Status condition (Mystery Dungeon)

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Status conditions are a game mechanic in the Mystery Dungeon series that have both similarities and differences to status conditions in the core series. Whereas in the core series a Pokémon can only be afflicted with one major status condition and a number of volatile minor status ailments, the Mystery Dungeon series allows Pokémon to be afflicted by multiple status conditions.

Status conditions can be caused by a variety of ways, such as from the effects of moves (such as the Sky Attack status, which is a self-inflicted condition due to the use of Sky Attack), IQ skills (such as the Pierce status from Pierce Thrower), and items (such as Mobile from the Mobile Orb).

Stat drops and boosts are also listed as 'weakened' and 'boosted' status conditions in-game. When the Pokémon's HP drops below 25%, the game also lists this as a 'low HP' status condition. However, these conditions do not interact as usual status conditions and are not considered bad status conditions.


Badly Poisoned
Half SpeedTDS
Sped UpRB
Double SpeedTDS
Leg HoldRB
Shadow HoldTDS
Fire Spin
Sand Tomb
Magma Storm
Slip S
Magnet Rise
Sea of Fire
Solar BeamSMD
Sky Attack
Razor Wind
Focus Punch
Skull Bash
Phantom Force
Shadow Force
Ice Burn
Freeze Shock
Future Sight
Doom Desire
Sky Drop
Light Screen
Lucky Chant
Magic Coat
Quick Guard
Wide Guard
Mat Block
King's Shield
Crafty Shield
Mirror Coat
Metal Burst
Mini Counter
Mirror Move
Vital Throw
Sure Shot
Set Damage
Focus Energy
Long Toss
Leech Seed
Aqua Ring
Destiny Bond
Perish Song
Heal Block
Dropeye S
Power EarsRBTDS
Stair Spotter
Miracle Eye
Gastro Acid
Conversion 2
Hungry Pal /
Immobilized by hunger

Bad status conditions

Bad status conditions, referred to as status problems prior to Gates to Infinity, are status conditions with an adverse effect. These will trigger effects such as Guts and Marvel Scale. A Pokémon must have at least one bad status condition in order for healing to take effect. A Pokémon can be healed by:

In Super Mystery Dungeon, teammates may autonomously heal allies from certain bad status conditions such as sleep and paralysis.

Bosses are immune to certain status conditions and/or more easily heal from status conditions.

Status conditions

Sleep-related conditions

There are 5 sleep-related conditions in this category, though only Asleep/Sleep, Yawning, and Nightmare are considered bad status conditions. A Pokémon with the Early Bird Ability will have the duration of Asleep, Napping, and Nightmare statuses halved. Pokémon that have Insomnia ability will be immune to these status conditions.

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
The Pokémon cannot move, use items or attack. If in the middle of a linked move, the rest of the linked move is skipped. Items cannot be removed from this Pokémon. A Pokémon that already has a Sleep, Nightmare, or Napping status condition cannot be inflicted with this status. 3-6 turnsRBTDS
6 turnsGtISMD
Moves which induce sleep (excluding Rest), Effect Spore, Slumber Orb, Sleep Seed, Slumber Wand, Slumber Trap, Lullaby and Sleep Payback emera
Sleepless Prevents the Pokémon from being inflicted with any other sleep-related condition. Entire floorRBTDSGtI
11-12 turnsSMD
Uproar, Worry SeedTDS, Chesto Berry
Nightmare Causes the Pokémon to sleep and lose 8 HP when the status wears off. The status can override the Sleep and Napping status. 4-7 turns Nightmare
Yawning The Pokémon will get the Asleep status when this status ends. 3 turns Yawn, TruantSMD
Napping Causes the Pokémon to sleep. This condition's duration cannot be overridden if the Pokémon is subsequently inflicted with Asleep, Nightmare, or Napping (though the status itself may be overridden), but is otherwise identical to Sleep. (Note that the other effect of Rest, the healing of all HP after this status wears off, is not caused by this status.) 2-3 turns Rest

Major status conditions

This category is named as it draws its parallels with the core series. All the conditions in this category are considered bad status conditions. Aside from using healing items, moving up (or down) a dungeon floor will cure these conditions. If a Pokémon is inflicted with a major status condition while already being inflicted with one, the new major status condition will replace the old condition.

