Category:Giovanni (TCG)
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Pages in category "Giovanni (TCG)"
The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total.
- Giovanni's Charisma (151 161)
- Giovanni's Exile (Unbroken Bonds 174)
- Giovanni's Gyarados (Gym Challenge 5)
- Giovanni's Last Resort (Gym Challenge 105)
- Giovanni's Machamp (Gym Challenge 6)
- Giovanni's Machoke (Gym Challenge 42)
- Giovanni's Machop (Gym Challenge 72)
- Giovanni's Magikarp (Gym Challenge 73)
- Giovanni's Meowth (Gym Challenge 43)
- Giovanni's Meowth (Gym Challenge 74)
- Giovanni's Nidoking (CoroCoro promo)
- Giovanni's Nidoking (Gym Challenge 7)
- Giovanni's Nidoqueen (Gym Challenge 23)
- Giovanni's Nidoran♀ (Gym Challenge 75)
- Giovanni's Nidoran♂ (Gym Challenge 76)
- Giovanni's Nidorina (Gym Challenge 44)
- Giovanni's Nidorino (Gym Challenge 45)
- Giovanni's Persian (Gym Challenge 8)
- Giovanni's Pinsir (Gym Challenge 24)
- Giovanni's Scheme (BREAKthrough 138)
- Gym Badge (XY Promo 203)