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution, a remake of Mewtwo Strikes Back, where it played the same role.
A Vaporeon appeared in On Olden Pond, under the ownership of an old woman named Galea. It was used to help Ash train his Corphish due to its fast movements.
Two Vaporeon appeared in Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias. One was under the ownership of a Trainer who was giving it some water from a fountain, while the other was used by a competitor in the Tour de Alto Mare.
Vaporeon, the Bubble Jet Pokémon, and an evolved form of Eevee. The composition of its cells is similar to molecules of water, and as such, can melt in water.
In Blame it on Eevee, a mutated Eevee could switch between his evolved forms, one of which is a Vaporeon. Redcatches him, adds him to his team, and nicknames him Vee. Later, it used the Fire, Water, and Thunder Stones of Vermilion Harbor, which were given to him by Giovanni, to evolve and devolve him freely and faster. Eventually, he lost the ability to devolve after permanently becoming an Espeon, but Red felt more content now that he'd been freed from the pain that Team Rocket's experiments had dealt.
A Vaporeon appeared in The Kindest Tentacruel as one of the Pokémon in Yellow's fantasy about evolution via Evolution stone.
Vaporeon underwent a spontaneous mutation and grew fins and gills that allow it to live underwater. This Pokémon has the ability to freely control water.
Vaporeon underwent a spontaneous mutation and grew fins and gills that allow it to live underwater. This Pokémon has the ability to freely control water.
In Generation I, Vaporeon had a notably different design with the backs of its ears being all black, fins on each leg, and a fin running down the entire length of its back. All of these details were removed in Generation II. Notably, these details weren't present in its original Pokémon Red and Green artwork.
In Pokémon Yellow, Vaporeon is programmed to learn both Haze and Mist at level 42; however, a bug prevents a Pokémon from learning more than one move at the same level, so Vaporeon cannot learn Mist in Yellow.
Vaporeon's origins are uncertain, though it could be based on a cross between aquatic creatures, felines, and canids. The fins and dorsal lining may be based on different types of tropical fish. Its ears resemble a mix between a fish's fin and a fennec fox's ears. Its tail also shares characteristics with mermaids or dolphins.
Vaporeon is a combination of vapor (a gaseous form of water) and eon (an immeasurably long period of time, possibly referring to how long evolution takes naturally). Eon is a suffix all Eeveeevolutions share and was Eevee's English prototype name.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.