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
Burned In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, and Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky, the Pokémon loses 5 HPRB/6 HPTDS at the end of its next turn, and every 20 turns after that. In Gates to Infinity and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, the Pokémon loses 4 HPGtI/12 HPSMD at the end of every 15 turns.
The Pokémon's Attack is also lowered. Pokémon on water tiles can be burnt, however, burns can be healed by re-stepping on a water tile.
Entire floor
Status also disappears by stepping on a water tile *
Moves which inflict burn, Flame Body, Grimy Food, lava tiles
Frozen The Pokémon cannot move, use items or attack, and will also not receive damage. If in the middle of a linked move, the rest of the linked move is skipped. Pokémon on lava tiles cannot be frozen. Frozen Pokémon can be defrosted if a Fire attack or Scald is used against it, if it is forced on a lava tile, or a specific item is used on it. This lasts for 4-5 turns. 4-5 turns Moves which can freeze
Poisoned In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, and Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky, the Pokémon loses 4 HPRB/2 HPTDS at the end of its next turn, and every 10RB/20TDS turns after that. In Gates to Infinity and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, the Pokémon loses 4 HP at the end of every 15 turns.
Poisoned Pokémon cannot naturally regenerate HP.
Entire floor Moves which poison, Effect Spore, Poison Touch, Grimy Food, Poison Trap
Badly Poisoned In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, and Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky, the Pokémon loses 6 HP at the end of its next turn, and every 2 turns after that. In Gates to Infinity and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, the Pokémon loses 6 HP at the end of every 10 turns.
Badly Poisoned Pokémon cannot naturally regenerate HP.
Entire floor Moves which badly poison
Paralyzed The Pokémon's Travel Speed is reduced, and cannot use attacks (regular or special) or Wonder Orbs. Thrown items can still be used. In Super Mystery Dungeon, Electric-type Pokémon cannot become paralyzed. 2-3 turnsRBTDS
3 turnsGtISMD
Moves which paralyze, DisableRBTDS, Static, Effect Spore, Grimy Food, stepping on a Stunfisk

Status conditions affecting mobility

This category includes conditions that limit a Pokémon's mobility. Paralyzed and Frozen status conditions affects mobility too, but is actually parallel to the main series games, which is why it is in the "Major status conditions" list instead of this one.

