Battle Pass

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A Battle Pass is an item used in Pokémon Battle Revolution that must be used to compete in Pokétopian Colosseums. Pokémon on the selected pass act as the player's party Pokémon for the duration of the current challenge. There are three kinds of passes, Rental Passes, Custom Passes, and Friend Passes.

Rental Passes

These Passes are pre-set by the game, and come with predetermined rental Pokémon. These may be used if the player cannot upload Pokémon from their Generation IV games, and must be used in certain Colosseums.

Custom Passes

These Passes can be made by player using Pokémon from their Generation IV games. Each has a different background, which is selected when the Pass is created. Any Pokémon can be used on these, though Pokémon used on another Pass cannot be used.

Friend Passes

These Passes are obtained after battling other players over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. They can also be stored on a Wii Remote and sent to other players.

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