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Revision as of 03:51, 6 August 2005 by Barb (talk | contribs) (Trivia)


Unfair Weather Friends
Powalen of the Weather Research Center
First broadcast
Japan July 1, 2004
United States June 18, 2005
English themes
Opening This Dream
Japanese themes
Opening チャレンジャー!!
Ending いっぱいサマー!!
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 武上純希 Junki Takegami
Storyboard 秦義人 Yoshito Hata
Assistant director 秦義人 Yoshito Hata
Animation director 宍戸久美子 Kumiko Shishido
No additional credits are available at this time.

Unfair Weather Friends (Japanese: お天気研究所のポワルン! Powalen of the Weather Research Center) is episode 83 of Advanced Generation. It was first broadcast in Japan on July 1, 2004 and in USA on June 18, 2005.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Thanks to Archaic for the summary.

Ash and company are seen walking down a road. A sunny day turns to rain, then to thunder, and finally snow. The explanation? Castform, the Weather Pokémon. Castform begins to lead the group to safety when the weather turns sunny again. Castform's form changes with the weather.

They find a couple of researchers at an institute. Brock, as usual, goes into his pretty-girl-trance at the sight of the female scientist (who happens to have a Ditto), but something's wrong. Brock can't quite explain it, but he doesn't feel as gaga for this lady as he does for other ladies. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are snowed in, and appear to be enjoying themselves. Or at least Meowth is; Jessie and James blame the crazy weather patterns on Ash and company.

The researchers show Ash and the others their weather control machine. Team Rocket later find the machine and immediately make ill-fated plans to use it for nefarious ends. Team Aqua arrive on the scene soon afterwards, and in full force. Of course, they also want the machine. Team Rocket are clearly upset by the presence of Team Aqua and perform most of their motto before being clamped in restraints.

The researchers and Team Rocket are held captive together shortly. Oddly enough, the female scientist claims to have never heard of Team Rocket; perhaps this is because they're in Houen, and TR is Kanto-based. Jessie and James suck in their stomachs and the restraints loosen. Team Aqua begins powering up the weather control machine, but it appears as though they simply wanted data from the machine and not the machine itself. The data they're interested in relates to a local legendary Pokémon.

Ditto runs off with the Pass Card for the data. Ash and company, watching all the action from the outside, vow to protect the machine from Team Aqua and Team Rocket. The Pass Card is intercepted by Ash and the others. Everyone but Ash and Pikachu flees, and Pikachu knocks out the Team Aqua grunts with a couple of lightning bolts. The plan is apparently to delete all the data from the main computer, which is now under guard by Team Aqua.

Ditto then copies Castform and lures the Aqua guards away. Ash links up with Ditto (disguised as Castform) and runs away. Team Aqua have apparently copied all the data to a disk and deleted it from the computer. While running out of the room, the Team Aqua guards run into Ash and Ditto (Castform). Ash is embarrassed that he never noticed a thing. After a quick fight inside, Ash and Ditto run outside to challenge the remaining TA members.

The weather control machine is brought out and a lightning bolt strikes Team Rocket instead of Ash and company. A demonstration of power, apparently. Fearing for the others, Milly (the female scientist) hands over the Pass Card. Unbeknownst to the TA members, the data doesn't exist! Then Milly jumps to the top of the machine. Everyone looks at her, surprised. And we learn that Milly isn't really a woman after all. He's really Bannai, the leader of Team Magma. This explains Brock's lack of a reaction to Bannai's disguised form earlier.

May gets involved in the battle, but her Combusken doesn't have enough power to battle Bannai's Ditto. He escapes with the data and, for a change, the bad guys win this round. The real Milly then arrives on the scene, all ready for her first day at the institute. Brock does his patented pretty-girl-trance. As it turns out, the data isn't completely lost. It's in hardcopy but it will take a long time to re-enter.

The episode closes with another scene of Team Rocket freezing in the snow.

Major events






There is a new ending sequence with this episode.


Dub edits

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