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
Half SpeedTDS
The Pokémon's Travel Speed is reduced, causing it to only move every 2 or more turns. 6-8 turnsRBTDS
3 turnsGtI
5 turnsSMD
Any moves that lower speed in the core series lower Travel Speed, Paralysis status condition, Slow Start, Slow Orb, Slow Wand, Slow Trap, randomly caused by Trick RoomTDS
Sped UpRB
Double SpeedTDS
The Pokémon's Travel Speed is increased. 8-10 turnsTDS
12 turns GtISMD
Any moves that increase speed in the core series boost Travel Speed, Motor Drive, Speed Boost, Steadfast, Quick Feet, Quick Orb, randomly caused by Trick RoomTDS
Leg HoldRB
Shadow HoldTDS
The Pokémon cannot move (but may attack), and cannot switch places with the team leader. In Super Mystery Dungeon, Ghost-type Pokémon cannot become stuck. 2-5 turnsRBTDS
7 turnsGtISMD
Status also disappears if the Pokémon is blown or warped away
Block, Mean Look, Spider Web, Fairy Lock, Lasso Orb, Grimy Food
Petrified The Pokémon is unable to do anything, and cannot move. If in the middle of a linked move, the rest of the linked move is skipped. Until the Pokémon is affected by an item or move.
21-30 turns for the team leader.RBTDS
Status also disappears if ally Pokémon talk to themTDS or push/swap positions with themSMD.
Stun Seed, Foe-Hold Orb, Petrify Orb, Stayaway Orb, Petrify Power, Petrify Wand, Stayaway Wand
Ingrain The Pokémon cannot move (though it may attack), and cannot switch places with the team leader. In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky, the Pokémon gains 10 HP at the end of the second turn, and every five turns after that. In Gates to Infinity, the Pokémon gains 15 HP at the end of every second turn. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, the Pokémon gains 15 HP at the end of every turn. The status also prevents the Pokémon from being blown away. 16-30 turnsRBTDS
7 turnsGtI
3 turnsSMD
Status also disappears if the Pokémon is warped away
Wrapped The Pokémon cannot take any actions, and cannot switch places with the team leader. The Pokémon will lose 6 HP at the end of the turn and every 2 turns thereafter. 0-5 turns WrapRBTDS
Wrap The Pokémon cannot take any actions, and cannot switch places with the team leader. If part of a linked move, the rest of the linked move is skipped. 0-5 turns Self-inflicted from using WrapRBTDS
Constriction The Pokémon cannot move (though it may attack), and cannot switch places with the team leader. The Pokémon loses 5 HP every two turns. 4-6 turns
Status also disappears if the Pokémon is warped or blown away
Sand Tomb, Clamp, Fire Spin, Whirlpool, Bind, Magma StormRBTDS
Clamp The Pokémon cannot move (though it may attack), and cannot switch places with the team leader. The Pokémon loses 3 HP at the end of every 2 turns. 6 turns
Status also disappears if the Pokémon is blown away or warped
Whirlpool WhirlpoolSMD
Fire Spin Fire SpinGtISMD
Sand Tomb Sand TombGtISMD
Infestation InfestationSMD
Bound WrapGtISMD, BindSMD
Trapped BindGtI
Magma Storm The Pokémon cannot move (though it may attack), and cannot switch places with the team leader. The Pokémon loses 10 HP at the end of every 2 turns. 6 turns
Status also disappears if the Pokémon is blown away or warped
Magma StormSMD
Mobile The Pokémon is capable of crossing any terrain type and passing through walls. Entire floor Mobile Orb
Slip Allows the Pokémon to walk on water. This status wears off when the Pokémon moves to the next floor. Entire floor Slip Seed
Magnet Rise The user is unaffected by Ground-type moves and can travel over lava, water and air tiles. 3-5 turnsTDS
10 turnsSMD
Magnet Rise
Telekinesis The Pokémon is raised into the air and will not be able to move from its spot. The Pokémon's evasiveness goes down, but will also be immune to Ground-type moves. 7 turns
Status also disappears if the Pokémon is blown or warped away
Grounded The Pokémon is knocked to the ground, which means Ground-type moves can hit it. Also the Pokémon is unable to move in the air (e.g. cannot move over water tiles). 10 turns
Status also disappears if the Pokémon uses Fly or Bounce
Smack Down

Status conditions affecting move execution or move effects

This category affects the way moves are executed or the effects of moves.

