Rhyhorn is a rhinoceros-like Pokémon with a body covered in gray, rocky plates. Its underside and rear are smooth, and it has four short legs with two claws on each foot. It has a triangular head with narrow, red eyes, two fangs protruding from its upper jaw, small, triangular openings on the upper sides, and a short horn on the tip of its snout. A female will have a shorter horn than a male. A spiked ridge runs along its back. In addition to its rocky hide, its bones are a thousand times harder than human bones.
Rhyhorn's brain is very small, giving it a one-track mind. When it runs, it forgets why it started and continues until it falls asleep. However, it may recall the reason upon demolishing something. Due to its short legs, it is inept at turning and can only run in straight lines. It does not care if obstacles get in the way, merely smashing through them or sending them flying. However, it may feel pain the day after a collision. Rhyhorn lives in rough terrain.
In In the Pink, a pink Rhyhorn was the first Pokémon that Ash and his friends saw at Pinkan Island. Although it was initially unaware of the trio, Ash rushed up to it and antagonized it. It then cornered the gang at the edge of a cliff and attempted to charge at them, but the group was saved by Togepi using Teleport via Metronome, causing Rhyhorn to charge over the cliff. It was then rescued by Ash and his friends with the help of the resident Officer Jenny.
In Odd Pokémon Out, multiple Rhyhorn living on Camomile Island charged at Ash's Donphan, believing it was threatening their children when in fact it was only trying to play with them.
In Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race!, multiple Rhyhorn were entered in a Rhyhorn race, including Ian's. The Rhyhorn were targeted by Team Rocket but ultimately rescued by Ash and his friends.
In A Race for Home!, Serena hijacked a Rhyhorn to chase Team Rocket when they stole a supply of cheese.
In Master Class Choices!, multiple Rhyhorn were used as part of the Theme Performance of the Fleurrh CityPokémon Showcase. The Performers had to attract the most Rhyhorn is a certain period of time. Serena found that most of the Rhyhorn were attracted to her, allowing her to advance to the next performance.
Minor appearances
In The Flame Pokémon-athon!, multiple Rhyhorn were at the Laramie Ranch. One was later seen among the Pokémon participating in the Big P Pokémon Race. Rhyhorn jumped onto a stone with its Trainer, but they sank due to Rhyhorn's weight and were eliminated from the race.
In the banned episodeEP035, Ash attempted to catch a Rhyhorn in the Safari Zone, but it got away. A flashback featured another Rhyhorn.
Rhyhorn debuts in Raging Rhydon, under the ownership of Koga. After getting defeated by Red's Pikachu, Pika, it was forced to evolve with a mysterious injection, and knocks out Misty with its increased power.
The Battle Factory rented a Rhyhorn, which was stolen by Guile Hideout in Lemme at 'Em, Lapras!.
A Rhyhorn belonging to Y debuted in PS549. He was originally owned by Grace. He often carries X around while he sits inside a tent attached to his back. Much later, Y decides to officially keep Rhyhorn on her team, and nicknames him Rhyrhy.
Pokémon X and Y: In X and Y, the player's mother, Grace, is a retired Rhyhorn racer. Her Rhyhorn partner lounges outside her house. The player can ride it, but cannot take it outside the small front lawn. The player can ride another Rhyhorn on Route 9, which is the only way to cross the jagged, rocky terrain to Glittering Cave.
Rhyhorn runs in a straight line, smashing everything in its path. It is not bothered even if it rushes headlong into a block of steel. This Pokémon may feel some pain from the collision the next day, however.
Rhyhorn's brain is very small. It is so dense, while on a run it forgets why it started running in the first place. It apparently remembers sometimes if it demolishes something.
Rhyhorn runs in a straight line, smashing everything in its path. It is not bothered even if it rushes headlong into a block of steel. This Pokémon may feel some pain from the collision the next day, however.
Rhyhorn's brain is very small. It is so dense, while on a run it forgets why it started running in the first place. It apparently remembers sometimes if it demolishes something.
Rhyhorn's design appears to be inspired by an Indian rhinoceros, which has similar plated armor; and an Uintatherium, from whom it may have taken its flat head and horn. Its design also has elements of ceratopsids.
Name origin
Rhyhorn may be a combination of rhinoceros and horn. Rhy may also derive from the igneous rock called rhyolite, alluding to Rhyhorn's Ground/Rock type combination.
Sihorn is a combination of 犀 sai (rhinoceros) and horn.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.