Chewtle is a turtle-like Pokémon with a large teal head bigger than its body. The top of its shell is a darker shade of blue with a brown trim, with a light brown underbelly, similar to Squirtle and its evolved forms. It has what appears to be a single toe or claw at the ends of each foot. Chewtle has an orange bulb on each of its cheeks, a darker tongue, and a short horn on the top of the head, which it uses to stun its opponents and open them for attack. It has a single large tooth in its mouth, which it can use to bite down hard on targets. It has a pair of nostrils directly above the mouth, and a pair of small eyes with a black rim directly above that, with a single large brow, giving it an almost angry look.
Chewtle snaps at anything in front of it because of an itch of its teething. It is known to attack first with its horn, flinching them before biting down and not letting go.
In JN013, Team Rocket encountered a Chewtle while in Wyndon when it bit onto Jessie's hair. Upon learning that it can evolve into Drednaw, they decided to present it to Giovanni. Chewtle emerged from the Rocket Prize Master in JN017, and it was used to battle Ash and Goh before the trio was sent blasting off. It later battled Goh's Scorbunny, only to be defeated when it evolved into a Raboot.
Minor appearances
In Pokémon: Twilight Wings
A Chewtle appeared in Early-Evening Waves, under the ownership of Nessa. It was seen on a magazine. It is unclear if this Chewtle is her Drednaw in the present day.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.