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
The Pokémon cannot use any regular attacks, special attacks, or orbs, but may throw items. If in the middle of a linked move, the rest of the linked move is skipped. 1 turn Move which can flinch, Quash
Confused The Pokémon will move in a random direction, and turn in a random direction before attacking. However, thrown items will still travel in the desired direction. Allies are treated as foes (except in Gates to Infinity), unless the Pokémon has the Nontraitor IQ skillRBTDS or is holding a looplet with the Self Control emeraSMD. For example, if the Pokémon uses moves such as Sweet Scent or Earth Power, teammates will be affected, and moves like Agility will also benefit the opposing side. The Pokémon may not switch places with the team leader*. 7-12 turnsRBTDS
8 turnsGtISMD
Moves which can confuse, Totter Orb, Totter Seed, Dizzying Payback and Dizzing Stare emera, Spin Trap, or stepping on a disguised DittoSMD
Infatuated In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, and Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky, the Pokémon is unable to do anything. If in the middle of a linked move, the rest of the linked move is skipped. Since Gates to Infinity, the Pokémon has a one in two chance of being unable to use a move. Unlike the core series games, infatuation is not cured if the Pokémon causing the infatuation faints. 5-6 turnsRBTDS
6 turns GtISMD
Attract, Cute Charm, Decoy Seed
The Pokémon cannot take any actions, but this status does not interrupt the execution of a linked move. 5-12 turnsRBTDS
1 turn with Truant or after using moves that require rechargingRBTDS*
5 turnsGtISMD
Foe-Seal Orb, TruantRBTDS*, moves that require rechargingRBTDS*, ImprisonRBTDS*
Recoil The Pokémon cannot take any actions. 1 turn Moves that require rechargingGtISMD
Cowering The Pokémon will turn in the opposite direction before attacking with a regular attack, a special attack, or an orb. Allies are treated as foes unless the Pokémon has the Nontraitor IQ skill. 11-12 turns Shocker Orb
Puppet The Pokémon will randomly attack its allies or use items. The player cannot switch to the Pokémon affected with this status. If the leader has Puppet status, the player won't be able to do anything until it wears off. Until the Sleep status wears off When Hypnosis is used on a Pokémon with the Sleep status conditionSMD*
Whiffer The Pokémon's attacks will always miss (or almost always missTDS). 2-6 turns SmokescreenRBTDS*
Muzzled Moves that require the use of the mouth will fail. The Pokémon may also not eat or drink items. 11 turns Silence Orb
Truant The Pokémon can't use attacks or moves but can use items. 1 turn TruantSMD
Taunted The Pokémon will only be able to use moves or orbsRBTDS that cause damage. 10-12 turnsRBTDS
11 turnsGtISMD
Encore The Pokémon is stuck with using only one move. In the case of linked moves, only the move Encore was used against will work. Other moves (including cloned moves) will fail. The Pokémon can still freely use items or use its regular attack 6-11 turnsRBTDS
11 turnsGtISMD
Sealed Prevents use of sealed moves. While Seal Trap causes moves to be sealed before Gates to Infinity, this is not recognized as a status problem by the game. The sealed status can be cured with a Max ElixirSMD. Entire floor DisableGtISMD, TormentGtISMD, Seal TrapGtISMD
Decoy The Pokémon with this status will be preferentially attacked by allies and enemies. This status disappears if a new decoy appears. The decoy is still able to move in any direction, but CPU-controlled decoys move randomly. 21-50 turnsRBTDS
6 turnsSMD
Decoy Orb, SubstituteRBTDS, Follow MeRBTDS, Rage Powder, IlluminateSMD
Discord The player can't use an Alliance or switch the leader 21 turns Discord Trap*
Terrified The Pokémon can only move, and is incapable of using moves, picking up or using items, looking around or moving to the next floor using stairs. If the terrified Pokémon is not the team leader, then they will flee from other Pokémon, including other members of the team. Since Gates to Infinity, it also prevents changing the leader. If in the middle of a linked move, the rest of the linked moves are skipped. 9+ turnsTDS
1 turnGtI
11 turnsSMD
Stench, Run AwayRBTDSGtI, dungeon tactic "Get Away From Here"RBTDS, using Hypnosis on a sleeping opponentSMD*
Snatch Enables Pokémon to steal enhancing status moves from enemy Pokémon. 4-5 turnsRBTDS
6 turnsSMD
Snatch, Snatch Orb.
Powder A Fire-type move used once by a Pokémon affected by the Powder status will fail, and the Pokémon will also take damage when the move fails. 11 turns
Status also disappears when a Fire-type move is used by the affected Pokémon
Charging Electric-type moves deal double damage while this status is in effect. 1 turn Charge
Enraged Attack is increased by 1 stage whenever the Pokémon takes damage. 5-10 turnsRBTDS
100 turnsGtI
11 turnsSMD
Round The Pokémon is currently using Round. If a teammate in the same room used Round in the same turn, the power of the move is increased for the turn by 50%. 1 turn RoundSMD
Autotomize The Pokémon gets lighter. The Pokémon will be stronger against moves that do more damage when the target is heavy, such as Low Kick, but weaker against moves that do more damage when it is light, such as Heat Crash. Entire floor Autotomize
Stockpiling The Pokémon is stockpiled by one or more. The Pokémon can be stockpiled up to 3 times. This can allow for Spit Up or Swallow to be used. Entire floor Stockpile
Rainbow Increases the probability of secondary effects taking place. 5 turns When Water Pledge and Fire Pledge are used together in an Alliance
Sea of Fire A sea of fire damages all opponent non-Fire-type Pokémon in the room 5 turns When Grass Pledge and Fire Pledge are used together in an Alliance
Swamp The Speed stat of all opponent Pokémon in the room are reduced, reducing their chance of moves to hit and increasing their chance of getting hit. 5 turns When Grass Pledge and Water Pledge are used together in an Alliance
Awakened The Pokémon becomes stronger and will take no damage from the front. It will also trigger Mega Evolution if the Pokémon can Mega Evolve. When the emera loses its effect (shown by a gauge), or when the looplet is put back in the Bag Awakening emera
Berserk The Pokémon will move in a random direction and attack randomly, including allies and dungeon walls. 8 turns Caused when the gauge on an Awakening emera maxes out on a Mega-Evolved Pokémon
Trained Moves grow faster when they are used. Entire floor Training Switch, Training Seed

Move-based status conditions

Status conditions in this category are self-inflicted from the use of particular moves.

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
Bide The Pokémon is currently charging Bide or Revenge. On the last turn, the Pokémon will unleash an attack that deals increased damage to the opposing Pokémon (2xRBTDS or 1.5xGtISMD) that it received from attacks while under this status condition. If no damage has been done to the Pokémon while under this condition, no damage will be dealt. 4 turnsRBTDS
3 turnsGtISMD
Bide, Revenge
Solar BeamSMD
The Pokémon is currently charging a Solar Beam attack. On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing large amount of damage to the opposing Pokémon. 1 turn Solar Beam
Sky Attack The Pokémon is currently charging a Sky Attack. On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing large amount of damage to any opposing Pokémon in a straight path. 1 turn Sky Attack
Razor Wind The Pokémon is currently charging a Razor Wind attack. On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing large amount of damage to any opposing Pokémon in the room. 1 turn Razor Wind
Focus Punch The Pokémon is currently charging a Focus Punch attack. The status disappears if the Pokémon takes damage. 1 turn Focus Punch
Skull Bash The Pokémon is currently charging a Skull Bash attack. Defense is increased by 1 stage while this status is active. On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon. 1 turn Skull Bash
Flying The Pokémon is currently charging a Fly attack (and is not in view). On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon. 1 turn Fly
Bouncing The Pokémon is currently charging a Bounce attack (and is not in view). On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon. 1 turn Bounce
Diving The Pokémon is currently charging a Dive attack (and is not in view). On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon. Prior to Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, Dive could only be used in a body of water. 1 turn Dive
Digging The Pokémon is currently charging a Dig attack (and is not in view). On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon. Dig can only be used in ground. 1 turn Dig
Phantom Force The Pokémon is currently using Phantom Force (and is not in view). On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon. 1 turn Phantom Force
Shadow Force The Pokémon is currently using Shadow Force (and is not in view). On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon. 1 turn Shadow Force
Ice Burn The Pokémon is currently using Ice Burn. On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon. 1 turn Ice Burn
Freeze Shock The Pokémon is currently using Freeze Shock. On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon. 1 turn Freeze Shock
Future Sight The Pokémon is currently charging a Future Sight attack. On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing large amount of damage to the opposing Pokémon that is in front of the user. 1 turn Future SightGtISMD
Doom Desire The Pokémon is currently charging a Doom Desire attack. On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing large amount of damage to the opposing Pokémon that is in front of the user. 1 turn Doom DesireSMD
Sky Drop The Pokémon is currently using Sky Drop attack (and is not in view). On the second turn, an attack is unleashed, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon. 1 turn Sky Drop
Suspended The Pokémon is suspended in the air as the target of the opponent's Sky Drop. It cannot take any actions and will take damage from Sky Drop on the next turn. 1 turn Sky Drop
Explosion If the Pokémon takes damage, it will explode, affecting an area 2-tiles wide around the user. The Pokémon will lose half of its current health. Fire-types will take half as much damage. An explosion will not occur if the floor is defused. 1 turn Explosion
Self-Destruct If the Pokémon takes damage, it will explode, affecting an area 1-tile wide around the user. The Pokémon will lose half of its current health. Fire-types will take half as much damage. An explosion will not occur if the floor is defused. 1 turn Self-Destruct

Shield status conditions

Status conditions in this category largely protect the user and are indicated by a shield icon on top of the affected Pokémon. Prior to Super Mystery Dungeon, gaining a new status condition from this category will replace the previous status. In Super Mystery Dungeon, Pokémon are able to be affected by multiple conditions from this category, although some conditions will still replace others (e.g. Counter will replace Mirror Coat, Endure will replace Protect).

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
Reflect The Pokémon takes 50% less damage from physical attacks. 11-12 turnsRBTDS
21 turnsGtISMD
Light Screen The Pokémon takes 50% less damage from special attacks. 11-12 turnsRBTDS
21 turnsGtISMD
Light Screen
Safeguard This Pokémon is protected from having bad status conditions inflicted against it. 16-20 turnsRBTDS
21 turnsGtISMD
Mist The Pokémon cannot have its stat stages or stat multipliers reduced, except for moves that lower their own stats. 11-14 turnsRBTDS
21 turnsGtISMD
Lucky Chant Prevents the Pokémon from taking any critical hits. 8-15 turnsTDS
21 turnsGtISMD
Lucky Chant
Magic Coat Certain non-damaging attacks directed at this Pokémon are returned to its user instead. 11-12 turnsRBTDS
6 turnsSMD
Magic Coat
Protect The Pokémon will not be affected by opponents moves and move effects, but it can take damage from thrown items or explosions. 3-6 turnsRBTDS
1 turnsGtISMD
2 turns with the All Protect Orb for each team member in the dungeon*GtISMD
Protect, Detect, All Protect Orb
Quick Guard The Pokémon is protected from faraway Pokémon's moves and attacks. The Pokémon can still take damage from items or explosions. 1 turn Quick Guard
Wide Guard The Pokémon is protected from wide-ranging moves, but can take damage from thrown items or explosions. 1 turn Wide Guard
Mat Block The Pokémon will take no damage from attacks or moves, but can take damage from thrown items or explosions. 1 turn Mat Block
King's Shield The Pokémon takes no damage from attacks or moves. When the Pokémon evades a contact move from an opponent, the opponent's Attack will decrease. Aegislash will also change into its Shield Forme if it was in its Blade Forme. 1 turn King's Shield
Spiky Shield The Pokémon takes no damage from attacks or moves. Any contact moves from the enemy will deal damage back to the enemy equal to 10% of their max HP. 1 turn Spiky Shield
Crafty Shield The Pokémon is protected from status moves. 1 turn Crafty Shield
Counter Any damage dealt to the Pokémon from physical moves (including the regular A button attack) will be dealt back to the opponent equal to the damage received. Oddly in Explorers of Time and Darkness, though moves are assigned as Physical or Special in game, Counter will return damage from damaging moves from types previously assigned as physical prior to the Physical/Special split. Cannot be inflicted on a Pokémon already with the Counter or Mini Counter status. 7-12 turnsRBTDS
6 turnsGtISMD
Counter, Payback, PursuitRBTDS
Mirror Coat Any damage dealt to the Pokémon from special moves will be dealt back to the opponent equal to the damage received. Oddly in Explorers of Time and Darkness, though moves are assigned as Physical or Special in game, Mirror Coat will return damage from damaging moves from types previously assigned as special prior to the Physical/Special split. 11-12 turnsRBTDS
6 turnsGtISMD
Mirror Coat
Metal Burst In Explorers, the user will counter half of the damage it takes from a move to all adjacent enemies.
In Gates to Infinity onwards, the counter instead reflects 3/4 of the damage received will be dealt back to its user
8-11 turnsTDS
6 turnsGtISMD
Metal Burst
Mini Counter 1/4 of damage dealt by all physical attacks will be reflected back at the foe. It cannot be inflicted on a Pokémon already with the Counter or Mini-Counter status. 7-12 turns Rebound Orb
Enduring The Pokémon will survive any attack that would KO it with 1 HP remaining. 4-5 turnsRBTDS
1 turnGtISMD
Mirror Move If a move is used on the Pokémon, the Pokémon will not take damage and will instead use the same move on the attacker. Mirror Move does not return regular attacks, nor will it return moves if the user is not on an adjacent tile to the user of Mirror Move. 2-5 turns Mirror MoveRBTDS
Vital Throw If the Pokémon that used Vital Throw is struck and the striker is next to it, the striker will be thrown onto a nearby random tile. 18 turns Vital ThrowRBTDS
Grudge Prior to Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, if the affected Pokémon is knocked out, the move that knocked it out will have all its PP depleted. If the Pokémon is knocked out by a standard attack, the PP of the last used move will be depleted. As the effect is blocked by reviving, this makes Grudge ineffective on team leader. In Super Mystery Dungeon, if the affected Pokémon is attacked, the the PP of the attacker's move will be depleted to 0. Entire floorRBTDSGtI
3 turnsSMD
Grudge, Grudge Trap
Healthy Existing bad status conditions are removed, lowered stats are reset, and the Pokémon is protected from all bad status conditions or their stats being reduced. Entire floor Health Orb

Sword status conditions

These status conditions are indicated by a sword icon on top of the affected Pokémon. Prior to Super Mystery Dungeon, gaining a new status condition from this category will replace the previous status. In Super Mystery Dungeon, Pokémon are able to be affected by multiple conditions from this category.

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
Sure Shot The Pokémon's attacks will always hit 11-12 turnsRBTDS
3 turnsGtISMD
Mind Reader, Lock-On
Set Damage The Pokémon is readying to deal a set amount of typeless damage of 35 HP damageRB, or 30 HP damageTDS. This is the same amount of set damage as a Pokémon's regular attack 3-4 turns Future SightRBTDS, Doom DesireRBTDS
Focus Energy The Pokémon's attacks will score a critical hit (unless they are blocked by Lucky Chant or Shell Armor)RBTDS or increasing the critical hit ratio up to 80%GtISMD. 3-6 turnsRBTDS
3 turnsGtISMD
Focus Energy, All-Hit Orb
Encouraged The Pokémon's moves and attacks will always hit, and their critical-hit rate is boosted. The more teammates are on the floor, the longer the encouraged status will last. 4 turns when there are no other teammates; 10 turns with one teammate; 12 turns with two teammates; and 14 turns with 3+ teammatesGtI
10 turns when there are no other teammates; 15 turns with one teammate; 20 turns with two teammates; and 25 turns with 3+ teammatesSMD
Encourage Seed
Electrify All moves become Electric-type. 21 turns Electrify

Status conditions affecting use of items

This category of statuses affects how items are used.

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
Long Toss Items tossed by the Pokémon other than rocks will have a range of 99 tiles instead of the regular 10. Entire floor Longtoss Orb
Pierce Items tossed by the Pokémon other than rocks will pass through obstacles. Entire floor Pierce Orb
Embargo The Pokémon cannot use, eat, or throw any items. This does not affect held items in Explorers. 5-8 turnsTDS
6 turnsGtISMD

HP-related status conditions

These status conditions involve taking away or even regaining HP.

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
Cursed The Pokémon loses 1/4 of its maximum HP at the end of the next turn and every 10 turns thereafterRBTDS, or at the end of every turnGtISMD. Since Gates to Infinity, if Curse is used while the Pokémon is already Cursed, the status duration is reset. The status continues to affect the Pokémon even after the one that used the attack is defeated. 4-5 turnsRBTDS
2 turnsGtISMD
Curse by a Ghost-type Pokémon
Leech Seed At the end of every second turn, 10 HPRBTDS or 5 HPGtISMD damage will be dealt to the affected Pokémon, and 10 HPRBTDS or 5 HPGtISMD will be returned to the Pokémon that inflicted it. The status wears off if the Pokémon that used Leech Seed is defeated. Grass-type Pokémon cannot become affected by Leech Seed. 11-12 turnsRBTDS
6 turnsGtISMD
Leech Seed
Wish In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, and Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky, this status increases natural HP recovery to 3.3% of the Pokémon's maximum HP each turn. 11-12 turnsRBTDS Wish
In Super Mystery Dungeon, The Pokémon gains the Wish status on the first turn. At the end of the second turn, the Pokémon recovers 75% of max HP, and heals all adjacent allies by the same amount. 1 turnSMD
Aqua Ring The Pokémon gains 8 HP every 4 turnsTDS, or 6 HP every 2 turnsGtISMD. 9-16 turnsTDS
6 turnsSMD
Aqua Ring
Destiny Bond Any damage the Pokémon takes from attacks or moves is dealt to the attacker. 11 turnsRBTDS
6 turnsGtISMD
Destiny Bond
Perish Song At the end of 3 turns, the Pokémon loses all HP, unless it is cured with a Heal Seed or has Protect status at this time. 4 turns Perish Song
Heal Block The Pokémon cannot restore HP at all. 5-7 turnsTDS
6 turnsGtISMD
Heal Block

Visibility-related status conditions

This category affects the visibility of a Pokémon or dungeon. Many of these status conditions are indicated by an eye icon on top of the affected Pokémon.

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
Blinker The Pokémon cannot see other Pokémon, items or the dungeon walls. The Pokémon will treat allies as enemies (except in Gates to Infinity) and will be unable to switch leaders. A non-player character will move in a random direction until it cannot move further before attacking. 6 turns Blinker Seed, Grimy Food, OctazookaSMDRTDX
Cross-Eyed All other Pokémon, including friends and foes, and items on the floor will be replaced by substitutes, making targeting a foe more difficult, while making it easier to accidentally attack a friend. 11 turns X-Eye Seed
Invisible The Pokémon cannot be seen by anyone, except for Pokémon that have Eyedrop status. 11-15 turns Vanish Seed
Eyedrops The Pokémon is able to see all hidden traps and all invisible Pokémon. Entire floor Eyedrop Seed
Dropeye Makes it hard to see the surroundings, even when in a room. This status lasts a certain number of turns. 20-25 turns Dropeye Seed
Power EarsRBTDS
If the Pokémon is the team leader, the location of all other Pokémon are visible on the map. Entire floor Radar Orb
Scanning If the Pokémon is the team leader, the location of all items are visible on the map. Entire floor Scanner Orb
Identifying If the Pokémon is the team leader, it can identify whether other Pokémon on the floor are holding items or not. Entire floor Identify Orb
Stair Spotter The location of the stairs is visible on the map. Entire floor Stairs Orb
Exposed Normal- and Fighting-type moves made against this Pokémon will have normal effectiveness against Ghost-types affected by this condition. Entire floor Foresight, Odor Sleuth
Miracle Eye Psychic-type moves made against this Pokémon will have normal effectiveness against Dark-types affected by this condition. Entire floor Miracle Eye

Miscellaneous status conditions

Name Bad status condition Description Duration Caused by
Gastro Acid The Pokémon's Ability is suppressed. 6-8 turnsTDS
21 turnsGtISMD
Gastro Acid
Substitute The Pokémon will not be targeted by enemies, but will not be able to use any moves, items, or stairs. It also will not restore its HP naturally. 11 turns SubstituteGtISMD*.
Transformed The Pokémon has transformed. In Gates to Infinity and later, if the user has transformed into an opposing Pokémon, it will make other opposing Pokémon in the room confused, except for the opposing Pokémon that the user transformed into. Entire floor Transform
Conversion 2 When an attack hits a Pokémon with this status, it randomly changes the Pokémon's type to one that it either resists or is immune to. 11 turns Conversion 2RBTDS
Famished The Pokémon will lose HP over time when the Belly is low.* Until the Belly is refilled When the Belly is empty
Hungry Pal /
Immobilized by hunger
If the Pokémon is not the team leader, they will be unable to move until they consume a food item, Gummi, Seed, or Berry. Until exiting the dungeon Hunger Seed, Diet Ribbon, Heal Ribbon (eventually)


Badly Poisoned

This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.